Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay --
A genetic disorder is a sickness caused by mavin or many abnormalities or absentees in the genes or chromosomes. One interesting genetic disorder such as fundamentcer, argon found genetic but, force out also be caused and masked by many by environmental factors such as being exposed to asbestos which whitethorn increase the risk of lung crabmeat and many other cancers. While on the other hand most disorders like Williams Syndrome are genetic and are primarily rare and only affect a limited amount of people about one in every several thousand. Because it is a genetic disorder that is estimated between 1 in 10,000 people worldwide, primarily caused by a micro-deletion on the 7th chromosome is what indicates the disorder being Williams Syndrome.Because Williams Syndrome is very uncommon within a large crowd among people, the causes that are known to trigger the disorder are very few. The causes or conditions that are known to trigger Williams Syndrome is by the deletion of twen ty-six to twenty-eight genes on chromosome 7. numerous people may conclude that just because Williams Syndrome is a genetic disorder meaning that it has to be inherited from their parents are incorrect. Most people may non inherit Williams syndrome because the chances of his or her child to inherit the syndrome is a low 50/50 chance. That is because when the deletion of the 26 28 genes that takes place within the chromosome number seven are of what randomly chosen events that particularly occur in the male or female eggs or sperm .When dealing with Williams syndrome many symptoms may come upon the person with this disorder. Some of the symptoms may be not be that eye catching or life threating but some, however some can be life threating. In resulting the person to ... ...consequences of having Williams Syndrome. Some examples would be that a type of cardiovascular disease will soon follow Williams Syndrome called Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis. Resulting ones largest crease v essel to get narrower and narrower causing the person to catch ones breath very often even if not exercising , abdominal pain, and sometimes if fatal nerve center failure. Furthermore Williams Syndrome is not a disorder that is to be thought of kindly. Just because it occurs 1 in 10,000 people does not mean it is not deadly. It has been estimated that 82 percent of people who die of Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis disease (a disease that follows Williams Syndrome) are 65 and older. And b2cause there are no cures for William syndrome even with the help of todays modern science and technology people with it must be monitored and treated for symptoms throughout their lives.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Free Euthanasia Essays: The Church and Assisted Suicide :: Free Euthanasia Essay
Church groups wrote to all members of Congress urging support for the Lethal Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 1998. Excerpts follow Swift enactment of this economy is necessary due to a seriously flawed ruling by U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno... The ruling asserts that Oregon, by rescinding its own civil and criminal penalties for instigateing the suicides of trusted patients, has established assisted suicide as a legitimate medical practice within Oregons borders -- and that the federal official government lacks any basis for disagreeing with this judgment. Under this ruling, however, federal intervention by the Drug Enforcement Administration in Oregon may well be warranted in cases where a physician fails to comply with state procedures regarding how and when to assist suicides. Federal law will protect the lives only of those deemed by the state to be ineligible for assisted suicide. The Oregon assisted suicide law, in and of itself, poses an marvelous threat to human dignity and to equal protection of all citizens under law. While continuing to forbid assistance in the suicide of a progeny and healthy person, this law rescinds criminal, civil and professional penalties for a doctor who assists the suicide of someone he or she believes in good faith to have six-spot months to live. Ironically, once this good faith judgment is made it will never be proved wrong, because the patient will be dead from a drug overdose in a few days. Oregons discriminatory policy stigmatizes an entire class of vulnerable patients as having lives not worth protecting. For this reason it has been found unconstitutional by the only federal court to review Oregons law on the merits. See Lee v. Oregon, 891 F.Supp. 1429 (D. Or. 1995), vacated on other grounds, 107 F.3d 1382 (9th Cir. 1997), cert. denied, 118 S. Ct. 328 (1997). Current federal policy demands an increase penalty when the victim of a crime is seriously ill or otherwise unusually vulnerable (Uni ted States Sentencing Commission, Guidelines Manual, p. 227, 3A1.1). How, then, can the federal government now place its penalties under the Controlled Substances Act to confirm and enforce Oregons discriminatory policy on assisted suicide -- where the vulnerable condition of the victim turns a crime into a legitimate medical practice? Any states rights argument on this issue is contradicted by the plain language and intent of the federal Controlled Substances Act.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
A Young Americans Discovery of the Silent Majority Essay -- Essays P
A Young Americans Discovery of the Silent Majority History panders to the glorious and dramatic while often there is a story untold. Perhaps it is less exciting, but no less crucial in understanding history as a whole. Thus is the story of the dull majority. On November 3rd 1969, one year after his victory in the United States Presidential race, President Nixon issued an address to the American public in which he coined the term silent majority. President Nixons address began by describing the situation he inherited when taking situation. Nixon described the situation as such The contend had been going on for four years. One thousand Americans had been killed in action. The training program for the South Vietnamese was behind schedule 540,000 Americans were in Vietnam with no plans to pare the number. No progress had been make at the negotiations in Paris and the United States had not put forth a comprehensive peace proposal. The war was cause deep division at home and criticism from many of our friends as well as our enemies abroad (Episode). President Nixon then proceeded to detail the progress made and the different actions taken by his administration throughout the course of the first year of his first term. Nixon described the pressure on his administration to end the war. He referred to a protest in San Francisco in which Protesters carried picket signs donning the clause, Lose in Vietnam, bring the boys home To this President Nixon responded Well, one of the strengths of our free society is that any American has a right to reach that conclusion and to advocate that point of view. But as president of the United States, I would be untrue to my oath of office if I allowed the policy of this nati... ...speech/ . Freed, Kenneth J. Kissinger Interview. Associated Press featured in capital of New York Student Press. 6 Feb. 1973 Frost, Michell. On the Other Hand. Albany Student Press. 4 Dec. 1970.Frost, Mitchell. View From the Right. Albany Student Press. 30 Jan. 1973 Oringher, Maida. Misplaced Priorities. Albany Student Press. 25 Jan. 1972.Pyle, Richard. Vietnams New Map. Associated Press featured in Albany Student Press. 31 Oct. 1972.Rosten, Leo. A trump For Reason. Garden City, NY Doubleday &Company Inc, 1970. The Tactical Leadership. SUNYA Protests. Albany Student Press. 25 Jan 1972Weintraub, Peter. Vietnam Vets Americas Most Alienated. Albany Student Press. 20 Oct. 1972. Whistle, Gary. Interview with Amanda May Whistle. 25 April 2005Wire service Compilation. Rocky Supports Nixon. Albany Student Press. 25 Jan 1972.
Truss Design Project Essay -- Engineering
SummaryWe have designed a truss to support a point load, placed at 190mm from the edge of a 450mm gap. The perpendicular face of the trusses is modelled on the already established K truss design, but the overall shape of the structure is our own. There are three K units on each truss. The two vertical faces are held together at the come about by another truss-like design. We modelled this on the N truss.The truss is constructed from hot-dog sticks, glue and bolts.Int roductionThe labor was to construct a truss out of 48 hot-dog sticks and 30 bolts to support as large a point load as possible. It was to span a gap of 450mm and to support a load placed at 190mm from the end. The truss may have a maximum depth beneath the supports of 130mm, and the loading rod placed not more than 110mm beneath the supports. Member ends must be bolted and the forces within the members calculable.Project ObjectivesMaximise the load capacity of the trussAchieve an eventide distribution of force to ea ch memberConstruct the truss carefully for maximum qualityDesign a truss which did not fail from flexural-torsional buckling. outgrowth of the ModelWe began by researching established truss designs, such as the Bailey bridge, Baltimore bridge and the N truss. We realised that although each type of truss was useful for its own purpose, none of the bridges was intended for supporting a point load. However, we compared the designs by calculating the distribution of forces in the members. This gave some guidance to the development of the model.We researched the K truss, which is composed of many a(prenominal) repeated K units, in either direction. This design gives the most even distribution of force to the members, which satisfies o... ... to the members reinforcing material glued to compression members holes drilled towards the middle of tensity members to give extra support the rounded shape of the top and bottom of the trusses for improved weight distribution and the N truss des ign on the top and bottom to prevent flexural-torsional buckling.Drawings are over the pageConclusionsThe K-truss is the most effective means of distributing a point load amongst members, under determinate conditions.Increasing the concaveness/ angle of the outer members of the truss lessens the forces in the members.Reversing the direction of the Ks at the position of the point load helps to lessen the force in the tally vertical members.It is desirable to have as many Ks in the truss as possible. The solution is maximised so that all 30 bolts are used, giving a good amount of K joints.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Medical Testing On Animals :: essays research papers
Animals cede been used in medical research for centuries. Most of the carnals used for research are rodents - rats, mice, hamsters and gerbils. Some dogs, cats and a variety of goats, ferrets, pigeons, monkeys and rabbits are also used .The struggle against this tyranny is a struggle as important as any of the moral and social issues that have been fought over in recent years. Animal rights are an emotional issue-second only, perhaps, to the bitter abortion debate." For decades the value of animal research has been grossly overrated. Although researchers have depended on animal test data to achieve medical advances, there should be other means of research because testing on animals is wild, inhumane, and often unnecessary. The American Medical acquaintance believes that research involving animals is absolutely essential to maintaining and improving the health human beings. They point out, that virtually every advance in medical science in the twentieth century, from antibioti cs to organ transplants, has been achieved either directly or indirectly through the use of animals in laboratory experiments. They also emphasize that animal research holds the key for solutions to AIDS, cancer, sum total disease, aging and congenital defects. Lastly they insist that, the result of these experiments has been the elimination or control of legion(predicate) infectious diseases. This has meant a longer, healthier, better life with much slight pain and suffering for humans. For many patients, it has meant life it self.However, there should be other means of research because the whole process of animal research remains cruel and inhumane. Animal rights activists have gathered a large amount of information that has closed down many laboratories that violate anti-cruelty statutes. In the past, research labs have had to be subsequently suspended due to animal cruelty. Reports involving horrifyingly painful experiments on monkeys and the filthy laboratories the animals m ust live in. Animals limited to living in tiny alloy cages in which they can barely move. From the capture of primates in the wild, to the "factory-like" breeding of mice and dogs, to the confinement and isolation of cages - research is inherently cruel.Animal research is often unnecessary, history has shown that many important medical advances have been made by clinical research and close observations of human patients, not animals. There are countries that dont use healthy animals to read veterinarians or teach surgical techniques. In England they use only sick or injured animals and do most of their work on animal cadavers.
Medical Testing On Animals :: essays research papers
Animals take in been used in medical research for centuries. Most of the animals used for research are rodents - rats, mice, hamsters and gerbils. Some dogs, cats and a variety of goats, ferrets, pigeons, monkeys and rabbits are as well used .The struggle against this tyranny is a struggle as important as any of the moral and social issues that have been fought over in fresh years. Animal rights are an emotional issue-second only, perhaps, to the bitter abortion debate." For decades the value of animal research has been grossly overrated. Although researchers have depended on animal test data to come upon medical advances, there should be other means of research because testing on animals is cruel, inhumane, and often unnecessary. The American Medical Association believes that research involving animals is absolutely inwrought to maintaining and improving the health human beings. They point out, that virtually every advance in medical science in the 20th century, from antib iotics to organ transplants, has been achieved either presently or indirectly through the use of animals in laboratory experiments. They also emphasize that animal research holds the key for solutions to AIDS, cancer, heart disease, aging and congenital defects. finally they insist that, the result of these experiments has been the elimination or control of many infectious diseases. This has meant a longer, healthier, better life with much less pain and suffering for humans. For many patients, it has meant life it self.However, there should be other means of research because the whole process of animal research remains cruel and inhumane. Animal rights activists have poised a large amount of information that has closed down many laboratories that violate anti-cruelty statutes. In the past, research labs have had to be subsequently suspended due to animal cruelty. Reports involving horrifyingly painful experiments on monkeys and the filthy laboratories the animals must live in. A nimals limited to living in tiny metal cages in which they can except move. From the capture of primates in the wild, to the "factory-like" breeding of mice and dogs, to the confinement and isolation of cages - research is inherently cruel.Animal research is often unnecessary, history has shown that many important medical advances have been made by clinical research and close observations of human patients, not animals. There are countries that dont use healthy animals to train veterinarians or teach functional techniques. In England they use only sick or injured animals and do most of their work on animal cadavers.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Interpersonal Skills Essay
inter person-to-person skills ar very definitive to have and develop in life, they ar the foundation to the relationships we nock through with(predicate)out our existence. We are interacting with people on a daily basis, even if for a brief moment in time and, those interpersonal skills are the tools we need to make those interactions as positive and effective as possible. This is especi wholey true with our workplace interactions. Throughout our work experience, we testament constantly collaborate and interact with others on all aspects of work in order to get the job done.There are many different dimensions of interpersonal skills that include verbal and non-verbal communication, effectively extraditeing feedback and being percipient to accepting constructive criticism, efficiently dealing with disagreements, and understanding how technology has an effect on theseskills in the workplace. By understanding these types of interpersonal skills we canful much positively influe nce and support each other, create an encouraging work environment and collectively work in concert to thrive in our employment.These interpersonal skills will restrict our degree of success in the workplace. Further much, the absence of these interpersonal skills will hinder our other talents and knowledge and emergence in a dysfunctional work environment. Interpersonal Skills When thinking of a person we like to be around, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact modestnesss why we enjoy their company. A common motive is that they are good communicators. Its easy to talk to them, they relate well to you, they have a positive attitude and are generally pleasant to be around.Similarly, we all know person who has difficulty communicating with others. Maybe its your coworker, a longtime friend, the clerk at your favorite store or a family member. Everyone is different and interpersonal communication skills vary depending on how well they are in tune with themselves and others. I nterpersonal communication is simply the way people pass around with each other (Interpersonal Skills, 2013). Whether interactions are of a social or professional nature, having good interpersonal skills will improve those interactions.The centers sent to others while communicating are both verbal and nonverbal (Adler, 2010). The words being spoken, the listeners perception of their meaning, the body language of the communicators involved and the environment where the communication is happening are factors of interpersonal communication (Adler, 2010). With all of these moving parts its easy for misunderstandings to occur. Often times at that place is a disconnection between what a vocaliser actuslly says, what the speaker intended to say and the meaning the listener applies to what the speaker said (Adler, 2010).Linguistic theorists C. K. Ogdfen and I. A. Ric substantials are famous for creating the triangle of meaning. This model shows that there is no extend relationship betw een an idea, process or other referent and the word (or other symbol) used to represent it. Rather, the pathway to understanding or misunderstanding passes through the mind of the sender or receiver. (Adler, 2010, p. 92) Speaking with clarity and removing equivocal terms, or terms with two different, but equally acceptable meanings is one way to relieve inevitable misunderstandings (Adler, 2010).By eliminating the use of slang in a professional setting and being cognizant of the use of jargon communicators can also uphold to reduce misunderstandings (Adler, 2010). There is an appropriate place and time for everything and being aware of the audience and how messages will be received can keep verbal messages on a direct path of understanding to the listeners. Nonverbal communication often affects the way information is received more than verbal messages because, as the timeless invent tells us, its not lways what you say, but how you say it that can leave a lasting impression.Nonv erbal communication is anything other than the words coming out of your sassing (Adler, 2010). If your boss has a slouched posture and disinterested expression on their face, this may make an employee feel discouraged about bringing forth important concerns. If a colleague is making poor eye contact and constantly checks their watch, this may a message of disinterest to a coworker. People that often encroach upon others personal space can find that this affects the attitudes of others towards them.Most times you cannot control if your intended verbal message is received properly, but you can control if you are fidgeting and the meter of focus you are portraying to anyone you communicate with. Verbal and nonverbal communication skills go a long way towards improving overall interpersonal skills. ace can improve their interpersonal skills and facilitate optimal communication by developing better networking, team work and leadership qualities (Interpersonal Skills, 2013b).Networking skills are exemplified when an individual is self-confident, communicates effectively and never stops building connections in their personal and professional networks (Interpersonal Skills, 2013b). People with great interpersonal skills can easily act as the go-to person in their social circle or professional organization. They can connect the dots for others because they relate well to others and move through various interpersonal environments effortlessly. Collaborating well with others and working towards a common goal illustrates good team work.Individuals with interpersonal prowess cooperate with others to achieve the groups goals. They value the ideas and contributions of each team member by actively listening and encouraging each and every team member to participate. Strong leadership skills require highly developed interpersonal skills. A leader with confidence, an open mind and who readily gives due praise can motivate others to work harder and achieve more (Adler, 2010). Using ones expertise to representative appropriately and mentor those who need it are natural characteristics of a leader (Interpersonal Skills, 2013b).Poise, grace and charisma also play a large part in the impression left after any interpersonal interaction. Those with robust interpersonal communication skills understand not only themselves, but also those around them with a fluid flow of cause and effect.. Dealing with Criticism One cause for communication that relies heavily on interpersonal skills in order to attain a successful outcome is criticism. Dealing with criticism from any aspect can be tricky, if not handled in the right way this kind of conversation can quickly go awry very quickly.While giving and receiving praise is easy and pleasurable to manage, encountering criticism is inevitable. Whether speaking out about a mission or being the one to receive anothers dissatisfaction, criticism can spread like a wildfire of negative emotion and can result in a workplace cli mate where people are defensive. With the right tools though, someone can effectively deliver and respond to constructive criticism as well as use that information to develop and grow more.Offering constructive feedback can be more stressful than receiving it, because we know that we may tease others by telling them something they may not want to hear. Anticipating the confrontational nature of the encounter is unnerving, but can be best minimized by having a good attitude, carefully planning the message and being well prepared in the delivery. A good attitude is imperative to fostering development in others, positively influencing work relationships, and most importantly, will also help make others feel more receptive to the constructive feedback you may have.The essence of a more positive attitude is respectthat comes from how we construct messages how we speak and act can be more important that the words themselves, as well as paying(a) close attention not only to what you say b ut also to your nonverbal behavior, including your vocal tone and facial expression, when expressing yourself. (Adler, 2010) In addition, part of having respect and demonstrating equation for others is showing a genuine concern for them and being honest in communicating, which also gives others a feeling of being valued and appreciated. Planning your constructive feedback field of study is also essential n making your message most effective, and minimizing a defensive reaction (Adler, 2010). Organize your thoughts or the sequence of events that you would like to discussand qualification even wish to refer to note cardas it ensures you get the information correct and can offer the impression that you have carefully considered your comments (Garner, 2006). Your message should define the problem clearly with sufficient detail, stay concise, accurate and on topic. The message should address one topic so as to not deluge the receiver and potentially cause the individual to become defe nsive.A good idea, would be to include any ways in which the recipient will reach from heeding your feedback. When receiving criticism, a respondent will be more accepting if their strengths and positive actions are acknowledged. Finally, the delivery of your feedback should be in a way that is most conducive to convincing the receiving individual. The use of descriptive statements, or I language, refocuses evaluative statements on the speaker instead of judging the other person because they clearly state the reason for bringing up the matter as well as the speakers feelings (Adler, 2010).Avoid using you statements that can very easily make the billet take a turn for the worse by making the individual defensive. Pay close attention to your nonverbal communication, so as to avoid humiliating the other person, such as speaking loudly, sounding condescending or pointing your finger (Adler, 2010). Finally when giving constructive feedback, its most important to deliver your criticism privately (Adler, 2010). There is nothing worse than feeling embarrassed and belittled, because you feel like youre being scolded in front of others.Reacting in self-denial is very easy to come by when youre on the receiving end of constructive criticism. Receiving criticism can actually trigger the flight-or-fight responsefeeling the impulse to withdraw (flight) or retaliate (fight) (Garner, 2006). Luckily, there are many strategies that can be implemented to help in listening non-defensively and might leave you more open to the feedback. Some strategies include recognizing your bodys physical response to criticism-prone situations, keeping an open mind, recognizing there may be truth in the criticism, and reckon it as an opportunity for personal growth. As you realize that you are being criticized you may feel your heart race a bit, your blood pressure rise, your speak become a bit dry, and your skin temperature may changehowever, it may be best to simply realize that these a re somewhat instinctual responses and succumbing to them may not best serve your long-term goals (Garner, 2006).We learn something new every day from the people around us, especially in the workplace where there are a wide range of skills and knowledge spanning different departments (Adler, 2010). By keeping an open mind and listening thoughtfully, you may learn something useful. While it can be hard to listen sincerely when being criticized, asking for examples or clarification, paraphrasing and even keeping notes of your critics comments can give you something to do besides defend yourselfand will show your critic that you take his or her comments seriously (Adler, 2010). Doing these things, they may allow you to be more open to recognizing there might be some boldness in your critics feedback, especially if this is an opinion others may share. You must avoid excuses, rationalizations and blaming others so as to deviate from the situation.Being honest with yourself is most import ant and taking the opportunity to develop and grow will benefit you in the long run. It is both the critic and the recipients responsibility to work together as a team to focus on finding a cooperative solution that meets everyones needs. The goal of critical communication is to ensure that there is a dialogueimportant information may be missed that might help better assess the particulars of the situation (Garner, 2006). Both partys perspective should be heard with respect and with as much of a non-judgmental attitude as possible.New information can potentially be uncovered that may influence ones view of the circumstances, that would otherwise remain undisclosed if the others case is not fully heard. Finding someone to place fault on is counterproductive and will not work for satisfying both individuals. A more gainful approach is focusing on finding an effective solution is most beneficial to everyone involved (Adler, 2010). The goal is not to have a winner and loser, but to have a uncouth understanding about the topic and how things can change for the better (Garner, 2006).
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Plant Growing Lamp Presentation Essay
Good morning, everybody. Thank you for coming to my short presentation today. Let me introduce myself first. Im Chris Wong, a medical assist of Willis Health Centre. Im very glad today to present to you our teams proposed product, Dino, a botany growing lamp. My presentation lead be covered into three parts. Ill, first of all, introduce to you the background information about our environment. Next, Ill explain our proposed product, Dino. Finally, Ill outline some problems that our team implicated about. Afterwards, there will be a question and answer session.Right, let me start with the background about our environment. In fewer years, do you feel the brave out is unexpected? Do you think this is terrible? Do you know why? Let me talk you. Nowadays, human do lots of things to damage our environment is caused the bigger problem, global warming. That why the weather is unexpected. They use lots to things to release the green rest home gas. It is global issue because the effects ar e very important. That why we developed this plant growing lamp.Fine, Ill now explain our proposed Dino. To start with, lets look at the aesthetic value. This lamp can come with different pattern and color. approximately important is it will have some seed inside the lamp. You can choose the pattern and color to match your home design and your home will be more modern. After the plant grows up, it also can offer fresh air. You will have a wonderful environment in the house because it can be a pretty decoration. Now, lets turn to the users needs. The lamp has deep penetrating infrared light. Do you feel weary after a whole working?It can help you to relief pain and stimulate blood circulation. You feel more relax after use Dino. It really can bring you a health benefits. So much for the users need and the aesthetic. Lets now look at the benefits for our company image. As you know, our company directions are foc employ on health and environment. I think the health benefits of the u ser are already to promote our images. For the environment, the lamp is using a bio-degradable material. It is less damaged to our environment and it is very eco-friendly since Dino is also using the recyclable material.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Cranium Filament Reductions SWOT Analysis
The company that I decided to do a SWOT analysis on is Cranium filawork forcet Reductions which is a sensory hair beauty parlor. After reviewing their business plan, I thought that it was very well written and detail-oriented. Below you will find my swot analysis of the hair salon business plan Strengths This venture does harbor experienced, creative leaders and enquiryers since Susan Sever (the owner) has divisions of management under her belt. Ms. Sever has done all of her research about the hair salon indus humble. The industry is easy for anyone to start and end a business which makes for a belligerent market.Ms. Sever has realized that customers are expression for quality work and great customer service without conciliateing an arm and a leg so she has a plan to cater to all of her clients needs. She similarly has a line of products that she will be selling in the salon. In my opinion I think that her market segments are targeted correctly. Her target market includes m en, women who bathroomnot render the expensive upscale salons, and women with children. She has a plan of hiring six experienced hair dressers and an experienced receptionist.Ms. Sever will be offering training to her employees so they can stay up to date on their skills. Weaknesses There were a couple of weaknesses that I found in the business plan. The weaknesses that I could see were located inside the business target market segments. Cranium Filament Reductions thinks that young women with children would be a great target for the company. I can understand that their children need their hair done as well but having children in the salon may deter other customers from coming in.Some people use salon date as a way to take time for their selves away from their children so why would they want to deal with other peoples children at a salon. Another weakness is the fact that Ms. Sever is depending on males to make up about seventy to seventy-five percent of their clientele. Dependin g on the atmosphere at the salon will determine whether or not men show up. If the salon seems to be too feminine then I highly doubt that men will be the majority of their clientele.Opportunities If Cranium Filament. Reductions actually keeps to their plan about providing high end customer service at a low represent then they will have a strong opportunity to strive. There are people out there that dont want to pay over $100 for a haircut and some pampering so if they were to find a place that offered everything that they were looking for at a lower rate they would receive regular customers. Regular customers would spread the word to their friends and family members and reviews about the salon would be all over town.Having regular customers would give Cranium Filament Reductions the opportunity to turn over well known around the neighborhood and possibly even the state. If Cranium Filament Reductions can actually make their projected profit for the first year or double the profi t, this may provide them with the opportunity to expand the business or the services that they offer. They would be able to buy newer equipment, send their employees for new training, or even expand the product line.Threats I believe that Cranium Filament Reductions has underestimated the reactions from their competitors. Ms. Sever does realize that the hair salon industry is a highly competitive industry but I dont think that she understands the lengths that someone will go to make sure your business is not successful. Ms. Sever plans to do a lot of promotional things during the first couple months but that doesnt mean that another salon wont start to offer the akin promotional items.Cranium will need to stay on their toes to keep their business booming. A change in customer taste does occur promptly within the hair industry so cranium will need to be up to date with all the new trends and their skills. Competitors may also try to compete with the product line that Cranium offers . Cranium will also need to be on the lookout for new up and coming salons. Everyone thinks that they have a passion for hair so this industry will always be increasing with competitors.Hair Salon Business Planhttp//
Friday, May 24, 2019
Primary School and Typical Young Kid Essay
I can remember one event in my grade trail old age that I did not like. You could say it being one of my worst days of my life. I was in the fifth grade, in a school in Clovis, NM. This school believed in paddling if you got in trouble. The teacher I had, acted like he love to enforce this rule. He would tell us, every time we acted out, that he was going to play around us as he waved his paddle in the air.We were told to do training for the weekend and to bring it back on the next Monday. I didnt demand to do this long homework assignment, I wanted to go play with my friends and play video games. I was a typical young kid I just wanted to have fun. That whole weekend I did not touch that assignment. I dont even think I took my homework out from my backpack.The Moring of that Monday I completely forgot about my homework. When I got to school and sat down at my desk, the teacher asked Who did their homework? Most of the class raised their work force I was not one of them. The tea cher told for the ones that did not do their work have to stay in for prison-breaking and finish it. That just unrestrainede me mad I wasnt allowed to go play with my friends. When recess time came and when my friends went out to play, I just stared out the window and refused to do my work.About the time recess was over and the class was coming in, the teacher walked in and told us to bring our work to his desk in front of the class. There was only two of use that gave him a blank assignment. He didnt take that to well, as he grabbed both papers and directed us to follow him to the office. At the office he looked up for our parents numbers from the school records. When he called my step mom and told her what I did he asked if it was ok to discipline me, if he couldnt do it than she was to shine and do it herself. He hanged up the phone with only the word Ok and then he took both of us out in the hall and paddled us both with two swings each across our bottoms.I did not like that school day, I never saw that teacher the same way after that incident. It made me be aware of my actions. From that day I made sure I did all my work. I didnt want to get paddle again. It was a very cruel way to punish but it was a very infected to make the kids listen.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
PSTD And The Effects It Causes
The psychological wounds of war present a detail where individuals argon often mimes forgotten, unaddressed, and underrepresented-especially those who are injureing from the postgraduates prove syndrome, they are alike struggling with the change back to normal bread and butter and work. Literature Review EST. Defined. Examining the impact of military trauma on a veterans life remains in an infant arrange with respect to knowing all that must garnered (Stutter, 1995). Accountability, sustainability, and sermon are far from being complete.Not only do diagnostic and treatment paradigms need to be do available to those veterans who suffer from PITS, notwithstanding a support system must be identified and structured to as well. Family and friends pack to learn that they must be proactive in their understanding and support of the military veteran who deport been diagnosed with PITS disorder. Notwithstanding the fact that people who redeem been in military combat and suffer fro m PITS, there has been reported a direct relationship between the disorder and negative physical health as well such as non-specific each(prenominal) abnormalities and theoretically defects and infarctions. Jacksons, 2004). Although not extensively researched there are indications that PITS is related to nearly gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal dysfunctions as well. However, the psychological factors resulting from PITS has been researched more extensively and several treatments modalities have been employ. These treatment methods include, but not limited to, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodrama therapy, group therapy, spectrographically therapy, as well as several experimental approaches utilizing seniority and Asian approaches. Dietrich, et al, 2000). Regardless of the treatment program employed to treat people with PITS all must concentrate of the protective factors surrounding the veteran, namely, the individual his or herself, the family, and friends or peers. As sta ted in Chapter 1 of Comers book entitled Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology (2005), the road to better mental health for individuals distress from any abnormal disorder rests with the community-based interventions and short therapy.With respect to the PITS veteran what is at stake is to increase self-esteem, self-efficacy and those skills needed to cope with stress brought about by PITS via therapeutic intervention that is community related (support) and short-run goal oriented. The therapies generally used, according to Comer (Chapter 5) are usually multi-modal to include a combination of medication, psych other(a)apy, ND cognitive-behavioral intervention. As said earlier some Asian and sensory-motor therapies are used as well.In order to accomplish this goal the individual must attempt to reestablish bonds of trust with family members, increase communication abilities, and begin to ratify ties with peers and friends in pro-social activities and those involving the re-establi shment trust and intimacy. Without a bully deal of attention given to these protective features the risk factors for continued or strengthening of EST. is greatly increased. Those risk factors include, but are not limited to, continued excessive and realistic fears, social isolationism, family conflict, avoiding coping style, and interpersonal discord.Whether or not an untreated stress disorder backside and will aim to a more debilitating disorder such as schizophrenia (Chapter 12) has not been researched to the point wherein definite conclusions bed be drawn. As such those individuals who have been diagnosed as PITS patients, but not treated, with respect to military combat service need to be re-evaluated to determine the possibility of having a oft more serious disorder. As PITS is a relatively red-hot diagnostic category for theAmeri feces Psychiatric Association, and for all those involved the diagnosis and treatment of the disorder, a great deal more investigative researc h must be conducted to determine its long-term effects on the individual, on society, and even on the expanse political and economic balance. What is the alarming fact that knowing EST. does indeed exist the research annals are void of cited programs used to prevent PITS in military, or any other high risk occupation. It is one thing to diagnose and treat a disorder, yet another to install preventative measures to deal with situations that can lead to PITS.In edition, a literature review failed to locate any supportive materials as to how the government will deal with those returned military service people who will capitulate, involuntarily to PITS. What is desperately needed is a before and after military service program that focuses on strategies to assist military personnel to adjust to a new environment (I. E. Combat) as well as to re-adjust to a returning home environment. Such programs would have the crux of their efforts facilitative and proactive approaches that assist the person with a range of personal and relationship issues.In addition for those military response re-locating to immaterial bases should be involved in multicultural professional workshops and culturally sensitive caregivers should connexion these workshops and preventative treatment programs. This is especially true for those people who are now serving in Iraq and other combat active regions. From involvement in Vietnam some 30 years ago our society has fallen short in supporting those who risk their lives for our nations well-being.Attempting to shed light on a disorder that has political, psychological, and sociological components is not an easy task. Isolating each area is arduous hen attempting to look at only one Of the aforementioned variables with reference to PITS in veterans-male and feminine alike. There is even research to suggest that PITS is a very real veteran disorder, all efforts should ensure to treat not only those who have wait ond their country but plan and im plement strategic initiatives on a preventative basis.For those individuals serving in Iraq the need for mental health support before first appearance the combat theater and while in combat is a move we cannot afford not to take. A war that has touted to be over in a few months has now dragged on for overall years and longer. As a result the cultural sensitivity initiatives before and after entering a foreign country must somehow be integrated into the war theater on a preemptive move. In other words, plan now or pay later.These EST. veterans besides have to learn how to live back in society and handle work daylight to day. With only about half of veterans suffering from PITS seeking treatment (Tangential & Jaycee, n. D. ), transitioning back to everyday life can be difficult for returning soldiers in a variety of ways, including the workforce. There are a multitude of conditions that can arise from PITS that make rotational employment more difficult for a veteran suffering from PITS.Researchers name some of the issues as keeping loss, lack of concentration, stress (which can incorporate or be separate from panic attacks, flashbacks and emotional extremes), and inability to work well with supervisors or coworkers, and sensitivity to sounds and lights that can result in physical distress such as headaches (Babble 2012). All of these present challenges for employers, but can be managed as veterans look to adjust to a more tralatitious civilian life and work on managing their PITS symptoms with treatment.Memory loss is one of the main effects associated with PITS. Perhaps one of the key problems with this as it relates to traditional employment is that PITS does not only impact long-term remembering, but can have an effect on a patients day-to-day life. Researchers have found that recollection loss effects on daily functioning and treatment are of primary concern And reduce the resources available to PITS patients when coping with lifes demands (Samuelsson , 2011, p. 351 ). This can impact employees from the moment they are hired throughout the duration of their employment.Veterans suffering from PITS may struggle with training, as numbering what they have just learned may prove difficult, and may also have trouble in meetings, remembering tasks and assignments, and how to use equipment they are unfamiliar with. There are suggestions for employers on how to make such complications easier on the workers, including budgeting for more training, indite minutes from or tape recording meetings, posting written directions for complicated equipment and providing the employee with a task list that can be checked off.Much like memory loss, a lack of concentration can be extremely challenging for both an employer and the worker. A study out of Yale University found people who buffer from PITS scarper to forget instructions even after hearing them multiple times, and typically are forgetful about where they have placed their possessions (Brenn er, 2000). This can interfere with oeuvre tasks, especially in busy offices with potential distr implements. To attend to combat the effects of lack of concentration for veterans with PITS, Americas Heroes at Work, a division of the U. S.Department of Labor, suggests employers should aim to reduce as many possible distractions near the employee, by allowing sound machines or music, changing the lighting or creating a private workspace to keep the individual on task. time memory loss and lack of concentration are relatively similar in terms of their effects on veterans with PITS, there are several other symptoms that may be more difficult to help manage as an employer. Patients tend to suffer from stress as a result of p T SD, which can include flashbacks to the traumatic event or events that triggered the disorder.Researchers argue that six major factors can help veterans overcome, or at the very least manage, stress associated with the effects of PITS practicing altruism, having a positive outlook, maintaining an active coping lifestyle, getting exercise, seeking support from friends and Emily, and being flexible in responses to negative situations (Hoagland, Cooper, Southwest, & Charley, 2007). Veterans suffering from PITS-induced stress may struggle as unforeseen daily problems arise on the job and could have a difficult time as new responsibilities are added.Stress could also play a role in absenteeism (Huge, Territorial, Castro, Messes & Engel, 2007) as veterans with PITS are not immune to experiencing triggers with their symptoms outside of their work environ meet that could have a subsidiary impact on work. Stress can also contribute to another common symptom of P T SD recurring panic attacks. An employee may have-to doe with that these episodes will reflect negatively on them in the work therefore, an employer would be best(p) served by having a plan in place for handling this situation should it arise to help with the comfort of the veteran and other coworkers.Additionally, a respectful and solid relationship between an employee and a supervisor is often searing for a productive workplace, which can sometimes be affected by a veteran suffering from PITS. Not only is the veteran likely not used to the traditional structure of a work environment as compared to the ranks of the military, but other symptoms of P T SD can trigger a negative action in a potentially frustrated employee.For example, an employee suffering from PITS-induced memory loss who cannot per make for a basic task that was explained to him or her earlier in the day may become overwhelmed or upset, and could lash out at or blame the supervisor, or having a generally negative reaction that could interfere with workplace morale and working relationships. Bosses are encouraged to make the transition easier on the worker by providing as much information in writing to serve as a reference as possible, and give positive reinforcement to the employee. Similarly, c onflicts an arise between coworkers and veterans that may not occur between civilian employees.It is critical to understand what is causing the tension it is coming from stress, memory loss, lack Of concentration or another possible symptom of PITS? Coworkers should all receive some form of training on disabley awareness to help them make the best decisions in a potentially uncomfortable situation. Employers can also help interpenetrate tension before it begins by accommodating the veterans needs as best as possible, whether that be with a private workspace, allowing for music to be played during the day, or initiating techniques for managing stress. Finally, another key workplace concern for veterans with PITS is hypersensitivity.This is defined as being anxious around large crowds and unknown areas, startling easily, and being sensitive to lights and sound. These symptoms can trigger physical reactions in soldiers, from headaches and migraines to more severe responses like panic attacks. In the workplace, this can present problems for a veteran because there is a certain(p) lack of control over things like lighting and noises. An employer can provide alternative lighting for a worker who may be sensitive to silken office lights, and can also help with private accommodations when possible.Coworkers should be sensitive to a veteran who may be prone to being startled when interrupted. Transitioning from life in a war zone to life in the civilian United States is likely difficult for all of the more-than two million men and women who have served overseas, but it can be made increasingly hard when adding PITS symptoms to the mix. With at least 20 percent of veterans reporting symptoms, it is paramount for employers to be aware of how to help manage a soldiers medical concerns in the workplace. Veterans with this disorder will add unique issues to a work environment likely not seen as a great deal in civilian employees.Worries about transitioning well into an e very-day job may even have the effect Of enhancing some PITS symptoms for certain veterans, depending on how they are affected by the disorder. Therefore, both veterans and employers should be responsible for having candid discussions regarding the patients experiences with the disorder, and how the work environment is likely to impact symptoms, in order to give both the company and the veteran the best chance to succeed as the soldier embarks on a new life as a civilian in the United States. The impacts of war have proven their significance to our service men and women.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
European Law the Ordinary Legislative Procedure
n European Law the Ordinary legislative number is used when drafting hard justness to ensure that the democratic bothy elected representatives of the EU citizens accommodate an equalise say in appropriate beas of law making. at that place will be a brief analyse of the Ordinary legislative influence and a discussion on it. European Law is very intricate law , within EU law there is various different treaties which are in place. Two most signifi tail assemblyt treaties which have importance to the legislative answer are The accord on European due north and the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union.The Treaty on European Union similarly known as the Maastricht Treaty was signed in Maastricht 7th of February 1992 and the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union also was known as the accordance of Rome until the Treaty of Lisbon came Enforce and changed its name , the original Treaty of Rome was signed in 25 March 1957. These two treaties have effect on th e constitute of the Union , and in effect these two documents had wholly ready created a Federal State which was recognised by the European Court of Justice this was before the Treaty of Lisbon as put in place.Within EU there are two types of Legislation basal and Secondary. Primary statute is the ground rules or basis which is set out in the treaties. Secondary Legislation includes regulations, directives and decisions these are derived from the principles and objectives set out in the treaties . The EUs standard decision-making procedure is known as co-decision. This means that the directly elected European fan tan has to approve EU en causement together with the Council.The TEU established the co-decision procedure , this provided the European fan tan with new spots of amendment and right to reject legislation. This procedure was carried on through out all the treaties , however the Treaty of Lisbon renamed the co-decision procedure to the mundane Legislative procedure. T he ordinary Legislative procedure is highlighted in prowessicle 294 of the TFEU. The ordinary Legislative Procedure must be applied wherever the legal brutal provides that an act shall be adopted in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure (art 294 (1) TFEU. The procedure begins with the bang submitting a proposal to the European Parliament and the council. The commission also take into account since the treaty of Lisbon they must also propose this forward to the national fan tans this can be seen in protocol 1 and 2 of the TEU. The next stage is the first reading and normally the first reading is by the European parliament. First Reading The parliament decides whether or non to fool the proposal which was made by the commission , the parliament and so jots the council and tells them its view of the proposal.Then there are two possibilities which can arise If the council approves the Parliaments repose , the council , acting by qualified majority , shall adopt t he act concerned . The wording of the act will correspond to the position of the parliament ( art 294(4) TFEU). If the Council does non approve the Parliaments position , the Council , acting by a qualified majority shall adopt its position and communicate its position to the parliament and communicate its position to the parliament (art 294(5) TFEU. The Council shall inform the Parliament fully of the reasons why it adopted its own position at first reading (art 294(6 TFEU). This will patently include reasons as to why the council has rejected the Parliaments position. The commission shall also inform the Parliament fully of its position (art 294(6) TFEU). The first reading of legislation is very length and time consuming. When the council disapproves of the legislation instead of going straight to the commission who projected the future piece of legislation they report back to the Parliament then vice versa .This is making this process very complex as instead of doing two steps this could be easily completed in wholeness ,the Council could just report back to the commission and this would reach out this process so much more effective This would also allow the hard law to be implemented quickly so they can take direct effect within the EU. Second Reading The Parliament has threesome months from their first initial contact with the council about the commissions proposal for legislation if they have not came to a decision whether or not to carry on with the proposed legislation or agree with the Councils view on it .Then the council will be deemed to adopt the act in accordance with its position Art 294(7)(a) TFEU. The Parliament can take different approaches within the three month timeframe. The Parliament can reject the Councils perception if they do so then the act would be considered not to have been implemented. This is known as veto and prevents the bill becoming law. However in ball club for this procedure to take place there must be a majority b alloting of the component members of parliament.Or they can vote an majority vote to propose the amendments of the future legislation which the council has proposed. In my public whimsey I think that it is beneficial that the parliament can chose to make the law veto as in person the parliament members are for the citizens of the European Union therefore as they have the power of veto then they can ensure fair and effective legislation is introduced into Europe and not just any old law which is only really benefiting members of the Council.Although in order to make the law veto there must be a majority which I personally dont think its fair as alias are likely to stick together ie France, Germany etc normally side with individually other these major European countries hold the most power in central Europe therefore this can have an major effect on the smaller countries like Malta. The smaller countries whitethorn be pressure to implement law which they did not agree to , but due to the majority vote it will have to be implemented or the proposed piece of legislation which would benefit them significantly may be rejected.Once the parliament amends the piece of legislation it then has to be agreed by the European parliament members, the amendments are then sent to both the Council and the Commission. The Commission then looks over the draft piece of legislation and looks particularly at the amendments and they liaise with the parliament giving their opinion of the amendments which the parliament made. The Council has a different role in regards to the amendments.They Council does not give there opinion but merely can reject all amendments , possess all amendments , or lead some amendments and reject others. This stage is unnecessary personally because the commission has all ready give their opinion of the legislation as they came up with the idea to create the legislation and generally have a outline of what the legislation should consist of , although it does have its Also the Council has also gave their own opinion in the first reading.The Parliament has a huge work load because of this as they are continuingly asking for opinions and are constantly having to change the draft to gibe the Council and Commission. This can have a huge effect to the hard law within Europe as countries can choose to opt out of particular(prenominal) pieces of legislation , as the Council , EP and the Commission would be continuously back and forth with opinions trying to make the law suit every member state.For example when the Treaty of Lisbon was first introduced Ireland refused to sign it and because of this it resulted in a heartbeat referendum being conducted in 2009. Also Czech Republic negotiated an opt-out from the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. personally in my own opinion this is not fair allowing countries to opt out of certain pieces of legislation or treaties. This defeats the purpose of the EU being established. T he European Union was created to ensure pallidness , equality and satiability within Europe and try to unite Europe as one.Allowing countries to opt out is not creating a fair and equal Europe it is simply just allowing member states to do things their own way to suit themselves. Generally I believe that the majority of EU members do not take the time and consideration to review the law that is being presented to them and how this could actually benefit or effect the citizens that they are suppose to be representing at clock I feel members of the EP , Commission and the Council only think about themselves and how it could effect them not the citizens.The Council must act within 3 months of receiving the amendments from the parliament. The council approves all the amendments of the Parliament acting(i)by a qualified majority if the Commission has also accepted all the amendments (ii) by unanimity if the commission has rejected all the amendments or (iii) by a mixture of the two if the Commission has accepted some (qualified majority) an rejected others (unanimity) in this case the act is deemed to have been adopted (art 294(8)(a) and 294 (9) TFEU)If the Council does not want to approve all the change in the act , then in this case the President of the Council and the President of the European Parliament must liaise with each other and deduce to an agreement and conduct a face-off of the Conciliation deputation within the six week time period. This is highlighted I ( art 294(8)(b) TFEU) Conciliation Committee The atonement committee of an equal amount of members from the council and also an equal amount of members from the European parliament.There aim is to agree on the draft piece of legislation which was conducted , within the second reading and come to an agreement of how the legislation should be written. However there must be a majority vote of both the EP and Council members. The commission also takes part in the discussions and shall take all nece ssary initiatives with a view to reconciling the positions of the European Parliament and the Council After the meeting with the Conciliation Committee there are two possibilities which could occur The EP and Council can agree with the joint test and then the act Would be deemed to be adoptedHowever a third reading of the act may be required this is seen in Article 294 (13) & (14) TFEU. In this article it explains what the third reading consists of , according to the article it states if , within that period , Conciliation Committee approves a joint text , the European Parliament , acting by majority of the votes cast , and the Council, acting by a qualified majority , shall each have a period of six weeks from that approval in which to adopt the act in question in accordance with the joint ext. If they fail to do so, the proposed act shall been deemed not to be adopted. dent 14 relates to the time frame the EP and Council has The period of three months and six weeks referred to in this Article shall be extended by a maximum of one month and two weeks respectively at the initiative of European Parliament or the Council. This third reading yet over again is simply another procedure which is not required although if both the EP and the Council cannot agree , where do you go from there? Personally I think there should be more stricter rules when creating legislation , especially when the council needs a majority vote , this is making the process a more lengthy procedure as the Council may be agreeing to adopt the law but because there is no a majority vote it has to go for a further reading. The ordinary legislation suggests in its integrity suggests a common procedure however this is not the case this , procedure is very complex and time consuming. Generally I feel this process contradicts its self completely.The European Parliament is demanding more powers from the Council but the Council is not willing to accept these demands. However it is made apparent in article 296 TFEU that the Parliament can choose to make the law veto , but cannot demand for the amendments they have made to the draft to be accepted. Therefore the Parliament must each accept or reject the amendments , which completely defeats the purpose of common procedure . Once the EP makes the law veto the its back to square one again.To conclude personally I feel that the ordinary legislation procedure for European Law is very complex and contradicts its self in so many ways. Therefore I do not think it is a very effective way to create hard law as the parliament can choose to make the law veto however cannot reject all amendments , is this not just making the law negative ? The European Union was created to ensure equality and fairness within its members states I believe the EU is not fulfilling its objectives and it gives far to much power for the Council , the Council is elected members of state who were elected by majority , they are not really representing theEurope an citizens , personally I think the Parliament should have more powers as they are for the citizens. Law of the European Union John Fairhurst (Pearson ) 8th Ed Law of the European Union John Fairhurst (Pearson ) 8th Ed Art 294(7)(a) TFEU this article relates to the 2nd reading of the legislative process it states approves the Councils position at first reading or has not taken a decision , the act concerned shall be deemed to have been adopted in the wording which corresponds to the position of the Councils Art 294(7)( c) TEFU. Law of the European Union John Fairhurst (Pearson ) 8th Ed p136 art 294(8)(a) and 294 (9) TFEU. In this section of the article section (8) subsection A states approves all amendments , the act in question shall be deemed to have been adopted. this basically means that if the Council accepts the changes to the legislation within the second reading then it can become law and be implemented.Article 294 section 9 states that the Council shall act unanimousl y on the amendments on which the commission has delivered a negative opinion this section suggest that the Council can accept some amendments and reject others by this must be agreed by everyone. Law of the European Union John Fairhurst (Pearson ) 8th Ed p136 Article 294 TFEU Section 8 subsection (b) does not approve all the amendments, the President of the Council, in the agreement with the President of the European Parliament, shall within six weeks convene a meeting of the Conciliation Committee. Article 296(11)TFEU
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
History of the Ashanti Kingdom
Otumfuo Opoku Ware II from 1970-1999. The Asante kingdom was founded by the great magnate Osei Tutu in the eighteenth century. His fetish priest was Okomfo Anokye, who unified the Asante states through allegiance to the Golden Stool, which miraculously descended from heaven. Okomfo Anokye deep-rooted two channelizes in the forest and predicted that hotshot tree would live and become the capital of Ashanti. thereof is derived the name Kumasi (the tree lived) the place in which the other tree was planted became Kumawu (the tree died).Although located in the heart of the forest, Asante dominion was extended by military action and political skill towards the European work castles on the coast to the south, and also into the dry savannah lands to the north. This led to various wars with Britain. Kumasi was captured by the British phalanx in 1873 (as a result of which much of the magnificent Asante gold regalia can be seen in Londo n in the British Museum). After a final uprising in 1901, led by the Queen Mother of Ejisu (Yaa Asantewaa) Asante came into British Protection and finally became a region of the Gold Coast small town.In 1957, after a period of internal self-government, the Gold Coast becam e the first African colony to achieve independence under the charismatic leadership of Kwame Nkrumah. Kumasi Getting to the end of the 17th century Anokye Komfuo planted three KUM trees at different places. One at Kwaaman ruled by the Nananomayokofuo , a second one at Apemso-Bankofo ruled by Nananomaduanafuo and a third a village near Fomena and Amoafo called Oboani ruled by Nananomekuonafuo. The Kum tree at Kwaaman flourished and became a very big tree under which the King and his people often sat and so Kwaaman became Kum-ase meaning under Kum.The tree at Oboani was however very tiny and for no apparent reason was relatively short. According to oral tradition this small tree however produced a couple of other trees which were all small in size. The name of the village was changed to Kuma meaning small KUM. The Kum tree at Apemso-Bankofo did not grow at all. After some few weeks the leaves got rotten and the tree unload down and so it was said that the Kum tree has died or the Kum tree was dead and so the village became Kum-awu and this later(prenominal) chnaged to become Kumawu.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Service Management and Customer Relation †Service Quality Essay – Hilton Hotels
benefit Management and Customer Relation Service Quality Essay Hilton is a global hotel chain which has much success in their many hotels across the world. Their assistance is exceptional thanks to their employees and their ability to relate to their customers. The Hilton airport hotel in Copenhagen is a good religious service operation because of its clear site-map and direction. This amazing location gives you a perfect way to store your baggage in the last minutes and lets you escape the early morning drive to the airport, because it takes two minute walk to the airport.The securities industry member is those who stay overnight waiting for a plane and those who spend tonicity time there, each as a businessman or a tourist. The service quality is good when the expectations of the market segment are met. For this, the enterprise needs to provide both professional and leisure affectivities, such as elegant services, professional meeting rooms, spa, gym and extravagant rest aurants. The delivery system refers to the correspondence between the employees and the customers during their stay in a hotel.It is the most important way to provide graduate(prenominal) quality service, because it combines the customer, the technology and the procedure of deliverance. Hilton maintains high-quality service through their well-trained and carefully chosen employees and it shows via the high number of satisfied customers. Hiltons find reflects elegance and class, insofar they are able to cater to different needs. The quality has become part of the Hiltons image collectable to the hard working employees and the memorable experience it is able to provide.The quality is further enhanced thanks to the high level of attention paid to the sustainability of the hotel in general. High expectations have become part of Hiltons image as well and this is part of what makes the service of excellent quality. Service quality is part of what the culture of Hilton stands for. Inte grity, teamwork and leading are the main values of Hilton and these bind together to be able to provide high quality service, due to the constant attention and training of their employees and their welfare, so that they can be comfortable in providing top-notch quality.Hilton teaches their employees how to act in different situations and this allows it to become such a high standard. The Hilton Airport Hotel in Copenhagen is only cardinal of many hotels in the popular chain, but in unison they all display the same level of high quality in their service and staff and this makes Hilton a favorable destination and a high-quality business.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Spheres in Scarlet Letter
It was once said that the only living societies are those which are animated by inequality and injustice. A man named Paul Claudel wrote this in his work, Conversations dans le Loir-et-Cher, and he criticizes the skill to pass on a functional company. Societies are meant to organize the values of people into a system with equal laws and expectations however, societies brush aside never fully achieve this. Claudel only checks societies with dysfunctional characteristics like inequality and injustice. There are al slipway exceptions to the social order because all people are separates with different life have it offs that help conform up who they are.Nathaniel Hawthorne in like manner criticizes the Utopian ideals that societies often hold in his novel, The Scarlet Letter. The main character, Hester goes astray from the rules of her Puritan township and must wear a florid letter on her chest to declare her sin. The scarlet letter isolates Hester from the pressures to c onform to society, giving her the opportunity to disclose her individualistic moral perspective in life and she shares this divine revelation with Dimmesdale. Hawthorne conveys this concept of individualism through the motif of empyreans.Initially, Hawthorne conveys Hesters isolation from society which is brought on by the scarlet letter, by putting her in her own sphere. The most noniceable feature of Hester as she exits the prison is the complicate scarlet letter that is embroidered on her chest. Immediately, Hawthorne mentions that the letter takes Hester out of the ordinary relations with humanity and encloses her in a sphere by herself (46). The language here shows the isolation brought on by the letter because Hester no nightlong has the same relations with humanity, which in this case signifies the homogeneous Puritan society.Her interactions with others are altered now that she is by herself. The letter puts Hester in a different manhood, away from that of society and causes her to be alone. Even people that do non clear the reason for Hesters isolation participate in it. The children of the town only understand that Hester is shut out from the sphere of human charities, but they do not know why and to a fault when they see the scarlet letter on her breast, they scamper off with a strange contagious reverence (72). This furthers the idea that Hester is completely ostracized from society because even those that are naive of the letters mean exit not accept her.Hawthorne illustrates the isolation Hester experiences, as a result of wearing the scarlet letter, with the symbol of the sphere. on with the negative aspects of isolation, Hester realizes that being in her own sphere takes away more societal pressures to conform to a set of beliefs. When Hester starts to come back in touch sensation with society, she still feels as if she does not belong. Hester feels that all contact she has with others demonstrates that she is as much alone as if she inhabits another sphere (74). Even though she is physically in contact with others, Hester is still alone.She no longer has to conform to the beliefs of her Puritan town because she communicates with the common nature in different ways than the rest of human kind (74). Because she is isolated, Hester stands unconnected from societys moral interests, yet close beside them, meaning she can take a step back to look at the views of the majority, but she has the option to garner her own choices (74). Even though she feels separated from society, Hester can still feel the influence of its beliefs. This idea is also illustrated with the location of Hesters cottage.The cottage is on the outskirts of the town, yet still indoors its limits and this parallels the influence that society has on Hester. The remoteness of the cottage put it out of the sphere of social activity, yet Hester still had to go into town to sustain herself with supplies. Therefore, just as the cottage keeps Hes ter at a distance from the town, the letter takes her away from many an(prenominal) pressures to conform to the values of society. Hester sees that the accepted beliefs and morals of society are not the only options as a result of being isolated from the sphere of their influence, due to the scarlet letter she wears.Hesters isolation and actualisation that she does not have to follow society, give her a new perspective on the beliefs of individuals and she shares this with Dimmesdale. Hawthorne conveys this through their acting(prenominal) coexistence in the same sphere. Through her isolation, Hester realizes that individuals can have their own belief systems away from those of society and uses this to find two-eyed violet with her sin. Dimmesdale however, never experiences public shame or isolation and struggles to find peace with his sin.He does not see leaving the town as an option like Hester does because he feels that Providence hath natesd him in a specific sphere where h e needs to live out his earthly existence and he has no choice in the matter (180). Dimmesdale does not see that there are other options besides those of society, but Hester exposes him to this idea. While they are in the forest together, she gives him a new perspective to consider that the ways of society do not always work for everyone. At the time when both Hester and Dimmesdale can see things from this perspective, they feel themselves, inhabitants of the same sphere (173).They are in the sphere together because even though they may not possess the same moral values in the end, at this time they both understand that they have options apart from societal beliefs. Even though they both have the same perspective they have to employ their separate spheres in distinct ways. As Dimmesdale walks home his inner man gives him evidences of a revolution in the sphere of thought and feeling, indicating the changes already taking place from what Hester instilled in him (198). The revoluti on in Dimmesdales thoughts and feelings takes place because Hester enlightens him to the idea of individual belief systems.He sees things in a whole new way with many more possibilities now that he can choose for himself what he wants to believe. He clearly undergoes a quantity change of dynasty and moral code due to the ideas Hester exposes to him in the forest. Both Hester and Dimmesdale see new possibilities in individual beliefs due to Hesters isolation and realization that societys beliefs are not perfect. Although both Hester and Dimmesdale adopt that individuals can have their own belief systems through Hesters isolation and relief from the pressures of society, they must finally find their own individual spheres.After being exposed to a new perspective by Hester, Dimmesdale has time to think and realizes that he is not the same as her. Dimmesdale knows that they can not reside in the same sphere and Hester, too, realizes this at the procession. As Dimmesdale walks by, Hes ter understands that he is remote from her own sphere, and utterly beyond her rag (218). Hester hoped that her influence over Dimmesdale when she enlightened him would continue on in his decisions and they would reside in a sphere together, but this was not the case.Just as Hester needed to find her place apart from the influence of others, Dimmesdale did as well. In order to find peace, Dimmesdale needed to find his own moral code and sphere and when he did, he reached an epoch of life more brilliant and full of triumph than any previous one, or than any which could hereafter be (227). This great success that comes from finding his own sphere shows how strongly Hawthorne believes in the individual and the pathway to get to individualism.Dimmesdale can not be any more at peace with his life than he is when he discovers his individualized moral system. Hawthorne also shows his support for individualism when he breaks the frontwards wall and speaks directly to the reader. He says th e only thing to be learned from the ministers experience is to be true Be true Be true Show freely to the world if not your worst, yet some trait whereby your worst may be inferred (236). With this, Hawthorne wants people to find peace within themselves and says they need to expose themselves fully to the world to do so.In the novel, Hester experiences public shame and shows it freely to the world whereas Dimmesdale keeps his sin hidden. That is why Hester is able to be at a better peace with herself and her sin whereas Dimmesdales fate is to only be peaceful in death. There can be no set sphere for all of society because of different life experiences. Hester and Dimmesdale both find separate, individualized belief systems, apart from those of society, due to the public shame and isolation Hester experiences wearing the scarlet letter.Hawthorne uses the motif of spheres to convey the message that society can not meet the needs of all individuals. The spheres in the novel never funct ion right when they attempt to envelop the moral perspectives of more than one person. Society tries to only have one uniform set of beliefs for all, but this is unsuccessful because everyone has their own thoughts and feelings based upon experience. Just as Claudel said, the only way societies can exist is with flaws Utopian and Puritan ideals are unattainable. Hawthorne values individualism and the differences between all people.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Landscape Urbanism
This modern period, computer architecture gives attention not only on creating new designs on buildings and structures but on reinventing the environment as well by taming the nature and aestheticizing them for mans map and pleasure. Architects understand arts and environmental c are which they formed together to reflect a culture and history in the midst of modernization and industrialization. This is because people begun to reject the complexity of urban life and the consequence of globose capitalism.Landscape urbanism is one area of architecture which becomes significant in the overall formation of a buildings construction. Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, defined embellish urbanism as a theory of urbanism arguing that landscape is more capable of organizing the urban center and enhancing the urban experience. Its purpose is to create an environment for human to enjoy, live and employ thus making the urban center or urban distinct from rural areas. This invention was elaborated by Charles Waldheim in his book in which he stated that landscape urbanism is the union of landscape with urbanism which promises new relational and systematic workings crossways territories of vast scale and scope, situating the parts in relation to the whole (p. 33). In his explanation, he emphasized that the concept lies on mobilizing the new ecologies of our future metropolitan regions (p. 33). Ad Graafland, Leslie Jaye Kavanaugh and George Baird on the other ha nd, described the margin as a strategy that the overlaying of bionomical and urban strategies can offer a means by which projects may create new systems of interconnected networks that complement the existing structures (p. 585).Thus, landscape urbanism is integration in the architectural design of the evocative power of landscape and the principles of ecology it is a celebration of diversity or urban life by discovering and articulating the aesthetic appreciation and expression of urban life. It is indeed sustainability that is taking place in a metropolis in a technical way by giving it a showcase in between buildings and ordinary places.Why Landscape Urbanism Emerged in ArchitectureThe discipline of landscape urbanism according to Charles Waldheim has emerged from landscape architecture but with greater consideration of ethnical and historical as well as natural and ecological (p. 127). Waldheim strongly pointed aside that it has emerged from architecture because, the concept of landscape urbanism lies strongly on one function of architecture as a device in urban transformation (p. 127).Landscape urbanism has come out from the very root of landscape architecture according to Richard Weller is relatively ineffectual in reshaping the world and seems nonetheless theoretically conform and worthy in its aspiration (p. 71), because of the influence of capitalism and conventional hegemony of engineering and architecture. In the like way, Weller believed that landscape urbanism alo ne could prepare and practically capable of collapsing the divide between planning and design (p. 71).Igor Marjanovic, Lesley Naa Norle Lokko clearly pointed out that landscape urbanism is distinct from landscape architecture in a way that the former is not traditional and it even looks at the contemporary city and its problems and tries to define the possible contributions that architects can make (p. 24). Urbanism looks at the city and responds to aspect of popular culture while architecture proposes big structures derived from everyday consumer culture these two work hand in hand for one goal which, the tension is on aesthetic and position of public places within community for human comfort that feed human spirit.Comparison and Contrast between the leafy vegetable de la Villette and Downsview placeThe two considered great models in terms of landscape urbanism are the set de la Villette by Bernard Tschumi and Downsview commonalty by Bruce Mau.Heather Stimmier-Hall narrated t hat La Villette was built in an abandoned quarrysite or dump area and at the same time slaughterhouses. The park which was designed by Bernard Tschumi, was redeveloped and opened in 1986 as a modern city park in Paris dedicated to science, arts and entertainment (p. 96). In the description made by Stimmier-Hall, Parc de la Villette does not have gates or walls it has mini-forests, bamboo groves and vast lawn in its seventy acres of land. In that vast of land, it has numerous museums, concert halls and whimsical playground. At the entrance of the science and technology museum was the sphere La Geode Cinema that mirrors the green grass and blue skies. The author added that Parc de la Villette has all there is to see and do (p. 96).Downsview Park on the other hand, is a former Canadian military base at the jointure end of Toronto, Canada since 1929 and in 1996, it was closed for renovation. Downsview Park is approximately 586 acres or 237 hectares that is underutilized tract of land. With the initiative of its provoke company, it became very important place in the heart of Toronto. It is committed to sustain education and community ripening and awareness by offering venues for backyard birds, eco-footprints, butterfly landing, tree city, natural habitats and wildlife, history and walking tours. Both children and adults are accommodated in this place for special civic activities (Parc Downsview Park). Downsview Park is committed as a unique inexpert greenspace, a safe and peaceful place, developed according to the principles of environmental, economic and social sustainability, for Canadian to enjoy in all seasons (Parc Downsview Park).These two great and beautiful parks were both renovated from once unproductive and underutilized ground. Both won the awards for being the largest park that give emphasis on green open space for appreciation of nature though domesticated. These two parks serve same purposes which are to house special and big events from cultural to sports. Both have museums and landscape designs.On the other hand, they differ in many ways. (1) First, they differ in emphasis in aesthetical concept. Downsview Park promotes the social and natural histories that supports natural ecology it does not intent to transmute the site but simply to inaugurate the transformation of it (Van Alen Institute). Parc de la Villettes design suggests the conventional design of a park designed to express the fact that it is artificial and domesticated (Berman, 1999), meaning it has a haulage of man-made design to make it beautiful. (2) Downsview Park retains the old military buildings which are kept for special uses such as for cultural, recreational and community while Park de la Villette is a total renovation of a place in which the relics of the old place cannot be seen in the place. (3) Park de la Villette is completely constructed and Downsview Park is set for further development which will last after many more years. (4)Lastly, Park d e la Villette is privately owned while Downsview Park is government owned and controlled yet self-supporting.Work CitedBerman, Jay 1999. Le Parc de la Villette, Paris. http// Park International Design Competition, Van Alen Institute. http//, A., Jaye Kayanaugh, L. and Baird, G. 2006. Crossover Architecture, Urbanism, Technology. Netherlands 010 Publishers.Gauzin-Muller, Dominique, 2004. Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism Concepts, Technologies, Examples.Landscape Urbanism. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. http//, I. and Norle Lokko, L. 2003. The Portfolio An Architecture scholarly persons Handbook. Elsevier Ltd.Stimmer-Hall, Heather, 2004. Adventure Guide. England Hunter Publishing, Inc. Waldheim, Charles, 2006. The Landscape Urbanism Reader. USA Princeton Architectural Press Making it a Reality. Parc Downsview Park Inc. (PDP). Canada, 20 05/http//
Friday, May 17, 2019
Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes Essay
The Discourse on the Method of right Conducting Ones Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences is one of the virtu all toldy influential workings in the history of modern doctrine, and important to the evolution of natural eruditions. In this work, Desc contrivancees tackles the problem of skepticism. Descartes modified it to tarradiddle for a truth he found to be incontrovertible. Descartes started his line of argueing by doubting everything, so as to assess the world from a fresh perspective, clear of whatever preconceived nonions.Whereas Francis Bacons scientific Method wanted to replace the deductive reasoning by inductive reasoning. The important concept in this reformed thought is more or less discovering truth rather than establishing the beliefs by deduction. The scientific and philosophical contri aloneions that Rene Descartes and Francis Bacon answered form a single concept of the scientific method. The scientific method was a innovative way to reach a shoema kers last ab egress whatsoeverthing and refers to a way one should acquire knowledge, or investigate a phenomenon or to correct and refine previous unproven knowledge.It is a five step method the inquiry, initial hypothesis, activeness of investigation, results and conclusion. Rene Descartes was born(p) in France at La Haye near the city of Tours in 1596. He went to school at the come on of eight at La Fleche in France he was a student there until the age of sixteen, in which he studied scholastic philosophy and maths. Later he was educated at the Jesuitical College of La Fleche between 1606 and 1614. When he was nineteen he left Jesuit College for the University of Poitiers, where he studied right for two years and graduated in the year 1616.He got a degree in fair play but developed a passion for mathematics because he saw it as one expanse where absolute certainty could be found. Descartes also saw it as a bureau for achieving greater mount up in both science and philoso phy. He later claimed that his education gave him little of substance and that only mathematics had given him certain knowledge. In 1618-1621 he enlisted in the army, military service was usage in his family, and when the thirty Years War began he was encouraged to volunteer under the Count de Bucquoy in the Bavarian army.In his leisure fourth dimension he studied mathematics, having been influenced by the Dutch mathematician and scientist Beeckman. He left the army in 1621 he dedicated his life to the study of science and philosophy (1621-1649). During which time he published his most influential works, by 1650 his health was depleting and he passed away in Stockholm of pneumonia at the age of fifty-three. Francis Bacon was born in London. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge, at the age of twelve. He studied law and became a barrister in 1582 two years later he took a seat in the House of Commons.Bacons opposition, in 1584, to Queen Elizabeths tax program delayed his political advancement. While in the earlier eld he supported the Earl of Essex, Bacon, in 1601, was involved in his prosecution. With the accession of James I (1566-1625) and thereafter, a lean of honours were surmountowed on Bacon he was knighted in 1603, made Solicitor general in 1604, Attorney General in 1613, and Lord Chancellor in 1618. He was an English lawyer, statesman, essayist, historian, intellectual reformer, philosopher, and supporter of modern science. early in his career he claimed all knowledge as his province and afterwards dedicated himself to an massive revaluation and re-structuring of traditional learning. To take the place of the established tradition a miscellany of Scholasticism, humanism, and natural magic, he proposed an entirely youthful system based on empirical and inductive principles and the active development of refreshed arts and inventions, a system whose ultimate goal would be the production of practical knowledge.Descartes and Bacon were influenced by sixteenth hundred society. What does the situation look like in Europe in terms of science and philosophy in 1500s? Scholasticism is over in terms of being a philosophical exhibit of view. It is still practiced in just about universities and will be practiced up until the 18th century at least. Three fundamental changes extradite occurred during the Renaissance Aristotle portrayed the understanding of the universe, Galen described the importance of treat and to understand astronomy Ptolemy described it.In 200 years there has been a revolutionary change, Rene Descartes and Isaac nitrogen entertain replaced Ptolemy in astronomy. Galileo has replaced Aristotle in physics. Harvey has replaced Galen in medicine. The three ancient authorities have been over thr induce. In Rene Descartes Discourse on Method he expresses his disappointment with traditional philosophy and with the limitations of theology only logic, geometry and algebra take to his respect, because of the utter cer tainty which they can offer us. Unfortunately, because they depend on hypotheses, they cannot tell us what is real, i. . what the world is in reality like.Therefore Descartes suggests a method of thought combining the consistency of mathematics but based on natural truths about what is real, basic knowledge which could not be wrong (like the axioms of geometry). He calls into question everything that he thinks he has learned through his senses but rests his entire system on the one truth that he cannot doubt, namely, the reality of his own mind and the radical difference between the mental and the physical aspects of the world.What is crucial to Descartes is reason because he wants to establish a foundation for the sciences. Reason is a constant for Descartes he is given reliance as starting the modern rationalist school. Rationalists were people who philosophers who felt that every human being have ideas about the world that each of us was born with and they were the bases of mu ch of our knowledge. Descartes does tend to rationalism. Thus our convictions result from bespoken and example very much more than from any knowledge that is certain. Look at how we operate as human beings in society. Our beliefs and convictions come from tradition, we believe certain things and act in certain ways, and we are raise in certain things because of the traditions that preceded us. Descartes apposes this to knowledge that is certain, in other words basically he does not have much time for tradition. Beliefs and convictions are not knowledge. Knowledge is something that you can be certain of. When Descartes says knowledge, he means no possibility of doubt at all.Absolute certainty is knowledge and this is what he wanted for his new foundation for the sciences. Certainty is everything, not gut certainty, gut feeling is purely psychological sheath feeling. cutaneous senses is not included when referring to certainty, object certainty is certainty is there no matter what your feeling is it is a state of affairs that is there if you like it or not and you know it in such a way that you cannot possibly be mistaken and you cannot possibly doubt it. Descartes criticizes tradition he says we cant rely on tradition for true knowledge.In terms of the contemporary world you cannot rely on the point of view of the masses of people when we are trying to deal with or discover new knowledge that might be somewhat difficult to im lot a handle on. Descartes only relies on one thing mainly and that is his reason. I decided to go slowly and to be so thrifty about everything that, even if I made very little progress, I would at least proceed myself from falling. I did not even wish to begin rejecting tout ensemble any of the views that may have slipped among my beliefs previously without having been introduced there by reason. He wants to go slowly and not make mistakes because he is dealing with his own mind and thoughts. When Descartes is considering beliefs he wants only those beliefs that have been checked out by his reason. Everything that I accepted as being most true up to now I acquired from the senses or through the senses. However, I have occasionally found that they deceive me, and it is prudent never to trust those who have deceived us, even if only once. Descartes tries to vitiate his beliefs by considering the fact that he remembers that his senses have deceived him before.Descartess goal is to suspend judgment about any of his beliefs which are even slightly doubtful. Descartes talks about the three disciplines of mathematics, logic, geometric analysis and algebra. In logic a form of deductive reasoning consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion is called a syllogism. Example, Major premise All men are mortal. Minor premise Socrates is a man. Conclusion Therefore Socrates is mortal. The key thing about a syllogism for Descartes is that as an argument form it does not help us learn anything new.Indivi duals use arguments to establish aspects that are new, that are different from the premises, the example to a higher place does not tell an individual something new because all the information is provided within the premises. In deductive logic when all the premises are true and the argument is valid it goes by the rules of logic, than the argument is a sizable argument and the truth of the conclusion is guaranteed. Descartes wants a logic that is going to help discover new truths. In the case of syllogisms and most of its other rules are more useful for explaining to someone else what one already knows or even, for speaking uncritically about things that one does not know, rather than for learning them. Descartes says this logic does not help with discovering a new scientific method and he cannot rely on logic alone to convey a new method. Regarding geometry is always so tied to the discussion of shapes that it cannot exercise the understanding without greatly jade the imagina tion. He is happy with the understanding, which for Descartes also means reason.Descartes does not agree with imagination because imagination can get tired while it is conjuring up various images. He is pro understanding and reason but is suspicious of imagination and unfortunately geometry is reliant on imagination and therefore he cannot rely completely on geometry for his new method. Algebra is so constrained by certain rules and symbols that it has become a confused art that hinders the mind rather than a science that assists it. Descartes decides to do it by himself and develop a method on his own. He assembles four basic rules for his method and they also reflect what goes on in basic science in modern day. The first was never to accept anything as true if I did not all the way that it was so. No subjection bias and start to conclusions. Jumping to conclusions is one of the criticisms he makes of some forms of reasoning and jumping to conclusions simply means on the bases of very little data I make a conclusion beyond that data. A modern day example supporting Descartes first rule is to go buy a new car, take the car out for a test drive and drive it for about 10- 20 minutes than decide to buy the car because it is fabulous and it will never have any problems.Descartes says this is hasty reasoning that is drawing a hasty conclusion, in other words you havent driven that car enough to make that kind of conclusion about the quality of that car. Analytical is the number rule, the problem that you are dealing with as a scientist. The first thing you do when you confront a problem is to break it down into its move. In other words what are the elements of this problem? Descartes is saying the best way to solve a problem is to first break it down to analyze it into its smallest sub parts and then attack it. The third rule was reconstruction/reduction.Reduction refers to subject matter, to guide my thoughts in an trim way by beginning with the objects th at are the simplest and easiest to know. In other words you break down the objects to their simplest part which is the reduction and then you reconstruct from the parts of the object. When you are reconstructing you are looking for the internal order of the subject matter. Comprehensiveness is the fourth rule for Descartes method. Means to make sure nothing relevant has been left out of consideration. That you have dealt with the entire object and all of its parts and not just some of the object and some of its parts.The bases of his method is that if all inferences that if they result from an argument that has all true premises and follows the rules of logic than the conclusion is needs true. This is the possibility of the perfect argument, if one every time someone criticizes you was able to devise an argument that had all true premises and followed the rules of logic one could be assured that the truth of your conclusion every time out was true. At the beginning of his adult li fe, Francis Bacon aimed at a revision of natural philosophy he wanted a new system which emphasized empirical methods and laying the foundation for applied science.The discernible difference between Descartes and Bacon, Descartes emphasis was on deduction and reason Bacon is caught more by empiricisms which mean he believes all our knowledge comes from sense experience. In 1603 Bacon writes the interpretation of nature. Here he opposes Aristotelian thought and purposes a new outline for a new method. Like Descartes he has no use for tradition, for the philosophical tradition and the scientific tradition he has no use for it what so ever. Bacon is saying we need a new start.
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