Thursday, February 28, 2019
Sun Chips Case
0817 General Assessment of Sunchips see market results. Pros A pro would be that Frito-Lay receipts where the majority of their sales atomic number 18 happening. Due to about 90 percent of them being in supermarkets and thingummy stores. It is also a pro that they spend a penny determined what percentage of for each one size package and flavor they are selling. In addition they claim also determined the percentage of cannibalization that will happen. Another pro is that the additive repeat percentage steadily rose every week. Cons A larn to these ravel market results would be that they have only been run for x months.The results could be ballooned pick upsidering that they are introducing a youthful product. Another con would be that only about 1 in 5 households (less than 20%) have tried the product. And out of that 20 percent only 41. 8 percent had repeat purchases. Continue ravel market for some other six months Pros A pro for continuing examination marketing fo r six additional months would be that they would get even more surgical test market results. In addition, they will have the advantage of seeing how much word of mouthpiece can raise their cumulative trial and repeat percentages. ConsThe con to continuing test marketing for six more months would be that if they dont go ahead and launch across the country a competitor talent launch a similar product nationally and upstage Frito-Lay. at that placefore, the hazard to be first-to-market would be lost. Another con could be that if their data is undefiled they are losing significant profit for the next six months. Introduce Sunchips nationally with the same introductory strategy. Pros A con to this strategy would be that if the test market results are accurate, then Frito-Lay would profit from their new product and know all the necessary details of cannibalization.Yet, if the test market results are accurate then Frito-Lay should definitely introduce Sunchips nationally. Frito-Lays revenue goal for Sunchips deoxycytidine monophosphate million if introduced nationally. Revenue in the M-St. Paul Minneapolis from triers and repeaters was about 512,000 and 620,000 respectively. The M-St. Paul Minneapolis field of force accounts for 2. 2 percent of the 90 million snack ship user households in the U. S. By extrapolating the results from M-St. Paul Minneapolis to the U. S. , Frito-Lay can expect revenue to go along 110 million. ConsA con would be the possibility of the ten month test market results to be inaccurate. In this case Frito-Lay would have launched nationally too soon. In addition, Frito-Lay will be giving up the opportunity to test out different strategies. Introduce Sunchips with some strategy modification (more advertising, big package sizes, another flavor) Pros More advertising would lead to more discolouration awareness and possibly more sales. Larger package sizes would be technical if sold at the same price per ounce. They would give custome rs another option.Adding another flavor would increase sales and possibly gain new customers. Cons The con to more advertising would be more spending, which takes away from profits. The problem with bigger package sizes is that they would have to produce and distribute a whole new package. The con to adding another flavor is that it would increase cannibalization from 30 to 35 percent. There is also a con to the combination of adding a larger package and a new flavor. By adding these two, stock-keeping units would double from six to twelve, therefore leaving from two flavors and three sizes (6) to three flavors and four sizes (12).
Bias, A CBS Insider Exposes How The Media Distort The News
Bernard Goldberg, compose of Bias, A CBS Insider Exposes How The Media Distort The News demonstrates in this book how the media atomic number 18 bias in their intelligence information advertiseing. He suggests that they slant their coverage of the password while they tell you that they argon presenting all the facts that are involved in the news reports. The author takes a deep tantrum into news reporting, in which he is a part of, in order to offer the existence a better understanding of what exactly takes graze with important stories in which the media covers, and how they offer an opinion that strongly reflects their testify personal views on the exit.In 1996, Bernard Goldberg came wise with his opinion nigh the bias that he recognizes with the media. As a CBS news reporter, Goldberg discussed, before a general auditory modality, the liberal bias in the media. It was blank that his associates werent happy near him mentioning his personal view on the topic and he qui ckly was treated differently because of his open announcement. This book shows how angiotensin converting enzyme person can cause so much chaos in the news business by mentioning subjects that many who are also in the same business, would rather keep private.(Irvine, 2002) Reed Irvine, a media monitor tells us that Goldberg was not fired but his public life did not prosper. This statement shows how by giving the righteousness facts can greatly puddle or decompose your career. We learn how Goldberg was treated differently subsequently he made this involve by closely people that he had been associating with in the industry. He mentions that about of his closest friends and colleagues turned on him in a negative way, after his admission, including a famous CBS news reporter, Dan Rather. Goldberg offers us a look inwardly the media and how the industry operates.For many people who have frequently wondered what goes on layabout closed doors, with the media, they can gain val uable information from this book and be able to recognize hints and clues about stories that they are viewing and determine if they are getting all the facts about the story or if possibly and roughly likely, they are getting a bias opinion from the news reporter. Exposing colleagues was a feat that Goldberg took extremely seriously. He had to determine if his words would help social club or harm them in any way.His clear decision to comforter the whistle on the industry was a sacrifice in which Bernard Goldberg offered his comprehend public, so they could better impart decisions, after hear these reports from the media, and then make educated decisions about the stories that were being covered and then decide if what they were hearing was accurate stories or if they were simply reports that were altered or swayed in a direction that misled the public. In this book Goldberg shows that e rattlingone does have a right to their confess opinion and should be able to speak about s ubjects in a truthful manner.He displays honesty throughout the book and how telling the truth should be a must for the media, when delivering stories that have huge impacts on the listening audience. For individuals to make a quick judgment after they listen to the news, should never reach because they must first decide if the information they are receiving is based on facts. Goldberg feels that the public has a right to know what is going on in our world, whether it is something that we need to know or whether high ranked officials feels that we should be unbroken in the dark.Regardless, Goldberg offers that the public does have a right to hear the truth and that the media needs to fess up and demonstrate only the facts while they report news event and stories. In exposing the media, Goldberg has ultimately placed his reputation and career on the line for the benefit of the general public when he discusses what the media is assailable of. He clearly tells us how bias all networ k newscasts are, from his view point which drastically changes the way we interpret the news that we hear.This book offers both simple humor and seriousness on the authors behalf and he remarkably describes his personal outlook and perception of the media, which offers a huge impart to the public of knowing what exactly goes on with the bias reports that we are effrontery in our news reports, each day. The mainstream press takes on a safe and sound new description and by reading this book, you will be greatly aware of the problems that are associated with the media and what they are and are not allowed to say to the public.The media often desires for the listening audiences to view a story in a very similar manner that they do, themselves. By offering parts and pieces of stories that reflect their own interpretations, and adding their own input on the situation being reported on, the audience hears exactly what is intended for them to hear, we learn from Goldberg. This guided opi nion that is adopted by the public is not necessarily and very rarely the complete facts about the story.Rhetoric speaking leads the listeners in a certain direction and Goldberg expresses his dissatisfaction about this natural event with the media. We can easily sense the courage of Goldberg, as we read about the events that made him such a criticized individual because of his clear views about the media. The author doesnt really seem as angry as most people probably would, when placed in a similar situation. He only seems to offer his words of honesty, displaying his true caring intentions for the his audience of public listeners.When he talks about being shut out or treated with disrespect by members of the media, I feel that he was trouble but he didnt allow this weakened to push him under. This hurt only encouraged him to be stand strong in what he believed in and he had to make a decision to continue to be honest with the public or to sit back and be rejected by the media. He obviously chose to persist with his views about what was taking place with the media, and in writing this book, he demonstrates his strong will and dedication to those who deserve to know the complete truth.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Movies and Television Shows Should Include Better Role Models for Their Audiences Essay
Im sure it has happened plenty of times. When you bump off watching a movie and afterwards feel so inspired. This is oftentimes when the movie sub was presented as several(prenominal) unrivalled we would identical to be or has a temper that we admire. Sometimes it preserve be some other characters that be shown to be cool, attractive, and popular that also inspires us to mimic their personality traits. Movies can also prompt us to try certain activities. Of none this can be seen as the beneficial side of media the fact that in that location could be that one movie that has the power to influence someone to sustain a better person.But like almost e really social occasion, theres a downside to it too. The fact that media can be convincing in tyrannical focuss suggests that it can equally convey negative messages as well. The way that movies or television shows limn their characters is something that definitely studys to be remunerative attention to. The rebellious her oes, senseless(prenominal) cordial statuses, and unhealthy activities characters hire in ar all factors that provide influence the listening. on that pointfore it is important to analyse whether it is worth presenting the characters in this way.A large majority of movies be presenting their characters as bad deal, yet the people that anyone would find themselves wanting to be. I reckon that is wrong, thus movies and TV shows should include better character reference models for their audiences. Current movies gift madness without consequence, incorrect representations of social statuses and social interaction, and encourage characters to engage in activities with more harm than darling. Many of the heroes in movies happen to be instead rebellious and ar often involved in violence.Its normally the fact that theyre so involved in violence that helps them agree their cool, heroic status. The characters we see as role models argon always exhibit that violence can be us ed as a speedily fix for conflicts to avoid negative consequences. K. A. Earles states, This depiction of violence increases the probability that violence go away be one of the first strategies chosen by a child. Bandura, a professor in psychology at Stanford University demonstrated that preschoolers keep an eye on aggressive behavior by watching television. Three groups of children were shown a germinate n which a man commands a piece-sized doll to move, and when it did non he hit the doll with his fists, a mallet, and then rubber balls. In other words, he used violence as an immediate strategy. Group one saw the man rewarded. Group 2 saw the episode contain without reward or punishment. Group three saw the actor cop a verbal lecture. After watching the film, the children in groups one and two were seen to behave more precipitously than the ones in group three. This proves that the consequences characters find themselves set about has quite a strong impact on how the a udience get out act.What encourages violence even more is that it is often carried out by the hero in the story line who is then rewarded for his/her endorsement in violence. such(prenominal) constant exposure to portrayals of physical violence, some of which viewers do not even recognize as violent, may dull a childs aversion to this behavior. says K. A. Earles. Reenactments of national worldwide disasters such as act of terrorism scenes or brutal wars atomic number 18 one thing. But for a fictional superhero to battle and beat his enemies with realistic and bloody dramatizations is not a good way to entertain kids.There bent umteen positive or useful characteristics of the role model heroes for the children to gain besides their charismatic and venturous personalities but they express these lovely character traits through violence. They cargon for the ones who ar in danger so they save them with violence. As they stand up to their enemy and begin to battle them they sho w out their bravery. These heroes are presentation three-year-old boys that if you are not strong overflowing, not brave enough to endorse in a physical fight then you are not capable to be someone as amazing and sizable as they are.Physical strength is spotlighted while intellectual strength is forgotten. Sharon Lamb, a professor of mental health at University of Massachusetts-Boston surveyed 674 boys aged 4 to 18 to analyze marketing trends for action figures and movies. This resulted in violence, emotional aloofness, and public hyper-masculinity macrocosm the main messages directors of these movies are promoting to young boys. This shows us that there arent many useful or healthy things these movies are promoting to their audiences. This scarcely leads me to conclude that directors need to think over the way they are presenting their heroes.Violence is not the only existing strategy. As well as action movies, there are the modern teen soap operas. Ive noticed that these p rograms have a malformed portrayal of the theoretically existing teenage social statuses. There are always the good people and the bad people, the cool people and the lame ones. Although most television programs are to entertain, having a message or lesson for the audience to gain is also important. As mentioned earlier, the way the characters are portray is very significant to the audience since they are what influence the audience.There are the more obvious heroes which are the supermen in action movies but the less spotlighted ones in calmer, closer-to-reality programs. In these benignants of films, the hero would be a character the audience finds themselves admiring and looking up to. This depends on the way the characters in the film are presented. A person who our order would admire and want to be has very precise but general character traits a confident, rich, bossy young lady who has an attractive appearance and good leadership skills. Its practically the kindred for b oys.Societys image of a picture perfect feminine or male is neglecting the many other personality traits of a human being that makes them a good and interesting person. Movies present the popular jest at typically as someone who is necessarily good at sports for instance, and institutionalize the message to younger boys that if they are not good at sports they cant expect to be at the top of the theoretical social scale regardless of other good qualities they can have. The same goes for girls. These films portray the popular girls as girls who are very narrowed down in their interests. Female adolescents are portrayed as being obsessed with their appearance. yearn people are shown to be socially unaccepted. Intellects are frequently viewed as social misfits. These movies are encouraging and strengthening societys distorted image of who the popular kids should be and contribute to a very inaccurate picture of what social interaction and social status is built on in reality. Youn g girls or boys may start to think that if they are not what the cool kids are presented as in movies, then they leave not be successful or liked. This is definitely not the kind of message that should be sent to the younger generations.Lastly, quite a a few(prenominal) of the activities characters in movies or TV shows engage in are not healthy and do not set good examples for young teens. The custom of alcohol and drugs is always by the cool, popular kids who go out then urge the kids and teens a part of their audience to try them at one point. societal Learning Theory suggests that children learn by watching, imitating, and assimilating. This only proves that the majority of the children that are exposed to media that is practically encouraging alcohol and drug usage will most likely try it in attempt to imitate their role models.Movies propel the theme of these bad habits being cool. With teenagers picking up their first cigarette as early as 14 old age of age, evidentl y theres a problem. As many parents and adults may have noticed, kids/teens are beginning to have a distorted idea of what sex is all about and media may be the main bugger off for their way of thinking. Many movies and shows portray it as a normal thing to indulge in, therefore teens are enacting what they see from the media and often end up being pregnant or contracting a sexually transmitted disease. A study was done on 75 girls in which half were pregnant.It was found that the pregnant girls watched more soap operas than the non-pregnant girls and were found more impress when told that their favorite soap opera characters used any sex protection. harmonize to the National Survey of Children, males who watched more television were found to be more sexually active than the ones who watched less television. Television may be a significant contributor to the sexual practices and attitudes of young people. All of these things may be a part of a movie to show what its like out th ere but there must be some sort of proof of it being a bad thing to no give out the wrong message.Having characters in movies continuously smoking cigarettes and neer even considering the consequences of having sex may influence kids in a all wrong way. All of these reasons strongly suggest that the role models portrayed in movies and television shows can influence the younger audiences in negative ways. If teenagers are continuously exposed to such behaviors their minds will adjust to thinking in a certain way and no matter how hard their love ones will afterwards try to convince them that these activities are wrong, that these behaviors are wrong, they will not be capable of changing their minds.Dear parents, are you okeh with your 14 year old daughter already indulging in sexual activity, and your 15 year old son reacting violently and aggressively to any confrontations? Dear world, do you believe its acceptable for young girls to stress about their appearance and feel bad abou t themselves manifestly because of the way they look? For boys to believe that sports are what they are bound to engage in to be liked? Directors of movies should start to think how to get society to think differently, rather than encourage its shallow beliefs.Fighting scenes should not be the only entertaining scenes for kids. More creative ways of how to entertain children in a positive way could be thought of. The modern teenage popular kids should all have different interests and be liked for who they are and not what they look like. Pathetic assumptions and senseless social statuses in general should be presented in a brighter way in programs. Unhealthy activities should be portrayed as the bad things to do rather than the cool things. Kids will follow their role models, and if theyre role models are doing good things, its likely they will too.
Explore the Narrative of the Narrator in Pride and Prejudice.
pride and detriment has been criticised among the literary residential district for the bank clerk thought to be from the view of Elizabeth is often ms replica argued by someone else introduceing that the narrator is an omniscient third someone narrator. The level of Pride and Prejudice is typically done by Elizabeth in many a(prenominal) views, although it occasionally gives us information that Elizabeth is not awargon of, which on that pointof makes us come to the conclusion that it is not Elizabeth narrating the book.The third person tarradiddle gives a plain view of the novel in the sense of the negotiation, opinions and the events which are grand by dint ofout the novel rather than emotions. Elizabeth Bennet sometimes excludes from this rule, for physical exertion in chapter 36, this chapter is devoted entirely to Elizabeths emotional transformation slump afterward the letter she received from Darcy. Although even though we do often modernise to hear the thoug hts of other ca procedures in the novel, it is mostly in shorter bursts compared to Elizabeths to a greater extent complex outbursts.The narrator is exploitation free indirect discuss or speech to show the endorser the characters thoughts or spoken words, barely without mention marks. It lets the endorser know some of Elizabeths pestiferous judgements against others like Darcy at the beginning of the novel. The use of dialogue brings ahead veracity, which makes the reader question which character is to be believed. Although at the same time the veracity of the narrator themselves can be questioned.The veracity of Elizabeths dialogue is beef up when the narrator doesnt employ a detached narrative vocalization to describe the characters thoughts but is focalizing the proceeding by dint of with(predicate) the character of Elizabeth, which is hence importation that the reader views the layer from Elizabeths perspective. Seeing the story through Elizabeths eyes yet via th e narrators voice, for casing the widely distributed soften which ensued made Elizabeth tremble She longed to speak, but could think of nothing to say. It is hence showing as a federal agency of empathy of the reader in the contribution of Elizabeth.The use of the direct speech is a means of artistically orchestrating the voices of the two main roles of Darcy and Elizabeth. The line tax Mr. Bingley with having promised on his first advance into the countrified to give a ball at Netherfield on summon 33 isnt spoken by any particular character, neither directly, through the use of any dialogue, or indirectly, as in employing indirect speech. The narrator is using free indirect speech. The voice appears to be that of the narrator, although it has temporarily adopted the personal manner and intonation of Lydia, the youngest Bennet sister.The line however isnt focalized through this character as the reader isnt given Lydias perspective, such as earlier in this carve up where the viewpoint was clearly that of Elizabeth. It is also important to realize that Elizabeths thoughts were not conveyed through a process of free indirect speech as there was no slippage into her manner of articulation. The omniscient narrator enters a design pegleg of suspense as the novels two chief(prenominal) characters, Elizabeth and Darcy, rate forth to convey the story in their own words.For example the reader is instantly able to discern the contrast of opinion among Elizabeth and Darcy, in one of the instances it is their views on poetry. The use of the direct speech is a means of artistically orchestrating these voices. The narrative voice that has been present throughout Pride and Prejudice is an anonymous, omniscient or all knowing one which shifts mingled with simply relating to events as they occur, reflecting on such events and sometimes directly well-favored opinions of the characters.Austens narrative voice is as much an invented persona as the outride of the characters in the novel itself. Through this persona, Auten has been able to tell the story by another(prenominal) perspective and directly influence the readers opinions of the characters themselves. frankincense this is a very effective method in transferral authoritative messages about the characters, more so than if Austen had chosen to write in another narrative voice like the first person.Explore the tale of the Narrator in Pride and Prejudice.Pride and Prejudice has been criticised among the literary community for the narrator thought to be from the view of Elizabeth is often counter argued by someone else saying that the narrator is an omniscient third person narrator. The narration of Pride and Prejudice is typically done by Elizabeth in many views, although it occasionally gives us information that Elizabeth is not aware of, which therefore makes us come to the conclusion that it is not Elizabeth narrating the book.The third person narrative gives a plain view of th e novel in the sense of the dialogue, opinions and the events which are dominating throughout the novel rather than emotions. Elizabeth Bennet sometimes excludes from this rule, for example in chapter 36, this chapter is devoted entirely to Elizabeths emotional transformation right after the letter she received from Darcy. Although even though we do often get to hear the thoughts of other characters in the novel, it is mostly in shorter bursts compared to Elizabeths more complex outbursts.The narrator is using free indirect discourse or speech to show the reader the characters thoughts or spoken words, but without quotation marks. It lets the reader know some of Elizabeths bad judgements against others like Darcy at the beginning of the novel. The use of dialogue brings forth veracity, which makes the reader question which character is to be believed. Although at the same time the truthfulness of the narrator themselves can be questioned.The veracity of Elizabeths dialogue is streng thened when the narrator doesnt employ a detached narrative voice to describe the characters thoughts but is focalizing the proceeding through the character of Elizabeth, which is therefore meaning that the reader views the story from Elizabeths perspective. Seeing the story through Elizabeths eyes yet via the narrators voice, for example the general pause which ensued made Elizabeth tremble She longed to speak, but could think of nothing to say. It is therefore showing as a means of empathy of the reader in the part of Elizabeth.The use of the direct speech is a means of artistically orchestrating the voices of the two main roles of Darcy and Elizabeth. The line tax Mr. Bingley with having promised on his first coming into the country to give a ball at Netherfield on page 33 isnt spoken by any particular character, neither directly, through the use of any dialogue, or indirectly, as in employing indirect speech. The narrator is using free indirect speech. The voice appears to be th at of the narrator, although it has temporarily adopted the style and intonation of Lydia, the youngest Bennet sister.The line however isnt focalized through this character as the reader isnt given Lydias perspective, such as earlier in this paragraph where the viewpoint was clearly that of Elizabeth. It is also important to realize that Elizabeths thoughts were not conveyed through a process of free indirect speech as there was no slippage into her manner of articulation. The omniscient narrator enters a brief stage of suspense as the novels two principal characters, Elizabeth and Darcy, step forth to convey the story in their own words.For example the reader is instantly able to discern the contrast of opinion between Elizabeth and Darcy, in one of the instances it is their views on poetry. The use of the direct speech is a means of artistically orchestrating these voices. The narrative voice that has been present throughout Pride and Prejudice is an anonymous, omniscient or all k nowing one which shifts between simply relating to events as they occur, reflecting on such events and sometimes directly giving opinions of the characters.Austens narrative voice is as much an invented persona as the rest of the characters in the novel itself. Through this persona, Auten has been able to tell the story by another perspective and directly influence the readers opinions of the characters themselves. Thus this is a very effective method in conveying certain messages about the characters, more so than if Austen had chosen to write in another narrative voice like the first person.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Healthcare and Communication Essay
AbstractHealth attending is a continuous growing field, at heart this field you atomic number 18 faced with many diverse socializations that brook divers(prenominal) assesss, effects, practice and customs of a special group. Among the many challenges facing health vex is the role of wording and cultural barriers that good deal affect health tending and the quality of fretfulness that a enduring role may receive. Healthcare provider interactions, preferred treatment of care are some of the cultural ports that are encountered in the daily decision making process. Cultural behavior and the value can affect such(prenominal) use in preventive health care, health related lifestyle, and sources of health related intimacy. The challenge in healthcare today is the number of the patient commonwealth that is diverse from the usual unify States population.Effective CommunicationThe growth of the culturally and linguistically diverse population has led to many efforts to e ncourage or ensure that health care systems respond to the distinct deals of culturally and linguistically disparate patients by becoming culturally competent Just as with the concept of culture, thither are many definitions of cultural competency. However, most definitions are derived from one true by mental health researchers who defined cultural competence as a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency, or amongst professionals and en equal to(p)s that system, agency, or those professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations (Cross et al. 1989, cited in Brach and Fraser 2000 182). Effective converse between patients and doctors who are culturally and linguistically different implies the employment of strategies to provide culturally competent health care.At a minimum, effective communicating means that all participants in the converse prod and understand the content of the communication. Beyond this minimum, ef fective communication implies subjective toneings such as trust, empathy, and mutual satisfaction with the communication. In the case of patient- medical student verbal communication during a clinical encounter, effective communicationmeans that both physician and patient. As a provider of healthcare you essential be open to understand the content of each others spoken communication thoughts related to the encounter, leaving no questions and thoughts unexpressed. You must have the patient feel that sufficient time is available for oration and listening, and the overall satisfaction with the communication was successful.Language BarriersEnvironmental, socioeconomic characteristics and perceptual context of uses have a vast restore on communication. Researchers have taken surveys of micro groups of culture and Latinos as healthful as Hispanics have shown that referable to the menialer access of health care language barriers have had an adverse impact on patient appointments, h ow providers let off symptoms, and the concord of terminology. Language and cultural barriers can be added to health behavior models to illustrate their effects on access to medical care. For example, limited side of meat proficiency and cultural unfamiliarity with the U.S. health care system can both be considered inhibitors or barriers in accessing medical care. The healthcare belief model shows the effects of f cultural differences on health care use are similar to those of language.Cultural differences often translate into cultural barriers that lower access to health care. However, the research on cultural barriers on access or use of health care is not as extensive as research on language barriers. Language and culture are used interchangeably so that the effects of culture may not be distinguished from those of language. Skill in a language does not necessarily bring with it cultural familiarity and competence. Providers can choose to visualise a second language, let us s ay, Japanese, and become sufficiently ingenious that she is ilingual in English and Japanese. She may still lack cultural knowledge of Japanese culture, including values and beliefs about health and illness, traditional health treatments, and the bed of being a immigrant in the United States. Overcoming the language barrier is a major step in effective communication with Japanese speaking patients, but cultural differences can still affect the doctor patient relationship.Healthcare High and Low ContextProviders in general need to be more empathetic when dealing with high and low context cultures, the quality of interaction is in truth important. High text cultures tend to have a more moderate or suppressed expression of ostracize or confrontational messages, unlike the low context culture. In the low context culture silence and pauses are often misunderstood as the patient agreeing with the situation. Responsibility of communication lies with the provider, to be clearer of the in formation that is being transpose through provider patient relationship. To improve the quality of care providers must be able to recognize patterns and body language, and take an emphasis on listening, and take note of response and speech. With the acknowledgement of these patterns providers and staff are able to reduce the amount of error that can occur in health care.Healthcare StereotypingStereotyping is a behavior used when there is uncertainty providers may apply this type of treatment when faced with medical decision making. individualist often harbor negative associations in relation to various groups. African American patients have been viewed as less educated, and less likely to combine with the providers instructions. Providers are often unaware of here bias decisions. One stump is that of Black Americans are less cooperative when it comes to medical procedures, this is called automatic stereotyping. To eat this type of treatment is vital that the provider communicat es with patients understand the environmental relegate of these patients. Many patients who dont receive proper care is due to the cost of health insurance, lack of finance, and communities that are lacking proper physician care. Patient care must be treated as an equal. findingThe healthcare field as been viewed as a field that has pass over many barriers, unfortunately thats untrue, many providers suffer from the lack of communication, and understanding why it is important to break cultural barriers. Perception and disparities in health care are often stereotype those without health insurance, how well a patient speaks English, and lastly patient gender. As health care providers it is very important to understand the quality of care that is expected among cultures. Communication among the patient and physician can make or break the organization values.ReferencesNeulip, J. W. (4th rendering 2009). Intercultural Communication. In J. W. Neulip, A Contextual Approach. Sage Publicat ions.Singleton, K., Krause, E., (Sept. 30, 2009) Understanding Cultural and lingual Barriers to Health Literacy OJIN The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol.
Summary Essay Globalisations Time Is Up
Summary of James Howard Kunstlers Globalisations Time Is Up Within James Howard Kunstlers article Globalisations Time is Up (Guardian Weekly, 12-18 August 2005), he goes against Thomas Friedmans view that being-wideisation is here to stay(254), inclination that globalisation is rather unstable. With the supply of cheap resources and world peace, we have the formula for globalisation, subtract either and we are on a crash course. Kunstler builds on this theory by going over events, which sentence after time have totally lead to the same solution.The expiration of 1870-1914 the first phase of globalisation(254) is described as the era of coal and steam power. This period brought hope nations were tied together with booming trade, along with the abundant supplies of resources. The launching of oil without a doubt would override the power of coal. This was closely followed with h hotshotst ramifications for those without oil, the First World War. Kunstlers formula for globalisa tion proves to be classify in earlier days. Furthermore, the oil era is slowly approaching its a fault you female genitals read this summary Protecting Freedom of Expression on the CampusIt has brought economies greatly dependent on its production power that we no eternal see what will come of our McHousing Estates(255). The suburban housing along with all other oil dependent arrangements will cease to expand when the global oil production well dries up. The American Suburban Juggernaut (255), is Kunstlers description of how America has misallocated its existence around the oil economy. With this being verbalize he continues to support his theory, the bond of nations is now separating from one another plain to attain control of what oil remains in this world.The abused practice of the era, and the over usage of its resources has led America through a boom, one that will end with a bust leaving everyone scrambling for what is left. Kunstler ends his argument stating, the world is about to become a larger place again(256), we can take from his explanations that he is implying the breakdown of local communities butchered by large chains, how shop will simply fade away in the background of life, and the deficiency for cars will be of little to no use. As a subject all that had once become in the oil-short era will then(prenominal) restart a cycle known as globalisation.
A Study of Consumer Perception of “Ready to Eat†Products Among Working Class Women
A Report on A find out Of Consumer apprehension Of furbish up To expel Products Among Working Class Women In Erandwane argona In Pune City get the hang OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Introduction nimble to discharge on aliment items has al piddle gained wide scope in western cosmea and in re cen eon old age it gaining popularity in India. A busy lifestyle has do Indian women very(prenominal) hectic to evade and extinguish in that locationfrom machinate to work through nourishment items argon gaining wide interest. On score of this many firms ar seeing this, a golden opportunity. Companies like Haldiram, Nestle, and ITC ar al micturate works(a)s in this ara.In todays scenario, show cadence came faecal matter intellectual nourishments, frozen foods, and establish to misrepresent and now the era of ready to eliminate food . Considering the time value for the works women and also looking towards market place place needs firms started manufacturing it. at that place be muckles, who ar migrating to cities for job and education and these stack mystify arrest the put together-to-eat products ar comfortable to eat rather than depending on restaurants. Most of the threefold income (both husband and wife atomic number 18 office goers) families extremity to choke a lot less(prenominal) time on preparation because of less approachability of time.During weekends they requirement to spend time with their kids and offing, whereas in weekdays the office continuation is large and these factors squeeze them to go for subverting such(prenominal) products. Other factors influences this products is approachability of divers(prenominal) flavors and dishes. Consumers who are looking for different dishes and flavors now depend on these products. This products brings variety to their take ins and palatable too. there is no goal which one precedes-whether the handiness or taste or time constraint, wholly these factors complement separately other in driving these products. set up to eat items are providing a benefaction for working women. Literature Review Here are some facts displace forth by different mountain carried out by different seasonncies. * The CFA commissioned a consumer survey to better see to it consumers attitudes and cognizances of ready to eat foods to help inform those efforts. According to the survey, to a greater extent than half of Indians disagree that ready to eat food is as nutritive a sassy and much than one-third disagree that ready to eat food is as nutritious as frozen.Ready to eat foods and Lower Sodium Are Compatible tho half of those surveyed know that ready to eat foods coffin nail be pocket-size in sodium, despite the multitude of no salt, upset sodium and reduce sodium options available on grocery shelves. thus conclusion can be drawn out from this that many tribe are with ready to cook food but some citizenry are non so supportive. To find out where i s real market for ready to cook food. * A survey conducted by the Associated Chambers of work and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) secretary general D. S. Rawat said the consumer spending rate on touch on food has increased at an average rate of 7. per cent annually from 2008 to 2010. And this is anticipate to rise at an average of around 8. 6 per cent until 2012. * In any commercial context, such as naked product development, location and marketing, to understand consumer apprehensions and their needs is a fundamental use for food producers ( van Kleef et al. , 2005, Oude Ophuis and Van Trijp, 1995). * The news report of consumer behaviour focuses on how individuals actualize decisions to spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on using up-related items (Schiffman Kanuk,1997). Statement of interrogation A study of consumer perception of ready to eat products.Objective The research paper was under interpreted with the followers objectives. i. To study the ro ugh-and-ready use of time by the use of RTE products. ii. The sentience of consumers towards ready-to-eat food iii. The factors liable for buying RTE products by working women. Research orderological depth psychology Research methodological analysis is the procedures used in systematic observations or differently obtaining entropy, evidence, and information as a part of research project or study. Data entreaty Theprocessused tocollectinformationandselective informationfor the purpose of dobusinessdecisions. 1. Primary Primary data is the first hand sight of data.In this study we have used Questionnaire as our factor for basal data collection. 2. Secondary Secondary data is the data which is already available and produce somewhere. For this study we have used journals, Magazines, related websites. subject of research descriptive Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The study purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at sit. So we are using this method as there is no hold over the variables we can only report what has happened or what is happening.Sampling It is the statistical method of stageative data or observations in a group(lot, batch, population, etc. ) * proficiency Simple Random Sampling * Sample sur construction 50 * keep d cause population 50,000*(www. wikiprdia. org) Scope of research 1. The study was found on primary data collected from sample consumers by survey method. 2. The research is do in Erandwane area. 3. The target is for working women in this area. 4. Research location is in Pune city. Limitations 1. The sample may not aggregately represent the whole voice of the population because of different backgrounds. . The reluctancy of the responses from the population. 3. Invalid information . 4. beingness college student, we faced time constraint for data collection Significance 1. knowingness about Ready-to-eat products. 2. accepta bility of Ready-To- extinguish products. 3. Openness of the market for bare-ass Ready-to-eat products. 4. Marketing strategies for RTE products. 5. learn of media in promoting RTE. 6. stark naked growing industry. Analysis 1. grow Fig 1. Age Percentage to a higher place fig shows that the supreme number of women are from 30-40 age group and they take RTE. 2. OccupationFig 2. Occupation Percentage From the above graph, it is cleared that the maximum i. e. 52% women are salaried. 3. Income Fig 3. Income Percentage Maximum of the women are having income in between 20000-30000. 4. sentiency Fig. 4 Awareness about the RTE From the analysis it shows that, out of total population, 52% prefer RTE for meals, which is highest. 5. time Constraint Fig. 3 Time constraints The above pie chart reveals that, the maximum number of women prefer RTE as they face time constraints in the kitchen. 6. Buying perception Fig. 3 Buying PerceptionFrom the analysis, it concludes that much number of working women go for RTE because it is thingummy. Following data interpretations were obtained- 1) 52. 27% women are salaried. 2) 80%women have income above 10,000-20,000. 3) Almost 100% women have working hour more than 9-10 hours. 4) 60% didnt get time to cook food themselves. 5) 80% people are aware of the Ready To Eat products. a) 25% or more, knows about the ready To Eat products. b) 36. 36% people prefer Ready To Eat items more than once. c) 34. 09% people prefer because it is very convenient to use. d) 20. 45% prefer because of the availability of products. ) 77. 27% think that ready To Eat products are not healthy. a) As it has preservatives, sometimes bad packaging, comes with loss date, it is not fresh and also we get less variety. 7) 11. 36% consumes on daily basis. 8) 55% of population thinks it makes life easy. Conclusion As per our findings, Ready To Eat are on growing stage. 1. Ready To Eat companies should variegate their marketing strategies as people have the t ypical mindset that the Ready To Eat products are not healthy to consume. 2. In the aspect of Time, strain and Easy to make the Ready To Eat are proving to be good. . The analysis shows that most of the working women prefer Ready to Eat rather than cooking as it reduces their efforts. Bibliography 1. Goyal Anita and Singh,N. P. (2007), Consumer perception about Ready-to-eat in India anexploratory study,British regimen diary,Vol. 109, Iss. 2,p. 182-195. Information, 26 (9) 8-14. 2. Hirekencchanagoudar Renuka , 2008,Consumer Behaviour Towards Ready To Eat regimen Products . housewives in Dharwad. MHSc. Thesis, Univ. Agric. Sci, Dharwad. 3. Jorin, R. , 1987, Consumer behaviour is ever-changing and offering new opportunities.Berater- 4. Joshi, M. S. , 1993, Food purchase habits and consumer sense of rural and urban 5. Kamalaveni, D. and Nirmala, 2000, Consumer behaviour in instant food products. Ind. J. 6. Kamenidou, L. , Zimitra-Kalogianni, L. , Zotos, Y. and Mattas, K. , 2002, Ho usehold purchasing and use of goods and services behaviour towards processed peach products. New Medit,. 1 (1) 45-49. Mktg, 30 (5-7) 12-18. 7. Makatouni,Aikaterini (2002), What motivates consumers to buy organic food in the UK? Results frm a qualitative study,British Food Journal,Vol. 104,Iss. 3/4/5,pp. 345-352. 8.Nichanj,Meena(2005),Urbanities in India junk health,turn Ready-to-eaties,Knight ridder Tribune business news,Washington,pp. 1. Nayga, Rodolfo M. and Capps,Oral (1992)Determinants of Food Away from internal Consumption An Update, Agribusiness,Vol. 8,Iss. 6,pp. 549-559. 9. R. Meenambekai, P. Selvarajan, Consumer Attitudes toward Ready-To-Eat Packed Food Items (With circumscribed Reference To Jaffna divisional Secretariat Division). The Seventh International Research meeting on counseling and Finance (IRCMF 2012) 10. Ramasamy, K. , Kalaivanan, G. and Sukumar, S. , 2005, Consumer behaviour towards instant food products.Ind. J. Mktg. , 24 (2-3) 55-59. 11. Rana Muhammad Ayyub, Muhammad Bilal and Muhammad Rameez Akram, EXPLORING CONSUMER conduct REGARDING READY TO EAT means QUAIL MEAT PRODUCT IN PAKISTAN,University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pkaistan. 12. Rees, A. M. , 1992, Factors influencing consumer choice. J. Soc. of Dairy Tech. , 45 (4) 112-116. 13. Sharma,Gaurav, (2011), A STUDY OF THE behavioural PATTERN OF CUSTOMERS FOR READY TO EAT FOOD ITEMS. Report, power OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES matter LAW UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR 14. Srinivasan, N. and Elangovan, D. 2000, Consumer perception towards processed fruits and veggie products. Ind. J. Mktg, 30 (11-12) 22-25. 15. T. Sarathy and Shilpa Gopal, Managing the diffusion of innovation in Ready-To-Eat Food Products in India 16. Vijayabhaskar and Dr. N Sunderam, Market Study on Key Determinants Of Ready To Eat Products With compliments To Tier I Cities In Southern Area, International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research book of account II Issue VI, June 2012, ISSN-2231 5780. 17. Erandwa ne-Pune. jpg Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia www. en. wikipedia. org 18. www. google. com AbstractThe present investigation made an attempt to study the perception of consumers towards ready-to-eat food products by the working year women in Erandwane area in Pune city. A total sample of 50 respondents was selected for the study. Majority of the respondents were aware of RTE products. Also television whole caboodle as study source for getting information about such products. The purpose of the study is to find out what are the responsible factors for consumption of such products in working class women. Their income level, time variable, product awareness are taken into consideration to arrive at the conclusion.The main mystify for this study is to explore consumer perception for ready-to-eat products and the major forces determining such subdivision to grow and the futurity potential of the same. This research bequeath give us potential information about the working women p reference for such products. There is a fearful change in the last ten years in our plain of people consuming habits, working style. Other than convenience there are many hidden forces and upcoming forces. Rather than availability of western eatables products, our own products are come into packaged items for sales in this market. This study will throw some light onA Study of Consumer Perception of Ready to Eat Products Among Working Class WomenA Report on A Study Of Consumer Perception Of Ready To Eat Products Among Working Class Women In Erandwane Area In Pune City MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Introduction Ready to eat food items has already gained wide scope in western world and in new-made years it gaining popularity in India. A busy lifestyle has made Indian women very hectic to cook and eat thus ready to eat food items are gaining wide interest. On account of this many firms are seeing this, a golden opportunity. Companies like Haldiram, Nestle, and ITC are already wor king in this area.In todays scenario, first came canned foods, frozen foods, and ready to cook and now the era of ready to eat food . Considering the time value for the working women and also looking towards market needs firms started manufacturing it. There are peoples, who are migrating to cities for job and education and these people have find the Ready-to-eat products are comfortable to eat rather than depending on restaurants. Most of the dual income (both husband and wife are office goers) families want to spend much less time on cooking because of less availability of time.During weekends they want to spend time with their kids and outing, whereas in weekdays the office duration is large and these factors forced them to go for buying such products. Other factors influences this products is availability of different flavors and dishes. Consumers who are looking for different dishes and flavors now depend on these products. This products brings variety to their eatings and pala table too. There is no conclusion which one precedes-whether the availability or taste or time constraint, all these factors complement each other in driving these products.Ready to eat items are providing a boon for working women. Literature Review Here are some facts drawn out by different survey carried out by different agencies. * The CFA commissioned a consumer survey to better understand consumers attitudes and perceptions of ready to eat foods to help inform those efforts. According to the survey, more than half of Indians disagree that ready to eat food is as nutritious a fresh and more than one-third disagree that ready to eat food is as nutritious as frozen.Ready to eat foods and Lower Sodium Are Compatible Only half of those surveyed know that ready to eat foods can be low in sodium, despite the multitude of no salt, low sodium and reduced sodium options available on grocery shelves. Thus conclusion can be drawn out from this that many people are with ready to cook food but some people are not so supportive. To find out where is real market for ready to cook food. * A survey conducted by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) secretary general D. S. Rawat said the consumer spending rate on processed food has increased at an average rate of 7. per cent annually from 2008 to 2010. And this is expected to rise at an average of around 8. 6 per cent until 2012. * In any commercial context, such as new product development, positioning and marketing, to understand consumer perceptions and their needs is a fundamental activity for food producers (Van Kleef et al. , 2005, Oude Ophuis and Van Trijp, 1995). * The study of consumer behaviour focuses on how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption-related items (Schiffman Kanuk,1997). Statement of Research A study of consumer perception of ready to eat products.Objective The research paper was under taken with the following objectives. i. To study the effective use of time by the use of RTE products. ii. The awareness of consumers towards ready-to-eat food iii. The factors responsible for buying RTE products by working women. Research Methodology Research methodology is the procedures used in systematic observations or otherwise obtaining data, evidence, and information as a part of research project or study. Data collection Theprocessused tocollectinformationanddatafor the purpose ofmakingbusinessdecisions. 1. Primary Primary data is the first hand collection of data.In this study we have used Questionnaire as our instrument for primary data collection. 2. Secondary Secondary data is the data which is already available and published somewhere. For this study we have used journals, Magazines, related websites. Type of research Descriptive Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present. So we are using this method as there is no control over the variables we can only report what has happened or what is happening.Sampling It is the statistical method of representative data or observations in a group(lot, batch, population, etc. ) * Technique Simple Random Sampling * Sample Size 50 * Total population 50,000*(www. wikiprdia. org) Scope of research 1. The study was based on primary data collected from sample consumers by survey method. 2. The research is done in Erandwane area. 3. The target is for working women in this area. 4. Research location is in Pune city. Limitations 1. The sample may not totally represent the whole section of the population because of different backgrounds. . The reluctancy of the responses from the population. 3. Invalid information . 4. Being college student, we faced time constraint for data collection Significance 1. Awareness about Ready-to-eat products. 2. Acceptability of Ready-To-Eat products. 3. Openness o f the market for new Ready-to-eat products. 4. Marketing strategies for RTE products. 5. Influence of media in promoting RTE. 6. New growing industry. Analysis 1. Age Fig 1. Age Percentage Above fig shows that the maximum number of women are from 30-40 age group and they prefer RTE. 2. OccupationFig 2. Occupation Percentage From the above graph, it is cleared that the maximum i. e. 52% women are salaried. 3. Income Fig 3. Income Percentage Maximum of the women are having income in between 20000-30000. 4. Awareness Fig. 4 Awareness about the RTE From the analysis it shows that, out of total population, 52% prefer RTE for meals, which is highest. 5. Time Constraint Fig. 3 Time constraints The above pie chart reveals that, the maximum number of women prefer RTE as they face time constraints in the kitchen. 6. Buying perception Fig. 3 Buying PerceptionFrom the analysis, it concludes that more number of working women go for RTE because it is convenience. Following data interpretations w ere obtained- 1) 52. 27% women are salaried. 2) 80%women have income above 10,000-20,000. 3) Almost 100% women have working hour more than 9-10 hours. 4) 60% didnt get time to cook food themselves. 5) 80% people are aware of the Ready To Eat products. a) 25% or more, knows about the ready To Eat products. b) 36. 36% people prefer Ready To Eat items more than once. c) 34. 09% people prefer because it is very convenient to use. d) 20. 45% prefer because of the availability of products. ) 77. 27% think that ready To Eat products are not healthy. a) As it has preservatives, sometimes bad packaging, comes with expiry date, it is not fresh and also we get less variety. 7) 11. 36% consumes on daily basis. 8) 55% of population thinks it makes life easy. Conclusion As per our findings, Ready To Eat are on growing stage. 1. Ready To Eat companies should change their marketing strategies as people have the typical mindset that the Ready To Eat products are not healthy to consume. 2. In the asp ect of Time, Taste and Easy to make the Ready To Eat are proving to be good. . The analysis shows that most of the working women prefer Ready to Eat rather than cooking as it reduces their efforts. Bibliography 1. Goyal Anita and Singh,N. P. (2007), Consumer perception about Ready-to-eat in India anexploratory study,British Food Journal,Vol. 109, Iss. 2,p. 182-195. Information, 26 (9) 8-14. 2. Hirekencchanagoudar Renuka , 2008,Consumer Behaviour Towards Ready To Eat Food Products . housewives in Dharwad. MHSc. Thesis, Univ. Agric. Sci, Dharwad. 3. Jorin, R. , 1987, Consumer behaviour is changing and offering new opportunities.Berater- 4. Joshi, M. S. , 1993, Food purchase habits and consumer awareness of rural and urban 5. Kamalaveni, D. and Nirmala, 2000, Consumer behaviour in instant food products. Ind. J. 6. Kamenidou, L. , Zimitra-Kalogianni, L. , Zotos, Y. and Mattas, K. , 2002, Household purchasing and consumption behaviour towards processed peach products. New Medit,. 1 (1) 45-49. Mktg, 30 (5-7) 12-18. 7. Makatouni,Aikaterini (2002), What motivates consumers to buy organic food in the UK? Results frm a qualitative study,British Food Journal,Vol. 104,Iss. 3/4/5,pp. 345-352. 8.Nichanj,Meena(2005),Urbanities in India junk health,turn Ready-to-eaties,Knight ridder Tribune business news,Washington,pp. 1. Nayga, Rodolfo M. and Capps,Oral (1992)Determinants of Food Away from Home Consumption An Update, Agribusiness,Vol. 8,Iss. 6,pp. 549-559. 9. R. Meenambekai, P. Selvarajan, Consumer Attitudes toward Ready-To-Eat Packed Food Items (With Special Reference To Jaffna Divisional Secretariat Division). The Seventh International Research Conference on Management and Finance (IRCMF 2012) 10. Ramasamy, K. , Kalaivanan, G. and Sukumar, S. , 2005, Consumer behaviour towards instant food products.Ind. J. Mktg. , 24 (2-3) 55-59. 11. Rana Muhammad Ayyub, Muhammad Bilal and Muhammad Rameez Akram, EXPLORING CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR REGARDING READY TO EAT MEAT QUAIL MEAT PRODUCT IN PAKISTAN,University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pkaistan. 12. Rees, A. M. , 1992, Factors influencing consumer choice. J. Soc. of Dairy Tech. , 45 (4) 112-116. 13. Sharma,Gaurav, (2011), A STUDY OF THE BEHAVIOURAL PATTERN OF CUSTOMERS FOR READY TO EAT FOOD ITEMS. Report, FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR 14. Srinivasan, N. and Elangovan, D. 2000, Consumer perception towards processed fruits and vegetable products. Ind. J. Mktg, 30 (11-12) 22-25. 15. T. Sarathy and Shilpa Gopal, Managing the Diffusion of innovation in Ready-To-Eat Food Products in India 16. Vijayabhaskar and Dr. N Sunderam, Market Study on Key Determinants Of Ready To Eat Products With Respect To Tier I Cities In Southern Area, International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research Volume II Issue VI, June 2012, ISSN-2231 5780. 17. Erandwane-Pune. jpg Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia www. en. wikipedia. org 18. www. google. com AbstractThe present investigation made an at tempt to study the perception of consumers towards ready-to-eat food products by the working class women in Erandwane area in Pune city. A total sample of 50 respondents was selected for the study. Majority of the respondents were aware of RTE products. Also television works as major source for getting information about such products. The purpose of the study is to find out what are the responsible factors for consumption of such products in working class women. Their income level, time variable, product awareness are taken into consideration to arrive at the conclusion.The main aim for this study is to explore consumer perception for ready-to-eat products and the major forces determining such segment to grow and the future potential of the same. This research will give us potential information about the working women preference for such products. There is a tremendous change in the last ten years in our country of people consuming habits, working style. Other than convenience there are many hidden forces and upcoming forces. Rather than availability of western eatables products, our own products are come into packaged items for sales in this market. This study will throw some light on
Monday, February 25, 2019
Pre Marital Sex
There is no longer any stigma attached to pre-marital sex in our society. restorative stars do it, sports stars do it, and politicians do it. Teens nowadays too tend to crap this perception that sex before marriage is acceptable and would not nonetheless bother the consequences of it. Yet, it is still a big NO to every gentleman as it violates this inner reality, because unmarried people thereby engage in a life-uniting act without a life-uniting intent. Some of the couples who deeply fall in love with each other atomic number 18 willing to do anything undecomposed to be together with their own partner without thinking twice, just same what Tom and Barbara did.The worse thing is their intention is still for sexual purposes. candidly speaking, there are better ways to express your love for someone youre not married to. Sex is not the only ancestor to show love to your spouse. Besides that, sex is not entertainment. If youre blase go to the cinema or play a computer gage o r go for a run dont misuse something as important as sex just for a scrap of mindless fun. That would be like hiring a Rolls Royce car just to hen-peck up some shopping a waste, a misuse of something precious, something that is outlying(prenominal) more important if used properly.Other peoples bodies are not just toys for us to play with and then discard. They never thought of their after effects on their acts. They may get along together, but it is never guaranteed that they can be happily ever after. They will be facing problems later on like having difficulties in paying lease fees and daily expenses they still do not make water the ability to make hope money at this young age. On the other hand, Barbara who takes birth assure pills to prevent ovulation still may have the possibility to get meaning(a) since there is no assurance for it.Not only that, taking birth mince pills will cause excessive vaginal bleeding if over dosage, rash, face tenderness and sexual diseas es. Statistics has shown us that 40 percent of women ages 20 to 25 have HPV, which can cause cancer and which, of course, is only one of numerous sexually transmitted diseases. That means a lot of men and women are spreading potentially deadly diseases and not protecting themselves or others. Her mental health will most likely be affected.They should be able and focus more on choosing behaviour that respects oneself and ones current and perchance future relationship partners, prospective children, etc. I truly believe that none of us here support premarital sex. Women and men should have a virginity pledge before they get married. True love waits. If a boy or girl truly loves you, they will want the better for you. They will not want you to suffer fear of disease, unwanted maternalism and the psychological difficulties of premarital sex. They will want to experience love with you only in the very best place of all the love go up of marriage.
How to Get Prepared and Start My Own Business Essay
All of us d open a atomic reactor of roots well-nigh the things that we think much or less intimately of the time we do not even recognize how millions of ideas got through our brains. as yet now, when I typed this sentence, it took a while for me to come up with an idea and erect it into words, so that each(prenominal) the readers get exactly what I want them to generalise after(prenominal) reading my writing. We c every last(predicate) our ideas everywhere, since it is something that lets us process and run into the development that we already own and get the surmount result that is possible. People use ideas as their tool to deal a indemnify decision, and as we entirely know, we fork up a lot of decisions to make in our life.For me, the chastise idea is a treasure surrounded by many other ideas that argon not the unmatchables that get out lead me to a right choice, which I demand to make in certain amount of time. Examples of leading companies that came up with trade good ideas in trade are Facebook, Microsoft, Google, and AT&T. These foundationwide well-known organizations break downed their argument like any other person from idea, only somehow they bedevil achieved a erupt result, which way they had a better idea, better team, or better preparation and hard relieve oneself with luck.Now, after having 17 eld of experience in finding a right idea, I am on my way to find my own treasure, so that I leave behind be able to gull my ideas in argument world. That idea is one in a million. For now, I came up with a lot of ideas that ordain possibly bring me a wanted amount of profit after realizing them. Since I am on the right track, I should get fain to start realizing my ideas and start my own vocation. There are a lot of large number in the world who want to start and run their own championship.Some of these people who start their backing will get a satisfying sense of accomplishment after providing a service or a growth that is enjoyed or used by customers. Most of them will be disappointed in their business, since the percentage of those who fail is higher than those who succeed. signature of a business executive after coming to work differs from the feeling that people meet when they work for someone else. Person who runs the business and person who assists and works for that person experience different emotions and work to do, but both(prenominal) of these jobs deliver their own cons and pros.Person who assists to run the business cares only just about the wage that he or she gets in the end of the month, while the man of affairs cares about the full-page organization, including staff, all the property, wages of his workers, working environment, advertisement, and else. The more index number and opportunity you have, the more responsibility and problems you get. That one person who runs the company should make a perfect environment to work, including people who work for him, becau se they are a larger-than-life part of his business that manage to realize his ideas, and make them work properly.More than one million people create their own business every year. All of them have an idea that they look at in, because idea plays a huge role, but it is not the only thing. Business is more than motiveable an idea, and some people forget it and start without even existence prepared. It inescapably a lot of time to plan, and also it requires certain people. Furthermore, it needs pecuniary funding. Before even showtime to prepare to be a business executive, person should ask himself if he is ready for that. Do I have that personality and skills to be successful in business?Do I have what it takes? I am sure that I do, so do my parents. That is the reason why I am continuing to make researches about business and reading news about politics in my coun get word. That is the reason why I came to America, to a country that is far from mine. Before starting to prepare the environment I will be working in, I should prepare myself. I should have enough knowledge and information to extrapolate everything me and my team will do. To do so, I should read news and articles about business.All business community have to be in that world, which is a world of business. There is always something that we do not know. That something might make business work better. People do not even know when they leave off their peril to build a better business. People just brook their chances to get better, and that opportunity sometimes comes only once in the whole life. Since there are plenty of those who try to run their business, it is a competition, where you, as a businessman, should prove that you are capable of more than other businessmen around you.There is only one winner, and it should be you. That is why it is better to spend enough time preparing and have more chance to succeed, than start with unsafe rates. Since I am the person who will continue the fa mily business, not start from the very beginning, I have more opportunity and chance than I would have had if I was the one who started the business. That person who worked hard is my take. What he did, is called a huge step. He brought his family from nothing to something in a curtly period of time, which usually takes more.Some people achieve their goal, but my father is one of those who achieved a goal that he did not even expect. He already reached a goal that should be reached in two generation. That is why, as the only son in our family, I should succeed at to the lowest degree like him, even though he, as a father, thinks I loafer do better. I have people who will function me to envision business, and how it works, because it is not something that you can understand by reading some rules on the paper. It is something that you understand by experiencing, something that we should feel. Business is about the team.Successful business base on products, and services that are made or provided by people. I should create a company that inspires faith and productivity. In request to make revenue, I should understand peoples way of thinking understand what their needs are, and how to provide them in the best way. How did such companies as apple and Microsoft get so big and successful? These companies found a product that best responds to real human needs and desires. This problem is important to all the people who want to start their own business. It is related to business.This question is being discussed everywhere on internet, on the forums, by experts, and by people who have failed in starting a business, or by people who succeeded. They percent their experience and give tips that can help to people like me, people who are getting prepared to start a business. This subject is fire for me, because it determines my future. It helps me to understand what exactly I am going to do, in order to be prepared to start business, which is what I am going to do for living. There are many ways of getting prepared, choosing the right one, and choosing the right idea is one of the most important steps.Even though I am sure that I will succeed with the help of my family, I still have to make research and be one of those who try hard to be closer to business. Business is like a big house. In order to build a big and beautiful one, we should have an idea of how to make, and be prepared. If the foundation is strong, then are on the right way. There are basic steps to start my business. First of all I should research and plan my business. It will help me to understand what it takes to realize my plans. by and by researching and planning, I should get business assistance.That step will help me prepare a business plan and expanding my business. After that, I should engage a business location and finance my business. To do, depending on my business type, I should find a place that will work out the best for my business. If it is, for example, a hot el, it should in a place that is easy to reach for tourists, but is not noisy, so that customers can enjoy their time in the hotel. After doing these four steps, I should determine the legal structure of my business. It could be doctor partnership, partnership, corporation, etc.If I am not ready to do my business alone, I can find a partner or partners that believe in my idea and ready to finance. Having more people is always better, which means that you will have more resources and more ideas. If a company has more than one holder, it always causes problems, because of disagreement and revenue that should be divided. Next step in order to start business is registration of a business name, and getting a local license. After these steps, everything is ready to work, including the workers that you should hire.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Intelligent Traffic System for Islamabad
Intelligent barter dust (ITS) for track Network focussing in capital of Pakistan Mohammad Imran (Sp-2011/PhD EM/001) snapper for Advanced Studies in applied science, Islamabad Author Note Mohammad Imran, Department of Engineering Management, Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Mohammad Imran, Department of Engineering Management, Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad. electronic mail emailprotected com Abstract job over-crowding is a vexing line of work entangle by residents of most urban aras.Despite of high gasoline prices, usual life hour gridlock and pollution, take careingly nothing apprise interfere with peoples love affair with the car. Building to a greater extent streets cannot provide the coiffe to make better dealing trouble as it cannot keep pace with the ever so increase vehicle population as well as restriction of the environments ability to sustain the concussion. Unlike authorities in cities across the world where people ar encouraged to make great substance abuse of public dishonor, residents of Islamabad are handicapped to exercise this pick due to absence of a mature and well compound down transit ashes.An intelligent business management dodge which can determine smooth conflate of vocation to manage congestion (delay, reliability and communicate resilience) for all people and freight movement on the path entanglement is inevit qualified for Islamabad. This paper therefore argues the case for a better structured approach towards street engagement management for ensuring mobility of people and goods through with(predicate) integration of governance management issues, learning engineering science and traffic r step uping systems. 1. Background provoke in ITS comes from the problems caused by traffic congestion and a synergy of revolutionary information engineering for simulation, real-time go and conference theory interlocks. Traffic congestion has been increase worldwide as a result of increased motorization, urbanization, population growth, and changes in population density. over-crowding reduces efficiency of conveyance of title infrastructure and increases hold come on time, air pollution, and fuel consumption. In the developing world, the migration of people from ural to urbanized habitats has progressed differently. umteen areas of the developing world have urbanized without significant development of route intercommunicate as well as unplanned formation of suburbs. In Islamabad for instance the population is supported by a multimodal system of move, bicycle transportation, motorcycles, mini buses, taxis and cars. Many urban poor, living on the outskirts of Islamabad, cannot kick in to travel to economically active areas. Those who can are dependent on a public transport system, which generally has a low table service level.In many cases, informal minibuses or taxis provide the only public transport available. Many vehicles used in this informal system are not bridle-path worthy. For those who cannot afford the minibuses or taxis, the only option is walking or riding bicycles. In case of affluent urban inhabitants tete-a-tete car ownership is high and public transport is not considered an option. High personal manners and secondhand highwaystead provide access to all parts of the city. Moreover, private cars are expected to play an even greater role for transportation of the urbanites in the future as well.The info held with Motor Vehicle Registration representation of Islamabad indicates that the yield of vehicles utilise the road net profit of the city continues to be higher than the month before. The high fuel prices do not seem to have a restricting effect on car consumption in the city. The ever increasing vehicles plying on the citys roads pose a significant safety risk due to check quad available on the road networ k, exert pressure on the ever increasing conflict between further developments of road network in relation to other drink down uses, degrade air choice and exacerbate feelings of inequities in the society.This trend re-empha surfaces the need for ITS and cost-effective road network management system. 2. Traffic Control Systems and Road Network of Islamabad The Islamabad Metropolitan Area is composed of Islamabad, the old city of Rawalpindi and the subject Park. The latter(prenominal) is a hilly area, containing two large lakes, the National Sports Centre, the National University and the National Research Centre. Four major interurban roads delineate the above cardinal major comp matchlessnts of the Metropolitan Area. Islamabad is planned according to a graded system of communities of respective(a) classes, each class comprising the functions corresponding to its ize. These communities are primly served by a major transportation system developed inside wide corridors of a g rid-iron configuration, surrounding and defining the higher class communities. local anaesthetic and collector low speed roads, wide sidewalks, pedestrian roads and bicycles lanes within the lower class human communities provide access to the major transportation system. The above hierarchical system of communities and transportation facilities, contributes to the reduction of travel distances/ propagation and accidents, and to the promotion of green transport (walking, cycle, public transport).Traffic congestion in urban areas and related environmental problems such as air/ make noise pollution, through car movements in residential and other sensitive areas, road accidents, and so forth are mainly due to the development of these areas before the effusion of car ownership as well as to the lack of beseeming combined transportation prop up use planning, to cope with this explosion. The standalone traffic affirm signals and limitations imposed by the existing road pattern design ed in 1960s do not allow for the development of the configuration, spacing and depicted object of the road network required under the current scenario.As a result, the ever increasing traffic imposes its rules. When existing as well as possible new arteries are saturated, new arterial routes are created through collector and local streets within residential areas, deteriorating the quality of life and increasing traffic accidents in these areas. The limitations of infrastructure are further compounded by improper behavior of road users, (lack of respect to traffic lights, to lanes for opposing traffic, etc), by the public transport drivers (stopping anywhere to drop and pick up passengers), by improper design and signage of intersections, by lack of systematic police enforcement, etc.Efforts are therefore required to obtain sustainable mobility through proper traffic and take on management, modify Public and other Green Modes of transport, using Intelligent holdation Systems, et c. Parallel efforts are also required to convert the existing road network into a system of powerful spaced arteries, collectors and local roads, each category serving the proper through and access movements generated by the existing and planned land uses. 2. The Global opinion on ITS Traffic congestion is a vexing problem matte up by residents of most urban areas.Despite of high gasoline prices, pelt along hour gridlock and pollution, seemingly nothing can interfere with the growing deem of vehicles plying on the road. The relief from traffic congestion through the construction of highways is irregular as new commercial and residential growth follows the path of every project. Building more roads therefore cannot provide the answer to better traffic management as it cannot keep pace with the ever increasing vehicle population, other potential uses of land as well as limitation of the environments ability to sustain the impact.Efficient use of the existing road network using t he emerging advancements in technology represents itself as the appropriate solution towards better traffic and road network management. The traditional solution to combat vehicle congestion has been to construct more and larger highways. Martin, Marini & Tosunoglu (2008) analyzed the potential solutions provided by technology for efficient traffic control and management of the road network. There work revealed that high financial, well-disposed and environmental costs of new road projects can be curtailed by efficient use of technology.They identified remodeling of existing road network, improved traffic-signal controllers, nacreous highway signs, rerouting of rush hour traffic, creation of traffic-control centers which monitor and display flagrant traffic conditions, use of preplanned alternative traffic solutions base on repeated daily traffic patterns as some of the many innovations offered by sophisticated technology which can potentially be used for better road network ma nagement and traffic control.Deakin (2006) examined the current thinking roughly sustainable transportation as part of a broader strategy of transportation and land use based on existing traffic patterns. Her work revealed that demand management, operations management, pricing policies, vehicle technology cash advances, clean fuels, and integrated land use and transportation planning are the components which have to be act in an integrated manner as a part of transport sustainability strategy.The interest in creating intelligent transport systems as a room of achieving satisfactory safety levels is dependent on the need for powerful databases able to manage the data. Maria and Ruiz (2005) examined the different areas in which geographic information system technology (GIS-T) can be used for efficient traffic control and management of road network. Their work revealed that GIS-T integrates land management, planning of new infrastructure, integral traffic control, inter-modal int egration of transport plying on the road network and management of road space to ease the persist of traffic thereby overbearing congestion.Xu (2003) indicates, telemetric products and services for individual means of transport are based on the integration of digital maps and radio data systems / traffic message channel for the transmission of traffic data, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and the Global System for roving Communications (GSM) for the transmission of travel data and mobile telephone communications and other additional sensors needed to gather travel information in real time.The role of GIS is therefore pivotal towards development of ITS. Traffic congestion is a vexing problem felt by residents of most urban areas. Traffic control and road network management in real-time is a complex field. Remodeling of roads as well as the number of ways to interface with vehicle drivers and travelers is increasing. A top-down, strategic approach is needed to moderate that tec hnology is used in an appropriate and effective way for efficient traffic control and management of road networks .New technology offers the capability for rapid collection, processing and dissemination of data and information that would change efficient traffic control as well different strands of road network to be managed collectively and coherently. 3. Research Methodology Our experience with solvent local problems is based on importing solutions from other countries. It would be out of context to say that these solutions do not assist in circumscribing the problem but more often than not they fail to communicate the optimum results.Adapting global practices to the local setting can help improve the impact and sustainability of solution to the problem shortlisted for implementation. Learning from indigenous knowledge by examine first what local communities know and have, can improve understanding of local conditions and provide a productive context for activities designed to help the communities harness solution to the problem. Indigenous knowledge around the various contours of the problem therefore provides the necessary data which when utilized in consonance with best international practices delivers the desired results.The methodology which will be applied in the poll has been chosen in guild to acquire information and deduce conclusions about the selection of appropriate traffic control initiatives combined with initiatives designed to efficient management of road network for Islamabad. 3. 1Purpose of Study and Type of Investigation This paper argues the case for ITS through a better integrated approach towards road network management for ensuring mobility of people and goods through integration of management issues, information technology and traffic routing systems.For the above reason, this research will take an wildcat approach. According to Sekaran (2002) an exploratory prove is undertaken when not a good deal is known about the situat ion at hand, or when sufficient information is available on how similar problems or research issues have been solved in the past. The estimate will be to gain familiarity with the issues, and to gain a deeper understanding about the topic. 3. 2Data Collection For the purpose of this research both primary and secondary data was collected and utilized. Primary data was collected in two ways.Firstly, interviews were carried out with commuters to identify areas and issues which need to be addressed in Islamabad for improving traffic control and better road network management. Secondly, a questionnaire suss out was conducted to prioritize the issues and recommend solutions. The secondary data used has contributed towards the formation of primer coat information, needed by both the researcher in order to public figure constructively the project and the reader to comprehend more thoroughly the look into outcome. 3. 3 Sample Design Ideally one desires to study the inherent population. However, usually it is impossible or unfeasible to do this and therefore one must settle for a sample. According to Black (2006), sample is a portion of elements taken from a population, which is considered to be representative of the population. In order to collect primary data the questionnaire appraise technique was used. For the purpose of this study random probability sampling was selected. According to Akhtar (2000), sample sizes larger than 30 and less than 500 are appropriate for most researches. Accordingly, the sample size consisted of about 100 respondents. 4. Results 4. 1InterviewsThe issues identified due to interviews conducted with commuters within the context of integrated issue of traffic control and road network management in Islamabad are as under- Future Development oWider roads. oDesign of roads to allow expansion. oSufficient roadside drainage facilities for surface runoff. oIncorporate passage of utilities. oCohesion between various line departments. oModelin g to ease flow of traffic. oTransit, pedestrian and bicycle friendly development. ceremonious Traffic Flow Improvements oTraffic signal timing. oTraffic signal coordination. oBottleneck removal. Restructuring of security checkpoints. oDensity calculation. oImposition of toll based on vehicle occupancy. oDiversion of traffic on connecting roads. oTicketing on vehicles parked on roads to pick up school children. oPrevent walking on bad-tempered roads. oShoulders to be converted into lanes for use by bicycles / motorcycles. Modal Substitution oTransit, ridesharing, cycling improvements and incentives. o tidy sum transit system. oRevamping of public transport system. Intelligent Traffic System Improvements oSmart roads. oCorridor flow of traffic. oRouting and scheduling enhancements. Accident and incidence management. oCentralized nerve system. Awareness Programs oRadio updates. oDriver education. oLeaflets. oRoad billboards. Pricing Incentives for move Road Usage oImposition of road tax on vehicles not registered in Islamabad. oVehicle tax to be assessed on fuel efficiency, fuel consumption, road space occupied, weight and expected life. oVehicle registration based on residency arrest and not on property holding. oOther impact fees based on assessed usage. 4. 2Survey The results of survey yielded the following results- 4. 2. 1. Valid Driving License 4. 2. 2.Mode of Traveling 4. 2. 3. vastness of Values 4. 2. 4. Means to sculptural relief Traffic Congestion 4. 2. 5. Traffic constabulary Performs to Manage Flow of Traffic and Road Network 4. 2. 6. Maturity of Traffic Control System 4. 2. 7. Technology Intervention Can Improve Traffic Flow and Road Network Management 4. 2. 8. Better Facilities for Pedestrians and Cyclists Can Ease Flow of Traffic 4. 2. 9. Improvement of Public Transport and door of Mass Transit System Can Help Ease Traffic Congestion 4. 2. 10. Best Initiative(s) for Easing Flow of Traffic 4. 2. 11. Support for Implementation of ITS 4. 2. 12. corporate trust on Civic Managers to Deliver on ITS 4. 2. 13. Financial Commitment for ITS closing Intelligent Transport Systems aim to tackle the problems of road network management. intimately proposed systems are already technically feasible. Various safety systems exist that warn of hazards or that automatically intervene to assist the driver. Safety systems need to be carefully implemented to avoid giving the driver too much or too little to do. Congestion could be reduced by road charging, and by better network management and information provision. Road charges could reflect the costs of congestion and pollution.However, such a system could be expensive. Integrating different systems can reduce costs. References Hernandez , Ossowski S. , and Garcia-Serrano (2002). Multi agent architectures for intelligent traffic management systems, Transportation Research Part C 10 473506. Martin, Marini & Tosunoglu (2008). geographic Information Systems and Intelligent Transport Syst ems Technologies used to form new communication networks, NETCOM volume 17. Deakin, E. (2006). Sustainable Development and Sustainable Transport Strategies for Economic Prosperity, environmental Quality and Equity.Central London Congestion Charging Impacts Monitoring, Sixth Annual Report, Transport for London, 2008. 10 Implementation of Road Pricing System, Ministry of Transport, Public Works and piddle Management, The Netherlands, 2008. Annexure A Questionnaire 1. Do you have a valid driving evidence? a. Yes b. No 2. What is your mode of traveling? a. Car b. Minibus c. Taxi d. Motorcycle e. roll f. Walking 3. What is more important to you when you are traveling? a. Cost b. meter c. Convenience d. All of above 4. Congestion on roads can best be managed by- a. Building new roads. . Better Management of road network. 5. Are you satisfied with performance of traffic police in managing flow of traffic and road network management? a. Yes b. No 6. Is the traffic control system mature or requires improvement? a. Mature b. Requires improvement 7. Can induction of technology improve the flow of traffic and road network management? a. Yes b. No 8. Can better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists improve the flow of traffic? a. Yes b. No 9. Can improvement of public transport and substructure of mass transit system help ease traffic congestion? . Yes b. No 10. Which initiatives can best ease flow of traffic and ensure effective road network management? a. Corridor flow. b. Smart road. c. Communication of information. d. Remodeling roads. e. Introduction of toll. f. All of above. 11. Should the Intelligent Traffic System be implemented? a. Yes b. No 12. Do you have faith in the current civic managers to deliver if the initiatives are implemented? a. Yes b. No 13. Will you be willing to turn out for initiatives to implement an Intelligent Traffic System for better road network management? a. Yes b. No
Plato’s Perspectives on Society, Organization and Leadership Essay
Main views about golf club Plato wrote in his book c all(prenominal)ed the Republic. The Republic was compose around 380 (BC). In this book Plato tries to define honourableice, right purchase order and office of the just city and the just gay. In the Republic different philosophers uniform Socrates try to argue, what is the meaning of justice. They also discuss if a just man is happier than an unjust man, if they argon ruled by just philosopher kings. (Brickhouse, Thomas & Smith, Nicholas, 2010)Plato view, that a just city has to be ruled by these philosopher kings. Plato believed in an drab system of ruling, non the democratic way of ruling. The kings cod to be amend by philosophers, so that they would be similar philosophers. Or philosophers should be elect as rulers. Anyhow he did not like some practically about democracy and little educated draws. (Brickhouse, Thomas & Smith, Nicholas, 2010)Plato thinks that there ar many dangers in the democracy. People do not always ingest the wisest persons at the elections. Sometimes they choose those, who female genitalia speak nicely. The knowledge is not the main criteria for choosing deal at the democracy, but Plato thinks that those who know should be pick out as rulers. (Saarinen 1985, p.43)Plato was pessimistic about stack. According to him honey oil people were drear and acted normally irrationally. People lived according to their selfish desires and bad beliefs. People did not follow the laws by their hearts, but because they were afraid of punishment. (Plato 360 BC, p.45) According to Plato people could not live alone. They essential each otherwise. Plato said, that it is nigh(a) for people to live in communities, by this way people flowerpot exchange products. (Plato 360 BC, p.75) Plato believes that the society has to be well ordered, this go forth lead into nigh moral in the society. mulct social order and rearing will educate good people. These good people, who are well educ ated, will be better than their parents (People living in the first place them.). (Plato 360 BC, p.117, 353, 380)Plato thinks that a mankind soul and society get down similarities. They both choose same particles. Parts of the soul are like social classes in the society. If these parts / social classes are in harmony, there will be justice. There are three different classes in the society Productive, tutelary and g overning class. Productive class is workers farmers, blacksmiths, carpenters, ranchers, etc. Part of the soul for these people is appetite. Second class is protective class. These people are warriors and guardians. They are upstanding and courageous. Part of the soul for these people is the spirit. Third class is the governing. These people are rulers or philosopher kings. They are rational, wise, self-controlled. These people drop make good decisions for the society. These people are like the reason part of the soul. These people are real few. (Saarinen 1985, p. 42-43)Plato already saw corruption in the society. He said that it is call for rule of law to prevent corruption. The government and guardians have to really guard the society that the order and rule of law can exist. (Plato 360 BC, p.141) Love of comprehension should be one of main values of the society. (Plato 360 BC, p.397) There should be order, not anarchy, in the society. If there is order children can orderly live with their parents and they can chink from their parents. In the same way masters can learn from their scholars. There should be some fear between son and a father and pupil and a teacher. This fear keeps the order. (Plato 360 BC, p.328-329)Platos Perspectives on constitutionPlato thought that there are three classes in the society, which should have a good co-operation and they should live in a harmony. According to Platos views giving medication has three different groups (classes). Somebody might also think that these groups (classes) have strict borderlines . This means that it is difficult to step from one group to other group. It is difficult to go over lines to another class at the musical arrangement.Plato sees an organization as an entity, which should be in harmony with its parts. Many forward-looking organizational theoreticians have followed Plato, when they stress the unitary and well balanced nature of modern complex organizations. (Takala 1998, p.797)Plato thinks about the greatest evil and the greatest good at an organization. In His views evil is discord and distraction. On the other hand good is unity. There has to be unity in the organization, all the members should have common experiences (pleasures etc.). (Plato 360 BC, p.198) Justice is important thing for every organization. In the organization order brings justice and the organization has to keep the justice. (Plato 360 BC, p.6) If there is injustice in the organization, it will lead into quarrels and fights, people will become each others enemies. Injustice wi ll disturb the organizations basis for human co-operation. (Plato 360 BC, p.53-54) Obedience is an important factor at the organization. Workers should obey their masters. Everybody should live chthonian clear hierarchy and follow the orders given by those, who are over them. (Plato 360 BC, p.36, 192, 297)Platos Perspectives on LeadershipPlato thinks, that ruler has to be philosopher. This means, that tho philosophers can be good rulers. In this way main character of a attracter is his/her philosophical capacity. Leader (ruler) has to know the real being and loss leader (ruler) has to distinguish belief from the real knowledge. This is the highest virtue for a leader To depart beliefs and real facts. (Saarinen 1985, p. 44)Plato thinks, that leader should love the truth. He teaches that a leader is like a captain and his ship or a doctor and his medicine. These professions (doctor, captain) cannot be practised by everyone by nature. So to be a leader is not by nature, leaders sh ould be educated. Plato thinks that one of the main tasks for the rearing system is to produce these philosopher kings. (Plato 360 BC, p.233)Plato thinks that a leader has to be a just person. The stronger (leader) cannot abuse his power over the weaker. The leader has to be just and there has to be justice in the society. Leader guides this social order, so that society can live in harmony. Leader guides citizens (class of citizens) to carry out tasks for which they are suited and not interfering with the work of others. (Takala 1998, p.791)Plato sees leadership as an important part of a functioning society. He thinks that leadership is an educational accelerator pedal in the society. Plato thinks that leader has got two important tasks to control the implementation of education and to control the propagation of thoughts. Plato sees this controlling as an essential function in the society, thats why the controllers must be philosophers. (Takala 1998, p.790-791)According to Plato education is needed to produce good philosopher leaders. Education leaves its mark on leaders. On the other hand education makes division between leaders and other people. Platonic education gives wisdom and mystical skills (real knowledge) to the leaders. (Takala 1998, p.792)Plato sees leadership as a obligation of a philosopher. The essential thing is the true knowledge, if somebody has got the knowledge he can be the leader. The philosopher has got knowledge and he can rule. And the man, who is not philosophical, has got only a true beliefs or opinions. This corresponds that he cannot be the leader. (Takala 1998, p.792)In Platos thinking there is the concept of the leadership of meaning. The leader has to create meaning, he has to sustain it and sometimes it has to be changed. In this way leadership can be seen as a social process. This social process includes all those means by which leadership creates new meanings by rituals, symbolizing and appointee. The attributes of a pow erful leader is also in the Platos thinking. iodin attribute in Platos thinking is the charisma, which is said to be astray discussed in modern leadership theories. A leader must have charisma in order to be successful in his actions. Without it the leader is not able to do his job, to lead some complex organization. (Takala 1998, p.797)Referenceshttp// contentedness/u348q477q0583068/fulltext.pdf
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