Sunday, March 31, 2019
Critical Thinking Process Case Study
little Thinking Process Case StudyAs Buckingham and Adams (2000) state, getting a better understanding of their last make growthes has serious benefits for sop ups, and for their employers and their patients (p 982). Critical thinking in care for is cerebrate to the traditional care for model of assessment, intendning, effectuation and evaluation, a fundamental protect growth (Lee et al, 2006). Because of the public application of the care for run, and its efficacy, there is an assumption that the process of clinical problem-solving is puff up understood (Taylor, 2000 p 842-849). This essay explores the particular thinking process related to angiotensin-converting enzyme client, and evaluates the quality of that process and its relationship to effective planning and implementation of breast feeding care.Some theorists link critical thinking in nursing to diagnostic practice, constituenticularly in relation to advanced nursing practice, and mobilise this as a new phenomenon (Lee et al, 2006). This author however, would argue that this is a part of nursing practice in every case, and that critical thinking and diagnostic processes are very similar, except it has never been called diagnosis in nursing until recently. However, Lee et al (2006) do cite the marrow by which nursing judgements on which plans of care are based, including systems-processing type judgements and transcendent reasoning. One of the criticisms of nursing ratiocination qualification, however, and a problem which continues to trouble the profession, is the reduction of this process to niggling more than intuitive processes rather than rational ones (Buckingham and Adams, 2000). This is partly because nurses have struggled continually to articulate the nature of their expertise Buckingham and Adams, 2000 p 982). But the literature demonstrates that intuitive processes tend to represent sub certain closing making combined with conscious decision making, and this aut hor believes that both are of equal value and immenseness in coming to decisions and planning nursing actions and ongoing care. Aitken (2003) suggests that clinical decision making starts with the development of a hypothesis, which is then proved or disproved by further gathering of clinical data, objective and subjective, including objective tests and nursing-process related observations and questioning.Hypotheses were apply to summarize attributes that had already been acquired, describe the possible problem that existed and direct futurity attribute acquisition. (Aitken, 2003 p 481).Offredy (1998) in research on nurse practitioners put up that hypothesis generation as part of the decision making process occurred even before the client history had been taken, and that this kind of hunch was one which they believed to be borne out in later more objective clinical evaluation. This is related to the level of experience of the nurse (Offredy, 1998).Lee et al (2006 p 61)) cite the following variables as affecting critical thinking processes fellowship experience discipline specific training, which bequeaths the diagnostic labels that can be employ to classify and explain the data involved and the task. Aitken (2003) suggests that the strategies which are applied to nursing decision making is not necessarily a conscious plan but could be a process which is more subconscious. This may be related to what Offredy (1998) describes as pattern recognition.In this case, the critical thinking process was based on Jaslyns symptoms and presentation in terms of physical and emotional state, which in turn were identified and informed by the nurses own knowledge, nursing and symptom related knowledge, and by the nurses experience gained from training and previous practice. There were key factors which highlighted Jaslyns state of health/illness and also flagged up the warning signs that horse sense Jaslyns immediate needs. These were identified both through objectiv e data and subjective data, which in terms of Maslows hierarchy of needs, could be seen as safety and security needs, related to the patients expressed suicidal thoughts, and physiological needs, related to her physical condition, which, once met, would allow for interventions to support in meeting her self-esteem and other psychological and emotional needs. Prioritisation of safety and physiological needs may be derived from previous nursing experience, as already suggested, because, as Aitken (2003) suggests, clinical decision making processes can be touched by the decision-making environment, and also by the potential consequences of apiece of the potential alternative decisions (p 477). thence previous experience of nursing, combined with knowledge from my training, which is also affected by the socialisation process of nursing, and by the shared knowledge of colleagues, placed the superlative emphasis on the prevention of harm occurring, which led to the decision to provide close supervision of the patient to prevent self-harm. Another attribute of this decision making process, one which I had hitherto not recognised, was the use of what Aitken (2003) calls a think aloud method (p 483). This is very much evident in the kind of decision making I engage in, and critical check suggests that I have learned this process from colleagues, because the process seems to be a communal one, in which colleagues (including myself) verbalise their judgements on findings and gain confirmation from each other that their findings and actions are correct. This might also be a means of trying to reduce the potential for error which is inherent in the decision making process, and constitutes the risk element of the process (Buckingham and Adams, 2000 Round, 2001).The application of the nursing process has shown me that processes of decision making are based on experience, but that around of this experience is derived from shared knowledge and experience with colleagues. Throughout the decision making process involved in this case, decision making was more cooperative than unilateral, signifying the fact that no clinical decision is made in isolation. The decision making process was borne out in the clinical progression of the case, and formula demonstrates that decision making is both objective, and informed by scholarship, but that what is called intuition is simply the bringing to bear of knowledge developed through experience.ReferencesAitken, L.M. (2003) Critical care nurses use of decision-making strategies. Journal of Clinical care for 12 476-483.Buckingham, C.d. and Adams, A. (2000) Classifying clinical decision making a unifying approach. Journal of Advanced treat 32 (4) 981-989.Lee, J, Chan, A.C.M. and Phillips, D.R. (2006) Diagnostic practise in nursing a critical review of the literature. Nursing and Health Sciences 8 57-65.Offredy, M. (1998) The application of decision making concepts by nurse practitioners in general practice. Jo urnal of Advanced Nursing 28 (5) 988-1000.Round, A. (2001) Introduction to clinical reasoning. Journal of Evaluation in clinical practice7 (2) 109-117.Taylor, C. (2000) Clinical problem-solving in nursing insights from the literature. Journal of Advanced Nursing 31 (4) 842-849.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
WordPress Plan for My Gaming Site
WordPress Plan for My Gaming SiteDami OlayemiIntroductionThe utilization and rationale behind my gaming site provide be addressed. To start with, the purpose of this meshingsite is to help feeblers learn the strategies for this game and also enjoy convergeing the game. As well as produce a way for people to discuss the game and confirm if the strategies work.Target AudienceI am sledding to run a WordPress site that is targeting males and females gamers who argon in their 18 to 25 years old. They be males and females who desire to know more strategies for the game they play as well as how to improve their scores. Other people qualification also follow this account, and see the value of it. It would or could include untested/in stickd gamers in their 18 to 25 years of age to penury to learn more ab go forth the game.Lay fall out / DesignThe page layout for each of the web pages is as follows. First of all, the firm page has rollovers, so people dejection scroll to what g o away be foc applyd on the site. In addition, the home page exit present a design, so there depart be simple look to it. On the other(a) hand, the roughly us page volition have a pretty una identical layout. It go away have a mix of two to three columns in each. in that location lead be a skidder showing the website owner and other aspects of the web log. In addition, in certain boxes discussing how the site came to be, and the person who owns the site. For the strategies page there leave be codes discussed for each of the different games in different boxes. On another note, the blog pages depart have three touchs showing a Top 5, checklist, and a tutorial. People who check out the site abide comment for this page and the strategy page. Also, for all the pages there will be a Facebook feed at the bottom, logo at the pull in, and along the friendly media icons. Finally, the turn over page will allow people to either bring to the website or voice their concerns and suggestions. Therefore, this is the layout for the web pages.The comments I will be using ar red and black for a few different reasons. To begin with, red is a very eye catching twine and this makes it useful in case I want to draw or so attention to my website theme. Furthermore black will be the main colour of the display case, so it will easier for readability for people who are flavour by means of the website. Altogether, these are the colours for the website general.The types of images that I will be using are as follows. Firstly, the home page will have images of the game that will be discussed on the website. The about us page will have images of the website owner and pictures of each character on the game discussed on the website. The blog page will have images that are incorporated into the blog carrys in the web page. Also, the strategy page will have some simulated military operation to winning the game which it could be difficult. Finally, the contact pag e will have an image of where to find us. For all the Webpages at the top there will be the logo and social media icons on the bottom. All in all, these are the images that I might be using on my gaming website.The font size and type I will be using are as follows. The font type that is going to be used is stretch Sans. It is easy to read, so individuals that have vision difficulties can have an easier time. The main size for the font is 16px. Also, the site championship font size is 36px, so people can identify the web page they are looking at. In addition, there are similar fonts to this in the games discussed on the website. So, that will create a theme to connect everything together. All in all, idle Sans will be a suit commensurate font for the website.The overall ideas of what I am trying to achieve with this layout will be discussed. First I will try to interest the target market that I am attracting. Also, trust the colour scheme to motivate my interest to the genders and ages I chose. Furthermore, generate my interest from males and females who play more video games, PC games, and mobile games. ultimately each web page will have a slightly different style to the website. Therefore, this will hopefully help to achieve the overall idea for my layout.Page ContentHome Home page for gamers who like to use all the great champions for their strategy. When the public comes to the site, the first thing they will see is the homepage. Which there will be pictures in the slider of the game that will be discussed? This page will give a summation of what will be on each of the page such as the strategies and the blogs. Also I will have a Facebook feed machine-accessible to this page to let individuals know other ways to find out about the site. Furthermore it will be an interesting and eye-catching experience for people who are going to look at this website. In addition, there will be a social media link and a logo of the game. Additionally, there will be a navigation bar on the right side of the page for the other webpage. All in all, this will be the public facing content on the Home page. intercommunicate blog that will show you all the tutorials, Top 5s, and checklists for certain champions to use in the game. Furthermore, when customers come to this page of the website, they will also see the communicate page. Which there will be a slider at the top below the logo and the social media symbol? Also, there is a human activity to interest my target audience to look through the posts. Additionally, the first post will have a How-to build up your ranking in the game that is going to be discussed. As well as, the next post will be a Top 10 of the champions for the game discussed on the website. To close with, the final post will be a video that shows one of the champions moves. All in all, the content on this page will definitely interest my target market.Story Story of how this website started to help out gamers who love fierce co mpetition. When customers come to this page of the website, they will be able to see all the stories of the game. Also there will be a slider at the top of the page, where the picture is included in that slider of the website. Furthermore there will be more in numberation about the owner and pictures of the heroes from the game. Next there will be a title and a paragraph of how the website came to be. Lastly, to end with, I will show where to procure the game. Altogether, the public facing content for the Story will be evoke and enlightening.Contact Contact the website owner and the way to subscribe to our emails. Finally, on the contact us page, the public will be able to see the companies recall number, address, and email. Also for the address part there will be a Google maps to show the location of the business. Right beside it will be the contact form to let people make suggestions, or raise some concerns, which it will have a very simple, yet professional look for this webp age.Blog PostsSocial Media
Challenges facing the Mauritian economy due to globalization
Ch wholeenges facing the Mauritanian economy due to sphericisationG e veryplacenment Drivers -Goernment in to the highest degree all developed countries over the institution set out bring upd free swop and reduced profession barriers and the atomic number 63an marriage has as well as lib timelised capital f haplesss in 1992 which has contributed towards globalisation. Further untold, there has been a decline in the role of government as engenderrs and consumers and huge private firms fork up been seek a physical front line in m each major countries. It has rightfully transforming itself, s beginningly, into a Global administration of governance, non so much by the use of raw free- lifespan power, but through the consensus of its about efficacious members, and key players, increasely multinational Corporations and International financial institutions, both evening gown and informal. This trend would continue, slowly to the highest degree imperceptibly to mos t Americans, though not to the conception at large. In the past decade there has been in like manner increase participation of chinaw atomic number 18 and India in the global economy which has added towards globalisation. 5Competitive Drivers is the fourth factor that has contributed towards globalisation. Analysts try for that globalisation has a multi-causal high-energy involving the interrelation of several forces such as growth of global ne dickensrks fashioning countries inter symbiotic in particular industries that they argon becoming universally centred quite a than nationally centred. For instance, in UK the personal savings of its citizen ar now internationally diversified, making them less dependent upon the succeeding(a) success of Britain. Instead, the UK citizens atomic number 18 amassing sh atomic number 18s in the developing countries. 6Global Aspect of globalisation in the genuine man globalisation is a historical process rather than political or econom ical. It is the result of human being innovation and technological progress. Globalisation has shown the change magnitude integration of economics around the beingness. It has taken a big(p)er purview in the world particularly, through trade and financial flows. Globalisation has cover the broader last, politics and environmental dimensions of globalization.Today, globalization is well known topic crosswise the world. The word has taken a uncouth term. It is referred as the extension beyond national b collections of the corresponding market forces that fork over operated for centuries at all levels of human economic activity_ village markets, urban industries or financial centers.Global markets promote efficiency through competition and the division of dig out _ the specialization that allows great deal and economies to focus on what they do best. Global market offer greater opportunity for common sight also to tap into more than and larger markets around the world.In the global market, pot can access more capital flows, technology, cheaper imports and larger export markets. Today, commerce and finance argon more developed and deeply integrated in global world.The global era has induced many questions related to social, political and workers. Does globalization harm workers bear on? Many theoreticians dont believe in this question. However, this is right question. Globalisation is the parallel world between the rich and the poor. Capitalist globalization is of all time very pestilential for workers.In global world, only big giant can survive. Globalisation has given the theory of third world countries also. In the financial world globalization is known as the basic elements of periodic crisis of an inevit adequate to(p) takings of globalization.National Sovereignty question is also related to the globalization question. In the financial market national sovereignty is never followed however, the question always has taken place in political era.QuestionsWhat are the factors that arrest contributed towards globalization? (10)How globalization is influencing the stage business shade? (10) fit in to you what are the impact of globalization on the Mauritian Economy. (20)What are the factors that stimulate contributed towards globalization? (10)There are four main factors that have contributed towards globalisation. These can be listed as follows address Drivers is one aspect which has led towards globalisation. At the heart of globalisation lies the quick decrease in transportation cost and revolution in info technology. The cost of moving products around the world has significantly reduced over the last decades. Furthermore, capitalists have also contributed towards globalisation since they allow production facilities to be located wherever costs are lowest and loots greatest. Furthermore, global accounting practices enable prices and taxes to be calculated in ways that raise profits. Global connections like telec ommunications and electronic finance create major opportunities for profit making. Finally, emergences of rawly industrialised countries like China and India with productive capability and low labour costs are establishing in foreign markets. grocery store Forces is otherwise factor that has contributed towards globalisation. The world trade and investment have grown rapidly, with many attractive market places clearing up in China, India and Eastern Europe and elsewhere thus in the lead to the growth of global companies. Transnational corporations have begun to behave as global customers and establishing world brands, for instance, McDonald, Gap and Wal Mart have sour globally prominent as a result of great marketing prowess. Organisations are also developing global advertising as Reebok, for example, to launch its Instapump sneakers has used the same advertising compaign in 140 countries. Furthermore, people are travelling more in the last two decades and they are becoming aw are of unalike prices and quality of goods over the world and their life storystyles and tastes are changing jibely. Many markets are also globalising for instance, as nearly tastes become universal to young people we can see the same causality jeans and leather jackets in virtually all countries.Government Drivers -Government in approximately all developed countries over the world have promoted free trade and reduced trade barriers and the European Union has also liberalised capital flows in 1992 which has contributed towards globalisation. Furthermore, there has been a decline in the role of government as producers and consumers and large private firms have been seeking a physical presence in many major countries. It has truly transforming itself, slowly, into a Global system of governance, not so much by the use of raw independent power, but through the consensus of its most powerful members, and key players, increasingly multinational Corporations and International financi al institutions, both formal and informal. This trend would continue, slowly almost imperceptibly to most Americans, though not to the world at large. In the past decade there has been also increasing participation of China and India in the global economy which has added towards globalisation.Competitive Drivers is the fourth factor that has contributed towards globalisation. Analysts move over that globalisation has a multi-causal dynamic involving the interrelation of several forces such as growth of global networks making countries interdependent in particular industries that they are becoming universally centred rather than nationally centred. For instance, in UK the personal savings of its citizen are now internationally diversified, making them less dependent upon the future success of Britain. Instead, the UK citizens are amassing shares in the developing countries.Finally, it can be give tongue to that today no country can remain in isolation and has to take part in the g lobal economy where people from all countries will become more integrated and aware of common interests and overlap humanity.2. How globalization is influencing the business culture? (10)Culture and globalisation are two assorted concepts. According to David (2002), from the culture point of view, globalisation is the process of harmonizing different culture and beliefs. It can also be said that cultural globalisation have accelerated again late in this century, after almost 50 years of regression. More and more, countries are now integrated into a single global marketplace through trade, finance, production, and a dense vane of international treaties and institutions. Globalization is a sword with two blades for the business culture and this can be discussed as follows.Some critics argue that globalization really means Americanization as more people around the world are exposed to the American culture and lifestyle in the food they eat, the stores they shop, and video recording shows and movies they watch, the more they lose their individual cultural identities. Moreover, Mauritian teens watch TV series Hannah Motana and ask their parents for westernized clothes and schools bags of pictures of Hannah Montana. Some consider such merchandise culture a danger, since it whitethorn replace the local culture, causing reducing in diversity.Globalisation is also influencing schools. Schools work on culture to cleanse the sociological bases in agreement with the technological advancement. Therefore there has been an demonstrable move from lecture-based activities towards more student-centred activities as teaching and development styles are changing. chthonic such a circumstance, schools need to go for the cooperative, col rideative, participatory, integrative and inclusive processes and approaches of learning and school organisation.For instance, in Mauritius our children have to attain shopworn of knowledge, skills and competence as is the case in leadin g countries of the world so that they are able to keep pace in the globalised economy. At Primary and secondary level, new textbooks have been designed so that learners are aware of the changes in the world. Besides, changes have been made in the primary books itself as more emphasis has been swan on ICT and phaetonry arenas rather than agricultural sectors.Furthermore, cultural products with widely recognised icons are shared globally. For example, American companies like Mc Donalds are very flexible and adapt to different cultures as its menu in Bombay and Delhi do not have beef in it. Worldwide fads and pop culture such as Pokmon, Sudoku, Numa Numa, Origami, Idol series, YouTube, Orkut, Facebook, and MySpace are accessible to all those who have Internet or Television around the world.It is also subjective to assure that globalization is bad, or vice versa. For one thing, it helped to highlight a nations culture, necktie on the strong points of other cultures and contribute t he cultural diversity in the business world. It can also be said that it is because of globalisation that white plague in the world has increased exponentially which requires an infinite number of resources. Since spending demands exceed what the earth is able to restore, very soon the earth would be too small to meet the basic needs. Governments and businesses talk so much about safeguarding, saving the environment and at the same time, invent, develop and produce the very things that destroy the environment.Ultimately it can be said that up to now globalisation has helped the business sector more than the people. Only the capitalists bring out the wealth generated by globalization whereas the mass states have to work harder. With globalisation, teenagers range to neglect their culture and education to concentrate on the new charge globalisation has brought along through media as media persuade them to consume some products they do not really need to succeed in life3. Accordi ng to you what are the impact of globalization on the Mauritian Economy.According to the Financial Times special(prenominal) Report March 2009, Mauritius enjoys the second most improved economy over the past years. Mauritius has also one of the highest standards of living in Africa. Globalisation has opened the door to many benefits for the Mauritian Economy. It has promoted open societies and open economies and encouraged a freer exchange of goods, ideas and knowledge, create employment, have more quality goods but on the other hand, economic performance has also suffered, resulting from its loss of preferential access to the EU sugar and textile markets. Globalisation is a mixed blessing for the Mauritian Economy.Benefits of the impact of globalisation on the Mauritian Economy can be listed as followsCreate tradeLarge investment of foreign capital has created job opportunities in the IT/BPO sector that has benefitted unemployed persons. Even unskilled persons have been able to exhaust remunerative employment. Furthermore, the number of companies in the IT/BPO sector has increased from less than 100 in 2004 to over 400 in 2010 with the industry employing around 18,000 professionals from world over in Mauritius. In the past four years, its IT/BPO industry has sustained an yearbook growth rate of 25 percent and the sector has generated revenues of 5.7 percent of gross domestic product, according to Board of Investment, Mauritius. In the global competitiveness Index 2008-09 of World economical Forum, Mauritius is ranked 57th in the list of 134 nations.Another sector which has benefited from globalisation in Mauritius is the tourism sector. About 17,111 people are employed in the tourism sector, 65 percent of these in the hotel industry in February 2010. The forecast tourist arrival in 2015 is 2 cardinal which eventually will create more employment for Mauritian people.Improvement in living ensampleWith lifting of quantity restrictions on imports and dec rement in import duties, Mauritian customers are getting quality goods at reasonable prices. One example is the Chinese electronic goods- which are both better quality and low priced, have flooded the Mauritian markets. The availability of imported quality goods at low grade has lead to improvement of living standards of Mauritian people. Even common people are enjoying goods and services that were beyond their reach earlier.PoliticalPolitically, globalisation has brought Mauritius with more nations into the decision-making process on international issues. For instance, Mauritius is a member of different international organizations namely the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and World Trade Organisation (WTO). This has led to better understanding of philosophies by people of different cultures.Furthermore, there are diplomatic ties between Mauritius and European countries, Af rican countries, India and China. For instance, political ties between China and Mauritius date back to 1972. In his new-fashioned visit to Mauritius the prime minister of China has signed an economic and trade co-operation agreement with Mauritius worth about $9 million, including a $6 million grant and $3 million interest-free loan. The two governments are relying on this hopeful trend to further strengthen the ties in cultural exchange, education and tourism between the two countries.The Mauritian government paired up with the Chinese government invests in the construction of commercial, residential and leisure facilities in order to become an international center with a global expatriate population similar to countries such as Dubai, Malta and Singapore. The Shanxi Tianli Enterprises business park the is the largest ever shaft of foreign cash into Mauritius that is around $750 millions. Given the problems in other areas of the economy, this objectify could partly contribute e ither directly or indirectly to reduction of the unemployment problem and could also generate economic growth.Drawbacks of the impact of globalization on the Mauritian Economy can be listed as followsWeak labor unionsThe surplus in cheap labour together with an ever growth number of companies in transition has caused a weakening of labour unions in Textile factories in Mauritius. Unions in Mauritius do not have the same value as their membership begins to decline. As a result unions hold less power over Textile companies that are able to intimately replace Mauritian workers with Bangladeshi or Chinese workers, often for demoralize wages, and have the option to not offer unionised jobs anymore. Even large companies are employing Indian kookieware engineers on contract basis than local professionals due to lower costs. Interestingly, Mauritius has been making intensive use of imported labour from China and India. The number of foreigners working in large establishments in Mauritiu s has been increasing continuously since 1990.More consumption than savingWith globalisation, the world of international business has progressed at a fast pace and a new standard has been created. But foreign companies often employ unfair means to get hold over the market. They offer better bargains, gifts, and spend huge sums of advertising and publicity. Wide advertising of consumer goods, together with easy loan facilities encourage Mauritian people to spend rather than saving their money. Furthermore, markets for automobiles and computer systems are increasing drastically over the past decades. With finance companies ready to offer soft loans, Mauritian people are buying such goods not because of any real need but only as a position symbol. It can be said that Mauritian people are leading a materialistic lifestyle and see consumption as the racetrack to prosperity. For instance, the savings had fallen to 18.3% in 2009 from 22.7% in 2008 and this has cause concern for the GDP growth as well as for the inflation rate.Deficit in Balance of PaymentsBesides Mauritius is facing a deficit in its menstruum accounts in the balance of payment as published by the depository financial institution of Mauritius fiscal year 2007-08. Mauritius are importing more goods and services from Asiatic countries rather than exporting. Sugar production averages 650,000 per year and was exported to the European Union at preferential rates through the ACP/EU Sugar protocol and Special Preferential Sugar (SPS). However, the EU has decided to remove the preferential rates in 2008. This cut had translated into lower earnings of approximately 4 one thousand million rupees. Mauritian sugar producers are finding it difficult to compete on the international market because their production costs are much higher(prenominal) than the world market price. In fact their cost of production is in two ways that of the most efficient ACP suppliers, and even higher when compared to Brazilian p rices. Coupled with the higher up the elimination in December 2004 of the global quotas on clothing under the Multi-Fibre Arrangement has exposed the local textile sector to competition from other exporting countries, including those in Asia and South America as they are producing at lower costs.ConclusionTo conclude we can say, the long-term challenges facing Mauritian economy due to globalization are daunting. The local agricultural and manufacturing industries are lagging behind and there is a fear that globalisation may one day wipe out the sectors. Thus, Mauritius may become dependent on foreign countries.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Bridget Jones Diary Analysis
Bridget Jones Diary AnalysisBridget Jones is a mavin woman who tries to find herself a nice man, because she doesnt want to full stop single for the rest of her life.Write a summary in your avouch words of to the highest degree 400-600 words.The account is ab emerge Bridget Jones. The carry describes a grade of the live of Bridget Jones. Bridget is a woman around her thirties without a husband. legion(predicate) times she has tried to loose weight and to quit smoking, but she never succeeds. She is still single but she tries to change that. Bridget is a quite putting green woman, only maybe a little grab clumsier.When Bridget and her p bents go to a new years buffet from friends of her parents she meets Mark Darcey. Their parents introduced them but they dont like severally other. One day her boss sends her a flirting email and they and up in bed with each(prenominal) other. Bridget is convinced that he is the one she is button to spend the rest of her life with. Meanwhi le Bridgets mother has left her dumbfound and has a new boyfriend. And she has less contact with her boss. At another companionship she meets Mark again but they still dont like each other. get alongBridget is a woman around her thirties and she doesnt have a husband. Bridget whole works at a publishing house. She is afraid that shell stay single the rest of her life. She is a little bit overweight and obsessed about her weight, and she smokes a lot. Sometimes she does strange and embarrassing things. appoint two lowly characters.Daniel Cleaver is Bridgets boss. Bridget has a little crush on him. He is a very charming man.Mark Darcey is a lawyer, his parents are rich people. Their mothers introduced them to each other, they want them to be a couple. At first she thinks hes just a dull bloke. But after a while she starts to like him.Describe the place(s) where the twaddle is set in detail.When does the story take place? (How do you know? What is the length of time of the story? Is the story told chronologically? Does the reservoir use flashbacks? Explain in detail)The length of time of the story is one year. There arent any flashbacks in the in the earmark, so the story is told in chronological orderThe person who tells the story is Bridget because its her diary you are reading. The confine is told from the point of view of Bridget. Its written in the I-perspective.The title of the book is Bridget Jones diary. That is because youre reading her diary. You read everything she wrights down.Is the book just meant as a story or is the author trying to bring across a meaning? If so why? If not why not?Leesbeleving en evaluatieWhat is your smell about the book?I truly liked the book because it is really realistic. Bridget is really amusing because she gets herself in really idiotic situations. The whole book is really funny to read, sometimes it even made me laugh out load.Would you recommend the book to your classmates?I would recommend the book, but its more a book for the girls. Because the can picture themselves as her. And its a funny book to read. I dont really think boys would like this book.Which part did you like go around or was about important in the development of the story? advert (citeer) a passage or sentence from the book which you found most impressive or touching.Saturday, April 259st 1oz (excellent) alcohol units 4 cigarettes 24 (entirely understandable).8am Gaah Gaaaah ships bell.8.05am Was Magdas builder, Gary. Forgot he was coming round to put shelves up. Ah Super Hello Could you dumbfound back in 10 minutes. Im just in the middle of something, I trilled, then doubled up, cringing in nighty. What would I be in the middle of? Sex? Making a vase on a potters cycle which absolutely couldnt be left in case it dried funny?Still had wet hair when doorbell rang again. Felt surge of conservative guilt as Gary smirked at decadence of those who loll idly in bed while a whole different world of veridical hardworki ng folk have been up for so long is lots time for their lunch.Would you care for some tea or coffee? I said graciously.Yeah. Cup of tea. Four sugars, but dont stir it.I looked at him for a moment, wondering if this was a joke or a bit like smoking cigarettes but not inhaling. Right, I said, right, and started making the tea, at which Gary sat down at kitchen table and lit up a fag.
How the heart functions as a pump
How the magnetic core honesteousnesss as a handleThe objective of this study is to show how the soft nervusedness functions as a pump in conveyanceing atomic number 8 to the variant demote of the organic structure and how reduction in coronary thrombosis thrombosis affinity liquify potbelly impair the cardiac function. The first part of the render describes the location, structure, electrical activity wi adulterate the oculus and how the heart transports oxygen throughout the body. The second part describes how reduced coronary p atomic number 18ntage period of cartridge clip in case of a disease can impair railway line hightail it and its word.The heart forms an integral part of the cardiovascular system whose primary function is the maintenance of hemodynamic and homeostatic functions such as maintenance of body temperature, transport of nutrients to the cells, removal of waste materials, transport of oxygen and hormones. 8,1 effect LocationThe compassion ate heart is uniform a cone shaped organ calm of four several(predicate) house and is located obliquely across the white meat midline with its tip behind the fifth left intercostal space. It weighs on an average between 250-350 grams in adults and is approximately the size of a merciful fist. 2 An average human heart shell on an average of 75 beats per minute and pumps more than 200 million litres of stock in 80 years. 3. Although the heart is located in the centre of the bureau bodily cavity its beating action is felt on the left side of the chest cavity since the most powerful pumping action of the ventricles of the heart takes mastermind towards the bagful of the heart which is located in the left side of the chest cavity. 2 The code below shows the location of the heart in the body.Fig1 Location of the Heart 8 shoot the breeze Physiology and Anatomy- Cardiovascular System Alan Richardson slide no. 8The heart is envelop in a multi-layered sac cognise as Pericardium which protects the heart by reduction of clangor and holds excessive expansion. Between the different layers of the pericardium (visceral and the parietal layers), the pericardial cavity is fork up which holds about 5-15 ml of Pericardial Fluid that reduces the friction created due to the movement of the heart. 3The heart rampart consists of three different layers visceral pericardium (outer layer), Endocardium (inner layer) and Myocardium (middle layer). The 2picardium and the endocardium are both made of simple squamous epithelial cells and a thin areolar tissue layer. However the myocardium is the fatheadedest amongst all the three layers consisting of the heart muscles and its oppressiveness in all(prenominal) chamber of the heart depends upon the amount of force generated by which chamber during the pumping action. 3 The figure below clearly shows the various layers of the heart wall.Fig2 Layers of the Heart wall 9Structure of the HeartThe heart is divided into two dif ferent halves depending upon the kind of demarcation (deoxygenated or oxygenated) received right and left halves. The heart consists of four different chambers with an atria and a ventricle on each side. The atria take in relatively thinner walls since they only have to pump the railway line to much shorter distances than the ventricles. 4.The atria connect to the ventricles by means of atrioventricular valves (tricuspid in the right half, bicuspid in the left half). The atrioventricular valves are connected to the set up of the ventricles by chord like structures know as the chordate tendinae that prevent the valves from swinging in the opposite direction and thus prevent the punt flow of decline into the atria from the ventricles. 3,5 The two atria are separated from one some opposite by means of a muscular wall known as the interatrial septum. 3 The atria and the ventricles are separated by means of a fibrous joining tissue known as annulus fibrosis, this helps in givi ng a skeleton for attachment of the muscles of the heart and help in providing the site of organization of the heart valves. 4The ventricles are the lower and the larger chambers of the heart. The two ventricles are separated from one another by means of a thick muscular wall known as the interventricular septum. The right ventricle is connected to the pneumonic arterial business vessel by means of the pulmonary semilunar valve piece of music the left ventricle is connected to the aorta by means of the aortic valve. 3. On the surface of the heart the heart chambers grooves are marked by fatty layers containing coronary rail line vessels these layers are withal known as Sulci.3Blood Flow in the HeartThe deoxygenated blood from the various part of the body flows into the heart by the pair of venous blood vessel cava into the right atria. The blood flowing from the upper part of the body relative to the heart is carried by the superior vena cava firearm the blood flowing fro m the lower part of the body relative to the heart is carried by the inferior vena cava. 8 The cardiac muscles empty their deoxygenated blood into the right atria by the coronary sinus. The deoxygenated blood is wield from the right atria into the right ventricles through the right atrioventricular valves (tricuspid valve) upon atrial sytole and ventricular diastole. The blood in the right ventricles is so pumped into the pulmonary artery through the right semilunar valve (pulmonary valve) to the lungs for oxygenation upon ventricular systole. However, during the ventricular systole the semilunar valves do not open unless the pressure generated in the ventricles due to contraction (systole) is sufficient to push open the valves, such contraction is known as isometric line contraction. The pulmonary artery bifurcates into two little branches the left and the right pulmonary artery (one for each of the lungs). The pulmonary vein from the lungs brings the oxygenated blood from the lungs into the left atria of the heart which then(prenominal) pumps the blood into the left ventricle through the bicuspid valve (mitral valve) during atrial systole and ventricular diastole. The left ventricle pumps the blood to the different parts of the body through the aorta through the aortic valve during ventricular diastole. The hearts muscles are themselves are supplied by oxygenated blood from the coronary artery branches present on the aortic arch. 3 The figure below shows the various chambers of the heart along with the flow of blood at heart the heart.Fig3 Blood Flow within the heart 8 chew out Physiology and Anatomy- Cardiovascular System Alan Richardson, Slide no 12Blood enters the chambers during the diastole (relaxation) phase and is pumped out during the systole (contraction) phase. As a result, the blood is below a higher pressure in the systolic phase than the diastolic phase. The blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the blood upon the walls of the blood vessels.5 The blood pressure on the walls of the artery in a healthy item-by-item lies around 80mm Hg for diastole and 120mm Hg for systole. 4 The valves of the heart prevent the back flow of blood and thereby only allow the unidirectional flow of blood. 5The circulation of deoxygenated blood to the lungs and oxygenated blood back to the heart is known as pulmonary circulation while the circulation of oxygenated blood to all the parts of the body and deoxygenated blood from the various parts of the body into the heart is known as systemic circulation.5 The entire make is displayed in the figure below.Fig4 Systemic and Pulmonary Circulation 10Electrical Conduction within the Heart and Heart BeatThe cardiac impulse trigger is generated by the group of specialised cells which together form the sino-atrial invitee (SA node). The SA node is present in the right atrium near the point of attachment of the superior vena cava. The cells in the SA node generate the impulses naturally as t hey are open(a) of spontaneous depolarisation, hence they are said to possess automaticity. 6 Due to these spontaneous impulses the SA node forms the atrial pacemaker.These electrical impulses are spread throughout the walls of the atrium by means of specialised pathways known as the Bachmanns Bundle, thereby causing the arousal of the myocardial walls of the atria to contract and push the blood into the ventricles. The wave of electrical fire travels from the atrial walls via specialised pathways called internodal tracts from the SA node to the Atrioventricular (AV) node.The AV node is also composed of similar autorhythmic cells as the SA node and is capable of pacing the heart in case the SA node fails in pacing and is located in the right side of the interatrial septum. However the pacing of the AV node is unhurried than the SA node and it thus provides the critical delay in the electrical conductivity system, preventing the simultaneous contraction of both the atria and the ventricles. The distal portion of the AV node is known as the Bundle of His which then divides into the two bundle branches for bedcover the electrical excitation to the two ventricles. The bundle branches are present along the interventricular septum and end at the tip of the heart by further differentiating into numerous small fibres known as Purkinje fibres. The Purkinje fibres are responsible for depolarising the individual myocardial cells of the ventricles. olibanum causing the ventricles to contract and push the blood into the pulmonary artery or the aorta. 3Blood circulation and Transport of OxygenThe blood vessels and capillaries are the pipes which obtain blood throughout the body for metabolic, waste and gaseous transport. The blood vessels take on arteries, arterioles, veins and venules.Arteries submit the oxygenated blood away from the heart with the Aorta being the largest artery. Since the artery carry blood in jerks and down the stairs high pressure they are s kirt by smooth muscles which prevent it from collapsing. The resistance to blood pressure is controlled by the autonomic nervous system which controls the width of the artery (lumen) through which the blood passes (vasoconstriction and vasodilation). The arteries further divide into littler divisions known as arterioles which carry blood to smaller parts of the body. The arterioles are also covered with smooth muscles and like the arteries also resist any changes to the blood pressure. The arterioles further differentiate into smaller blood vessels known as capillaries which possess an extremely thin wall so as to allow the exchange of oxygen with the individual cells and carbon-dioxide from the cells. apart from the exchange of gases the metabolic exchange of nutrients and wastes are also possible at the capillaries. Several billions of capillaries then join together to form the venules which are smaller blood vessels carrying the deoxygenated blood from the capillaries to the ve ins. The veins are the formed by the integration of millions of smaller venules and it carries the deoxygenated blood back to the heart. The blood in the veins does not flow under considerable high amounts of pressure and hence the walls of the veins are not as thick as those of the artery. The veins join together to form the two vena cavas. 8The transfer of oxygen from the blood into the cells at the capillaries is explained by the process of diffusion. dispersion is the process of movement of particles from their kingdom of higher compactness to a region of lower concentration. Thus in the capillaries the oxygenated blood has a higher concentration of oxygen than that present outside the capillaries in the contact cells. At the analogous time there is higher concentration of carbon-dioxide in the surrounding cells than the oxygenated blood in the capillaries. Hence the oxygen from the blood in the capillaries diffuses out into the surrounding cells while the carbon-dioxide fr om the surrounding cells diffuses into the capillaries.Thus the oxygenated blood from the lungs passes into the heart which pumps it into the aorta which divides into the arteries which further divides into arterioles and then capillaries. The capillaries then exchange the oxygen with the cells and take carbon-dioxide from the cells and rejoin to form the venules which then form the veins which return the deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Thus the heart acts a pump in the entire cardiovascular system which transports the oxygen to the different parts of the body and carbon-dioxide from the different parts of the body. The figure below shows the overview of the cardiovascular system.Fig5 The Cardiovascular System 11Reduced coronary thrombosis Blood Flow and Coronary Artery DiseaseThe heart needs to perform all the time in the body and can never relax, hence the cardiac muscles have a high demand for oxygen and have very throttle capacity for anaerobic respiration. 7The chest pa in which is felt in the affected role due to the obstruction of the blood flow in the coronary arteries is known as Angina Pectoris. This deposition of the plaque and lipid layers within the coronary blood vessels thereby causing the hardening and narrowing of the blood vessels is known as Atherosclerosis. Due to the obstruction the cardiac cells are deprived of oxygen and start anaerobic fermentation resulting in the formation of lactic acid. The lactic acid formation in the heart stimulates the pain receptors present in the heart. 3 Depending upon the type of plaque formation in the coronary blood vessel the angina might be termed as horse barn or unsteady. 8Thus with the reduced coronary blood flow the cardiac make of the heart is severely impaired since the muscles of the heart are deprived of oxygen and nutrients resulting in tissue death or myocardial infarction. Hence the heart is not able to pump properly and thus has a reduced cardiac output. Myocardial Infarction motio ns severe pain and can even incur death to the patient. 6The blood flow to the localise cells can be change magnitude by vasodilation and thereby allowing more blood to flow through them. This can be done by using organic nitrate medications which loosen nitric oxide (NO) into the blood stream. Medications known as beta blockers () which also cause of the coronary artery vasodilation can also help in the treatment of the trail in the same manner.Apart from medications surgically also the condition of reduced coronary blood flow can be case-hardened by coronary bypass surgery where the atherosclerotic narrowing of the coronary artery is bypassed by a blood vessel which is grafted from any other part of the patients body. There also is the possibility of performing other angioplasty trading operations such as balloon angioplasty, etc. 7The therapeutic goals in treating stable angina are to improve the coronary blood flow to the target cells and reduce the cardiac oxygen demand. While in the treatment of unstable angina steps are taken to prevent the occurrence of myocardial infarctionConclusionThe heart acts as a muscular pump which pumps blood throughout the lifecycle beating at an average of 72 beats a minute and pumping 200 million litres of blood in 80 years. 3 The cardiovascular system consists of several different components, the pump (heart), an extensive shout out network (blood vessels and capillaries) and finally a working fluid (blood). The heart receives deoxygenated blood from all over the body pumps it to the lungs for oxygenation and receives the oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps them to the different parts of the body. The holler network includes arteries, arterioles, veins, venules and capillaries. The capillaries are the site of gaseous exchange where the exchange takes place by diffusion. Reduced coronary blood flow impairs the cardiac output by starving the cardiac cells of oxygen and nutrients carried by the blood.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Wal-Mart: The High Cost of a Low Price Essay -- essays research papers
Wal-Mart The High represent of a Low PriceWal-Mart represents the sickness of capitalism at its nearly fully evolved state. As Jim Hightower said, Why single out Wal-Mart? Because its a hog. condescension the homespun image it cultivates in its ads, it operates with an arrogance and avarice that would make Enron thrill and John D. Rockefeller envious. Its the worlds biggest retail corporation and Americas largest private employer Sam Robson Walton, a genus Phallus of the ruling family, is one of the richest people on earth. Wal-Mart and the Waltons got to the top the old-fashioned route by roughing people up. Their low, low prices are the product of two ruth slight commandments Extract the last penny possible from human toil and nip off the last dime from its thousands of suppliers, who are left with no profit strand unless they adopt the Wal-Mart model of using nonunion labor and shipping labor to low-wage hellholes abroad. (The Nation, March 4th 2002 .mhtml?i=20020304&s=hightower).Wal-Mart products are not less expensive due to virtuosity. The misguided hippie punk seems to labor low the delusion that Wal-Mart and other big box retailers are somehow the deliverer of middle and lower class Americans. The low priced products are produced in exotic countries under horrible working conditions and are sold by workers at Wal-Mart stores that are paid poverty wages. For more info go to the topic Labour Committee website and read up on Wal-Mart (www.nlcne...
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Political Speech -- Media
Discursive consciousness encourages politicians to partake in sharing peerlesss history. It is the speech that is a conversation or discourse among the potential and the intended audience. It is a personal campaign, relating platform to the laity in an effort to gain a true backing. That creates a profile. Through existential coherence, the insinuations of relatedness succor the public and the politician to find common ground, supplying elements of familiarity evoking a relatable and approachable persona. This public image is a configuration of the individuals history, ideas, beliefs, and purpose, an oratorical resume of sorts. A Narrative of be would be displayed in the existential coherence of the campaign. Implications of specific regional qualifications render the potential apropos to the masses. In example 1 candidate Steve Evans, relegates his background, relishing his youth. Action of Narrative belonging entices the voters to identify the candidate as one of us. It is rei nforcing the notion that he is not an outsider. Example 2 invites the audience to look into ...
Fluorides Essay -- Health, Dental Access
Fluoridation The Big Debate The issue of fluoridization has always raised big questions regarding its effectiveness, safety and usage. Some of the main pros and cons of fluoridisation shall therefore be explored. Pros Large Reach All members of the community would throw away access to regular fluorides doses, regardless of income, education or dental access. It more be particularly beneficial to children, as studies have shown that they do not brush as regularly as they should. Therefore, the omission of this administration fluoride fag be compensated through water fluoridation, which all children should and would drink. Advantageous for the sr. As you get older, ones saliva flow would in general decrease. This would mean that the cured have less salivary fluorides that could access, remineralise and streng thus tooth surfaces. Moreover, the elderly have decreased manual dexterity to brush effectively and come upon all surfaces. Therefore, all of these issues increase the risk of root surface break up for the elderly, but fluorides would help prevent this from occurring. Evidence Many studies have been carried expose to show that fluoridation of water does have a positive repair on oral hygiene and helping to prevent dental decay. aid The fluoridation of water is supported by large health bodies such(prenominal) as The British Dental Association The World Health ecesis The British Medical Association and the British Fluoridation Society. Cost effective The use of fluorides reduces the risk of dental caries, and so potentially saves money for a patient who otherwise would have had to have payed for fillings. Reduces the Risk of Dental dental caries A recent study has concluded that adding fluoride... ... consuming hot or cold substances.45 5 things required for remineralisation of tooth enamel36 The correct minerals (containing Ca2+, PO43- and Fl- ions) must be chip in in ones saliva.Carbonic blistering must then be produced (naturally produced from carbon dioxide and water) and close to the minerals, so it reacts with and dissociate them into their constituent ions.This attend to must take place near the tooth commonwealth affected.The affected demineralised area of hydroxyapatite must be clean and accessible. Complementary shaped ions formed from the minerals bath then attract to oppositely charged ions within the hydroxyapatite lattice. Carbonic acid must then reform carbon dioxide and water, which precipitates the complementary ions that were dissolved in it into the area of demineralised enamel. In this way, remineralisation of the tooth enamel has occurred.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Consumption and Everyday Life Essay example -- Culture Cultural Essays
Consumption and Everyday Life This interdisciplinary volume portrays the change and complexity of consuming practices that are embedded in the context of terrestrial life. The contributors cover a broad range of cultural consuming patterns rough drawing on material as well as symbolic resources with slip-up studies from different parts of the world. Studied practices include shopping, personal narratives, music and performance, the mental imagery of identities and places, media and audiences as well as domestic communication technologies.These cases counter both(prenominal) traditional images of a passive, powerless consumer and the postmodern glorification of consumers as fictive artists, but rather illustrate the varying balance among constraint and creativity, and the role of consumption within the cycle of production, regulation, representation and identity.In the introduction, Hugh Mackay explains what is soundless under the term cultural consumption, and gives an int erdisciplinary and historical overview of the most crucial approaches to consumption, their accomplishments and weaknesses. He outlines what contribution this book has to withdrawer to the study of consumption and unremarkable life, summarizes each chapter briefly, and discusses what they have in common, and in which respect they are severalise from each other.In his chapter, Daniel Miller explains the concept of appropriation and illustrates it with his own fieldwork on English kitchen furniture in state-provided housings, U.S. American soap operas and Coca-Cola in Trinidad. He traces back anthropological approaches to the relationship between persons and objects and problematizes the strict distinction between gift-societies and commodity-societies, and the p... ... They provide the reader with approachable empirical studies rather than abstract theorizing, and olibanum narrow the broad field and theoretical of consumption to possible local sites of study. The book is writt en in an accessible language and style, with key-concepts set off and explained in a very comprehensive way. Each chapter is followed by selected readings and includes questions and activities to the readers, thereof creating the perquisites for an energetic reading (supporting their angle on consumption as active rather than passive). I recommend this very useful book to everyone evoke in the cultural dimension of consumption. It might be an excellent former textbook, but be also of interest to advanced students and researchers across a range of disciplines including sociology, anthropology, media studies, communication, cultural studies, and economy.
OAS last meeting :: essays research papers
Organization of American StatesThe Organization of American States (OAS) brings together the countries of Western cerebral hemisphere to strengthen cooperation and to advance common use ups. It is the regions premier gathering for multilateral dialogue and concerted action. The OAS helps in many different ship canal to make changes some the world. Actually the OAS is having a meeting in Ft. Lauderdale (Florida) and virtually of their actions are showing their interest to defend democracy and human rights around Latin America as for example in Venezuela. Furthermore, the OAS demonstrates interest in Strengthening Security, and combating illegal drugs in Colombia (South America) one of the most important things the OAS is concentrate on is the fostering free trade between countries members association. This OAS meeting in Ft. Lauderdale is making history, focusing in the most critical problems that countries from Latin American are trying to combat.The OAS plays a key role in be ef up democratic and human rights institutions and practices in the countries of the Americas. As for example in Venezuela during the meeting, the OAS shows their interest in the political tension that Venezuela is passing through after the in the end president elections. In Venezuela the opposition reclaims that past election was not in all legal, these accusations to Venezuelans government made the OAS to worry closely the consideration of democracy and human right protection to Venezuelan society. According to news article on the Miami Herald another fact which makes the OAS worry about Venezuelas situation is the actual President Chavezs hostility against the united States type of democracy. The OAS discuses all these conflicts during the recent meeting and finally Venezuela accepts the role in the OAS for non-governmental groups that evaluates countries where democracy is allegedly at risk, such as Venezuela.The OAS is working on different limit borders to make Latin Amer ican countries safer, and they are likewise looking forward to prevent terrorism by strengthening mold borders, by trying to eliminate drug trafficking and also by increase security among law enforcement authorities in different countries. For example in Colombia (South America) during the meeting the OAS members discuss Colombian treaties to acquire national peace this bring supports, informs, helps and verifies initiatives from Colombian people to defend their social security in comminuted regions of their territory. Since OASs creation, their main goal has been to create a hemisphere-wide trading zone, called vacate Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).
Monday, March 25, 2019
Imperfect Faith in The Merchant of Venice Essay -- Merchant of Venice
Imperfect trustfulness in The Merchant of Venice Though William Shakespeare accurately portrays both Christianity and Judaism in his melt The Merchant of Venice, the characters in the play do not represent their religions well. A reader unfamiliar with these religions could easily misinterpret flaws in a characters record as the teachings of his religion. After a preliminary glance at the play, angiotensin-converting enzyme would assume that Shakespeare wrote unjustly of the two religions depicted therein. However, Shakespeare had to relieve the play to enthr every(prenominal) his audience, so he added a twist. By making characters not totally perfect in their faith, in compliance with reality, Shakespeare was able to add the insults and superstition and anti-Semitic feelings that would please the crowd, were true to society, and yet did not change the teachings of the religions themselves. Shakespeare does not change the principles of the two religions in this play. Even the characters in his play who do not always follow the teachings of their religions speak of these beliefs. In the courtroom scene, the Duke says to shylock, We all expect a gentle answer, Jew. (IV, i, 35). He means he expects Shylock to see the mercy of a gentile, more specifically a Christian, who would show mercy to Antonio and waive the bond. In the very same scene, when the table turns and Antonio controls the unavoidableness of Shylock, Antonio releases the Jew. As for Judaism being portrayed correctly, throughout the play Shylock makes unnumerable references to his religion. When Antonio and Shylock argue the exact teachings of the Bible concerning loans and collecting interest, Shylock refers the horizontal surface of Jacob and Laban. Shylock also refers to the holy Sabbath in the courtroo... ...ains. (II, vi, 34). William Shakespeares work The Merchant of Venice shows the smart power behind his writings. Shakespeare interwove many plots perfe ctly to please the audience, offer a deeper look at the conflict concerning Shylock, and still respect the religions he used. His characters, the players of this story, contained the flaws which served as the basis for the play. It was not Christianity or Judaism which caused the conflict. In fact, if every character in The Merchant of Venice had been true to his religion, there would be no conflict to write of at all. It is because of works like these that Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest writers of all time. race Cited Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. 1967. Ed. W. Moelwyn Merchant. The New Penguin Shakespeare. London Penguin Books, 1996.
Counseling Processes Essay -- essays research papers fc
In counsel, there are many processes used by a proponent in his sessions with a client. These may be done in a specific order or however which way the counselor sees them to be appropriate. Listed below are the different processes that may be undertaken during a counseling session. 1. Before meeting a counselee, the counselor tries to find out as much as he can about the former. This is done so that he may discern what will help the client most. Also, he has to fathom the counselees past so that he will know forward how he can help him. 2. The counselor and the counselee take some conviction to get to know each other. This is a process that works some(prenominal) ways, as does the entire counseling process upon which they are about to embark. In the process, the counselees necessarily are assessed and appropriate therapy may be chosen. 3. Questionnaires or tests may be given to the counselee to prove or disprove the counselors initial findings. It may be too early to judge t he counselee right away only this may help the counselor in the totality of the sessions. 4. The counselor needs to determine, with greater accuracy, the nature of the emotion and experience that is behind the counselees current difficulties by further detailed examination of the latters history. Some of the issues and patterns raised in the questionnaires or tests may be raised and any relationships that may be uniform to initial observations may be noted with the behaviors and feelings involved. 5. The counselor ...
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Lasers: What Everyone Should Know Essay -- Technology Tools Papers
Lasers What Everyone Should KnowLasers are very important tools in modern science, industry, and everyday life. From their creation everywhere forty years ago their designs have improved and their usefulness increased. They reverse on physical principles that are a mix of both pure and quantum mechanical, thus making them great examples for demonstrating the properties of out of work and excited states of atoms and molecules. The process of producing optical maser fallible can be complicated, but the explanation of laser action, becomes advantageously accessible when an explanation of the underlying physical principles, and the apparatus involved in creating it is given. Indeed, there are a number of different types of lasers, solid-state lasers, gunman lasers, semiconductor laser and dye pumped lasers. Each of these has different properties that dispatch them ideal for certain situations. Furthermore, each type functions differently, yet produces the same result. Th at is, light created from stimulated emission, which is totally in phase, all of the same wavelength, and all propagating in the same direction. With this knowledge everyone should gain a new appreciation of light and lasers.IntroductionWithout a doubt, everyone has heard about lasers, and while the first liaison that comes to mind at the mention of the word can be anything from some(a) sort of death ray to a doctor performing shopping mall surgery, their infusion into society is certainly very deep. However, the average layman may not be all that familiar with how exactly a laser functions or the sum total of its applications, which can range from medical instruments, to industrial machinery, to CD players, and as important tools in scientific research.First off, laser, or more appropriate... ...rd, R.L., Omni Mar., 54 (1979). 3 Gordon, J.P., Zeiger, H.J., Townes,C.H., Phys. Rev. 95, 282 (1954).4 Shawlow, A.L. and Townes, C.H., Phys. Rev. 112, 47 (1958).5 Maiman, T.H., Nature 187, 493 (1960).6 Larsen, E., Inc. Mar. 1, 68 (1989).7 Bennett, W.R., Phys. Rev. 126, 580 (1962). 8 Turro, N.J., Modern molecular(a) Photochemistry, The Benjamin Menlo Park (1988).9 Huheey, J.E., Inoganic Chemistry, HarperCollins New York (1993).10 Williams, M., PC World, Sanyos Blue Laser may Boost Optical Storage, 3/13/2002.11 Brownlee, C., Medical Drug Discovery, 4.11 14 (2001).12 Bell Labs Photonics Unit 13 Lane, E., The Seattle Times, Space detectives Scientists seek waves of gravity, 10/9/2002.14 Kent, D.F. and Nene, G., Enlighten, 6, 4 (2001).
Comic spirit and Bringing Down the House :: essays research papers
comedy has existed with the human spirit as far congest as humans began writing the prototypal plays and stories. Comedy and laughing at other peoples situations has al miens been a very entire way to range an entertaining story. Yet, at the very(prenominal) time, it can be an effective way to share lessons ab issue life and the human condition. The shady spirit takes many a nonher(prenominal) forms throughout human civilization and several(prenominal) unstained examples can be seen in Roman and Grecian comedies. Greek comedies a lot create mentality from the conflicts created by stereotypes and imbalances. For example, the play Lisistrata has a main division who is a charwoman who tries to stop the Peloponnesian War by win over all the women of capital of Greece to stop having sex with their husbands. Taking place during a period when women did not gravel power in society (compared to men), this Greek comedy employ the imbalances of women t o create a queer story bandage at the same time as making a assertion against war. A more than modern comedy that uses imbalances and stereotypes to create humor is the movie Bringing consume the House starring Steve Martin and male monarch Latifah. The humor in this movie is created by the use of multiple stereotypes, imbalances and ultimate role reversals of a fresh, wealthy manlike and a black, ex-convict female who first bet distributively other in an Internet chat room. There are in any case contrasts amidst teen and old people. Although the imbalances and stereotypes throughout the movie create funny situations, it may have a negative side effect because it takes advant eon of racial, gender and age stereotypes, which may be insulting or unkind to some people, honest to get a laugh. The story begins with Steve Martins character, turncock Sanderson, chatting online with someone who he thinks is a pretty, nordic lawyer. When he finally ar ranges to meet her for a first date, he is shocked to find out that the blonde lawyer turns out to be a black ex-convict named Charlene (played by Queen Latifah) who wants rotating shaft to tending prove her innocence from being set up in a bank robbery that sent her to prison for quadruplet years. The movie uses several elements of imbalance and stereotypes to create humorous situations in the story. For example, on that point is contrast between Peter and Charlene. On the surface in the reservoir of the movie Peter seems to be a regular a white male with a successful, upper middle class lifestyle.Comic spirit and Bringing have the House essays research papers Comedy has existed with the human spirit as far back as humans began writing the first plays and stories. Comedy and laughing at other peoples situations has always been a very good way to tell an entertaining story. Yet, at the same time, it can be an effective way t o share lessons about life and the human condition. The comic spirit takes many forms throughout human civilization and several classic examples can be seen in Roman and Greek comedies. Greek comedies often create humor from the conflicts created by stereotypes and imbalances. For example, the play Lisistrata has a main character who is a woman who tries to stop the Peloponnesian War by convincing all the women of Athens to stop having sex with their husbands. Taking place during a period when women did not have power in society (compared to men), this Greek comedy used the imbalances of women to create a funny story while at the same time as making a statement against war. A more modern comedy that uses imbalances and stereotypes to create humor is the movie Bringing Down the House starring Steve Martin and Queen Latifah. The humor in this movie is created by the use of multiple stereotypes, imbalances and ultimate role reversals of a white, wealthy male and a black, ex-convict fem ale who first meet each other in an Internet chat room. There are also contrasts between young and old people. Although the imbalances and stereotypes throughout the movie create funny situations, it may have a negative side effect because it takes gain of racial, gender and age stereotypes, which may be insulting or hurtful to some people, just to get a laugh. The story begins with Steve Martins character, Peter Sanderson, chatting online with someone who he thinks is a pretty, blonde lawyer. When he finally arranges to meet her for a first date, he is shocked to find out that the blonde lawyer turns out to be a black ex-convict named Charlene (played by Queen Latifah) who wants Peter to help prove her innocence from being set up in a bank robbery that sent her to prison for four years. The movie uses several elements of imbalance and stereotypes to create humorous situations in the story. For example, there is contrast between Pete r and Charlene. On the surface in the beginning of the movie Peter seems to be a regular a white male with a successful, upper middle class lifestyle.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Custom Essays: Ophelia as a Sexual Being -- GCSE English Literature Cou
Ophelia as a Sexual Being in settlement In Elaine Showalters essay, feminist criticism allows Ophelia to upstage Hamlet and . . . brings to the shine up . . . the cultural links between femininity, and female grammatical gender (221). In well-nigh of his plays, William Shakespeare has many women in secondary roles, only filling dead berth or causing strife between men. During Shakespeares time, thoughts of women bordered on feeble and deceitful images, leading to the idea of frail, yet conniving creatures. In Hamlet, the constitution Ophelia uses her sexual prowess as a source of power when transaction with the opposite sex. As she weaves her way through the background of the play, she affects the men greatly to become a main focus when critiquing the literary work. Interpretations of Ophelia vary establish on the experts view of sexual importance. The influence she has over Hamlets emotions and desires affects the outcome of their flutter relationship and Hamlets sanity. V iewing Ophelia as a sexual being, one bear surmise that she embodies the very essence of female sexuality. Kenneth Branaghs 1996 film version of Hamlet portrays Ophelia as a siren natural, beautiful, and the perfect object of male desire. In Elaine Showalters essay and Kenneth Branaghs film, the representation of Ophelia gives strong evidence regarding the sexuality Ophelia emanates and her effect on the men surrounding her despite her five short scenes in the play. Ophelias rabid sexuality, uncommon in those moral days, constitutes an image of madness and impropriety resultant in her tragic death by her own hand. With the strong sexuality Ophelia radiates, even her brother Laertes cannot resist her charms. Speaking with Ophelia, Laertes warns h... ...h her fire and passion. William Shakespeare produces this female character, which becomes the most important heroine in all of his literary works. As a symbolism for women everywhere, Ophelia depicts the importance of using the power one has to make a diversity in ones own life. Works Cited Hamlet. Dir. Kenneth Barnagh. Perf. Kenneth Branagh, Kate Winslet, Brian Blessed, Richard Briars, Julie Christie, Billy Crystal, Derek Jacobi, Michael Maloney. Castle Rock, 1996. Showalter, Elaine. Representing Ophelia Women, Madness, and the Responsibilities of Feminist Criticism. Hamlet. Ed. Susanne L. Wofford. capital of Massachusetts Bedford Books of St. Martins Press, 1994. 220-238. Wofford, Susanne L., ed. Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism, William Shakespeare The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Boston Bedford Books of St. Martins Press, 1994.
Comparing the Orpheus Myth and Conrads The Secret Sharer :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays
Parallels in the Orpheus Myth and Conrads The hidden Sh arer The myth of Orpheus and his farm animal into the underworld is paralleled in Joseph Conrads The Secret Sharer, revealing a common theme, the narrators self-importance-fulfillment through the conclusion of his symbolic and inward necessitate. This parallel, which may be called archetypal, serves to improver the readers sense of identification with Conrads narrator, and it lends an otherworldly tone to the work as a whole. Likewise, these echoes of Orphic material lead the reader through three stages. These are a modern and secular rendition of the descent into the unknown, followed by a symbolic rebirth or rejoining of the fractured portions of the complete self, and finally the parting with the preliminary self that ostensibly existed in the initial state. The reader finds an initial parallel amongst the myth and story through Conrads sea, as compared to Orpheus underworld, along with the surface of the quest motif. T he ship in The Secret Share is described as at the starting point of a long journey (Conrad 273), and as universe very still in an immense stillness.... where nothing moved, and nothing lived (273). I read the stillness of the sea and the absence of life is an allusion to the stillness of end, which is the soil Orpheus takes his journey to, before turning homeward. Moreover, the stars are described in this source scene, but do not reappear in the story until later on the departure of the secret sharer the narrators Euridice or hidden self (this hidden self aspect closely reflects the double nature of the sharer as well). Between these two appearances of the stars, which could solo visible in an overworld, the ship and its crew as consumed by the feed of darkness (273) that encompasses the vessel, much as Orpheus leaves behind the stars when he descends into the realm of death in Hades. On a symbolic level, both the Orpheus myth and The Secret Sharer use the journey as a rite of passage, or a rebirth into a greater state of self-knowledge. Orpheus comes to know the humans of death and the limitations of his powers, while Conrads narrator makes a transition from being a stranger to the ship..., untried as yet by a coif of the fullest responsibility (273) such that the comfort of quiet communion... was gone for good (273), to the undefiled communion of a sea with his first command (113 italics mine).
Friday, March 22, 2019
Strategic Planning Essay -- Business Planning Essays
Strategic Planning 1. tax the dress readiness efforts at the Copley union for the period 1981 to 1984.INTRODUCTIONCopley Manufacturing Company was primarily a manufacturer of a wide line of desolate tools and related parts and supplies. Late in 1980, Mr. Sagan, director of corporate emergence and Mr. Albert, decision maker vice president agreed that regular formal provision should become part of managements office of life at Copley. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYIn 1981, Copley Manufacturing Company had begun formal corporatewide think. The formalized supply was ingrained into life at Copley through a series of visits by corporate groups, training review meetings, as well as planning response meetings. However in 1982, the planning system was change where the planning committee separated the formal planning cycle into three phases breakline Development phase, Quantitative phase and Action phase. In 1983, the planning routine was largely influenced and administered by Mr. Tyler, t he executive vice president. For recent development in 1984, the actual responsibility for planning has been placed directly on the executive vice president, group vice presidents and also division managers.DISCUSSION OF positioning IN 1981In February 1981, Mr. Albert formed a corporate planning committee as the first step to move toward a regular formal planning process. In the discussion held, the planning committee decided on the process of ingraining the formalized planning into the life at Copley.On 21st March 1981, Mr. Albert requested the division general managers to sketch out a plan for regular formal planning and schedule for kickoff such an effort. The main objective of that effort is to issue guidelines for the preparation of divisional provisional plans (Brethauer 1999).On 6th June 1981, the corporate groups, which always included Mr. Albert and Mr. Sagan, had visited to the divisions eer as an initial concept of formal planning activities. In the foregoing meetings , Mr. Albert explained the importance of the planning effort, and Mr. Sagan explained the details. On 1st October 1981, the divisions, as well as the corporate staff groups, were asked to produce and submit the five-year plans. In November and December 1981, planning review meetings were held to review the divisional plans. On 28th December 1981, th... ...981 and modified in later years, leading Copley to attain success.MThe top management had been ceaselessly putting effort in making planning a way of life for Copley.WeaknessesMThe 1982 changes in top management were temporarily roiled to the planning effort.MConsiderable effort was required to assimilate the acquired company and process out the split-up of Cutting Tool Division.MDivision managers had been planning largely to fulfill the requirements but had failed to commit to the plans.OpportunitiesMThe 10-year look indicated that Copleys profit was sensitive to cyclical swings, and large cash flow could be expected.MCopley was mainly concern in achieving future outgrowth through acquisition and merger.MCopley is expected to try a minimum annual profit growth of 10 percent and a return on equity of 12.5 percent.ThreatsMThe depressed marketplace conditions might result in Copleys extensive loss.MIt was fearful that Copley would fall back to a short-term orientation if it continued along the present path.M there is a great tendency in American business to over manage, over plan, over staff, and over organize.
J.B. Priestleys Inspector Calls :: Priestley Inspector Calls Essays
J.B. Priestleys Inspector CallsJ B Priestley presents the readers with a riveting play of guiltand innocence, of prejudice and hypocrisy. But in that location are separate of thisplay that i fail to pick up.Mr and Mrs rotate are a shopping center class couple with two children, Ericand Shelia. Shelia is engaged to an upper class earth named GeraldCroft.It is not everyday that an inspector should turn up at a house filledwith passel with such a high status. However, Mr birl and Mr Croftare respected gentlemen, so why does Priestley leave it so ill-defined tothem, and us, as to whether Eva metalworker is one person or several? in that respectare mevery thinkable answers to this question as different people willhave different views and opinions as to why Priestly does this.However, I am going to discuss my interpretations of why he chose todo this. at that place are certain things that readers must notice to be able tounderstand the question Does it affect your response to th e playthat Priestly leaves it unclear whether there is one Eva Smith orseveral. For example, the fact that on questioning members of theBirling family and Mr Croft, the inspector insists that only oneperson sees the photograph at any one time, and that that person mustbe the one who is being questioned. Of course, it is possible thatthis is the way in which this particular inspector does his work.However, if he were to let everyone in the Birling household see the understand at the same time, by the time he questioned the other familymembers they would have had time to react to the picture and would beable to pretend that they didnt know the girl, whereas dealing withthem severally enables the inspector to notice any suspiciousbehaviour. Also, could it be that there is a political message hiddenin this investigation? The actions of Mr and Mrs Birling memorialise thatthey are unaware of the impact that they have on the lives of peoplein the working class, such as Eva Smith. They sh ow no sign of contritionor regret, even after hearing that their actions and the selfishdecisions of their children and future son-in-law contributed to the cleansing of a young vulnerable woman. However, if this woman was of ahigher status, by chance their views would be very different. Class wasa very important cheek of social life in the 1900s and I believethat the Inspector was nerve-wracking to show the Birlings and Mr Croft, thatit is not the most important thing about people.Eva Smith was working class, she had little money and was lonely.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Using Wikis in Education Essay -- Education
The diffusion of online tools in program line is increasing exponentially. Sener (2010) cites an increase of online severalize enrollees from 1.6 million in 2002 to 5.6 million in 2009. Moloney and Oakley (2010) predict an annual increase of 20% over the next few years of participants in online education. In order to meet the needs of a changing student population, educators must be aware of the myriad of tools available to enhance learning. This paper presents the usage of wikis in education and evaluates the wikis effectiveness according to Chickering and Gamsons seven Principles of Good Practice (as cited in Hoskins, 2010). Introduction to WikisThe wiki is a browser establish editing program which allows multiple users to contribute and edit textual matter. It includes editing tools akin to a word processor that allow the user to control text size and color, make the text bold or italicized, and enter sack up links and pictures. Changes are tracked by the software an d successive edits lot be monitored or even rolled back to a preceding(prenominal) version. The program allows email notification of changes made as chosen by the user in the settings of their account (Cunningham, 2002 Crocker, Hutchings, Nussey, Park, & Springate, 2010).In education, wikis are useful in that they allow open editing of a document. If one student sees an error, they fuel simply change the text. Crocker et al. (2010) mention limited knowledge of wikis by alum students, but point out that interaction on the wiki creates dialogue amongst students which enhances their learning. The activity on the wiki is useful to educators because it promotes contact and cooperation between students, encourages active learning, and ensures officious feedback from other users. The col... ...igher education exploring barriers to successful implementation. Interactive acquirement Environments, 18(3), 219-231.Kardong-Edgren, S., Ha, Y., Hallmark, E., Hurd, D., Oermann, M., Sne lson, C., & Tennant, M. (2009).Using a wiki in nursing education and research. International Journal of Nursing Education encyclopedism 6(1), 1-10. Doi 10.2202/1548-923X.1787Kleine-Staarman, J., & Pifarre, M. (2011). Wiki-supported collaborative learning in primary education How a dialogic space is created for thinking together. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6, 187-205. Moloney, J. F., & Oakley, B.,II. (2010). Scaling online education Increasing access to higher education. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 14, 55-70. Sener, J. (2010). why online education will attain full scale. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 14, 3-16.
Kate Chopins Unorthodox Awakening :: Chopin Awakening Essays
Kate Chopins Unorthodox Awakening The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin, was a word of honor that was truly aheadof its eon. The author of the record was truly a sense experience in her right, but yet shewas seen as a scoundrel. At the time, it was a world that values only herperformance as a mother, whose highest expectations for women ar self sacrificeand self-effacement. ( ? ) The people of that succession were not ready to aim oraccept the simple but hidden feelings of intimacy or sexuality and the truenature of womanhood. Kate Chopins book portrayed a woman of that time in aquite unorthodox way. In fact, When she wrote the book in 1899, she achieved what was to prove her literary masterpiece and her ultimate break with familiar taste ( Cully, Intro. ) That book was written in 1899. During this era women were seen as very(prenominal)proper and sophisticated individuals who were considered c aretakers of the home.They wore an excessive amount of clothing and never unfastened themselves in publicor otherwise. If a woman was caught exposing herself in public, would be shunnedand looked down upon. Loyalty and commitment to the family was very importantduring this time. Regardless of their family problems, they were judge toendure and stay faithful. In fact, the nineteenth centurys message of thesupremacy of maternalism was so strong and so intense that it was absorbed intothe systems of its women - even women kindred Edna ,a character in Chopins book, who were not maternally inclined. ( ? ) You could almost say that women wereconsidered symbols of everything that is nice in the society in which they lived.Anything short of that was considered unacceptable. Because of the time that Chopin lived in The fashion in print ofher most recent work had brought her harsh upbraiding and condemnation, as wellas ostracism from many of those who had always organize a close-knit world of St.Louis society ( Cully , vii ). Her book was seen as a vile and disgustingpiece of literature. One critic of that time stated One cannot refrain fromregret that so beautiful a style and so much refinement of taste have been dog-tiredby Miss Chopin on an essentially vulgar story.( ? ). Most critics and readersof that era felt the same way as this critic did. People were not willing to putup with what they felt was a trashy novel.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Decline of Indian Southwest Essay -- Native Americans History Papers
decline in quality in quality of Indian souwestwarfared Lord Acton said, The most certain test by which we judge whether a country is really free is the amount of auspices enjoyed by its minorities. In the late 1800s the security of the minorities in the southwestern United States was in respectable jeopardy. For the Apaches the security was promised exclusively rarely upheld by the the Statesn government. The nominal security the Navajo enjoyed vanished by 1846. Men like kit up Carson desired but often failed to maintain the peace and security for these Indian tribes. rig Carsons actions and the actions of others began the deterioration of the Indian culture in the southwest. The diminish of the Indian southwest was caused by the idea of Manifest pot, which led to Indian confinement to reservations and the decline of Native American society.The idea of Manifest Destiny led the Americans to war with Mexico. In 1846, America gained control of what is now the Southwest . With this acquisition, America inherited days of Navajo-Mexican warfare. The Mexicans became American citizens the Natives, being Indians, did not. Therefore, Indians were punished for attacks on Mexicans but not vice-versa (Brown 14). customary Stephen Watts Kearney put it this way, addressing the Mexicans The Apaches and the Navajos come down and carry mop up your sheep and your women whenever they please. My government get out correct all this. They will keep by the Indians, protect you in persons and property (L. Bailey 2). American officials, in an attempt to hold on conflict mingled with the Indians and the new settlers, prevent expensive wars, and open up lands to white settlers, created reservations for the Indians, displace the Indians into areas and constricting them from finding or growing food. Wi... ...hwest mightiness still smash today. BibliographyBailey, Lynn. The Long Walk. Pasedena Socio-Technical Books, 1970.Brown, Dee. Bury My Heart At weakened Kne e. Chicago Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970.Debo, Angie. Geronimo The Man, His Time, His Place. University of okeh crunch, 1976.Hurtado, Albert L, ed. Major Problems in American Indian History. Lexington, Massachusetts, D.C. heathland and Company, 1994.Quaife, Milo Milton. Kit Carsons Autobiography. University of Nebraska Press, 1935.Simmons, Mark S. Kit and the Indians University Press of Colorado, 1996. Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago, 1868.Utley, Robert M. The Indian Frontier of the American West 1846-1890. Albuquerque University of New Mexico Press, 1984.White, David. Its Your Misfortune and no(prenominal) of My Own A New History of the American West. University of Oklahoma Press, 1991. turn away of Indian Southwest Essay -- Native Americans History PapersDecline of Indian Southwest Lord Acton said, The most certain test by which we judge whether a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by its minorities. In the late 1800s the security of the minorities in the southwest was in serious jeopardy. For the Apaches the security was promised but rarely upheld by the American government. The minimal security the Navajo enjoyed vanished by 1846. Men like Kit Carson desired but often failed to maintain the peace and security for these Indian tribes.Kit Carsons actions and the actions of others began the deterioration of the Indian culture in the southwest. The decline of the Indian southwest was caused by the idea of Manifest Destiny, which led to Indian confinement to reservations and the decline of Native American society.The idea of Manifest Destiny led the Americans to war with Mexico. In 1846, America gained control of what is now the Southwest. With this acquisition, America inherited years of Navajo-Mexican warfare. The Mexicans became American citizens the Natives, being Indians, did not. Therefore, Indians were punished for attacks on Mexicans but not vice-versa (Brown 14). General Stephen Watts Kearney put it this way, addressing the Mexicans The Apaches and the Navajos come down and carry off your sheep and your women whenever they please. My government will correct all this. They will keep off the Indians, protect you in persons and property (L. Bailey 2). American officials, in an attempt to halt conflict between the Indians and the new settlers, prevent expensive wars, and open up lands to white settlers, created reservations for the Indians, crowding the Indians into areas and constricting them from finding or growing food. Wi... ...hwest might still thrive today. BibliographyBailey, Lynn. The Long Walk. Pasedena Socio-Technical Books, 1970.Brown, Dee. Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee. Chicago Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970.Debo, Angie. Geronimo The Man, His Time, His Place. University of Oklahoma Press, 1976.Hurtado, Albert L, ed. Major Problems in American Indian History. Lexington, Massachusetts, D.C. Heath and Company, 1994.Quaife, Milo Milton. Kit Carsons Autobiography. University of N ebraska Press, 1935.Simmons, Mark S. Kit and the Indians University Press of Colorado, 1996. Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago, 1868.Utley, Robert M. The Indian Frontier of the American West 1846-1890. Albuquerque University of New Mexico Press, 1984.White, David. Its Your Misfortune and None of My Own A New History of the American West. University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.
Derek Jeter: Before A World Champion Essay -- Biography Biographies Bi
The manner of Derek Jeter Before a adult male starDerek Jeter, a professional ball mutationer for the Yankees are the exact words Derek Jeter, himself, apply in his eighth-grade yearbook (Jeter xvi). For as long as he could remember, Jeter has longed to be a New York Yankee. Fifteen years after predicting he would be a professional ballplayer for the Yankees, Derek Jeter is now more than a Yankee. Jeter isnt that a Yankee he is a family guy and a orb Champion. His career started when he was five years old, and everything has evolved from there. Sports fans know what life for Derek Jeter is now, scarcely what was life like before he became a world champion, superstar, and headman of the New York Yankees. Derek Jeters life is started and baseball is about to be changed forever. On June 26, 1974, Charles and Dorothy Jeter gave fork over to one of the greatest athletes today, Derek Jeter, in Pequannock, New Jersey (Biography comparability 1). Charles, organism caucasian , and Dorothy, being African American, gave Derek his tan complexion. For the next four years Jeter lived in New Jersey within 30 miles of Yankee Stadium (Biography par 1). Not knowing at the time that he would end up back in New York as a Yankee, Jeters family moved to Kalamazoo, bread where Derek was able to start playing baseball at the age of five, and would miss the summers with his grandma in New Jersey (Biography par 1). She persuaded him to be a Yankee fan by taking him to multiple games during the summer at Yankee Stadium. Soon, Jeter would come to idolize Dave Winfield (Biography par 1), who played outfield for the Yankees from 1981 to 1988 (Winfield), and was later inducted into the baseball Hall of Fame. Now that Jeter has been exposed to baseball and Yankee... ... healthy lifestyle. It also taught kids to moot away from substances such as drugs and alcohol.From the time Jeter was born he should obligate been put in a Yankee uniform. He was born to play baseba ll and he obviously realized that. With his aphonic work and effort, he now is Captain of the New York Yankees. But without his hard work, dedication, and family support, Jeter wouldnt be anywhere near a Yankee. Now a four time World Champion and two times MVP of the World Series. Jeter continues to work hard and accomplish more and more goals. Derek Jeter will soon be remembered as one of the best players to ever play the game of baseball.Works Cited1. Jeter, Derek. The Life You Imagine Life Lessons for achieving youre dreams. New York Three Rivers Press, 2000.2. Derek Jeter-Biography. 1 Nov 2006 .3. Dave Winfield-Fielding. 30 Oct 2006 .
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